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Caswell Leadership Fellows Jordan Ackerman The Sustainable Hope Project.

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Presentation on theme: "Caswell Leadership Fellows Jordan Ackerman The Sustainable Hope Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Caswell Leadership Fellows Jordan Ackerman The Sustainable Hope Project

2 A Little About Myself  Hometown: Cincinnati, Ohio  Majoring in Environmental Studies, Minoring in Communication Studies  Year: Junior  Career Interests: Non Profits, Public Policy, & Ministry  Hobbies: Horseback riding (jumping), hiking, swing dancing  Student Involvement: Leader in ONE28 Campus Ministry

3 The Sustainable Hope Project  Brief Description:  Project objectives have continuously evolved  Focus is now improve the municipal waste management of Mission of Hope, in Titanyen, Haiti  Recycling Collection Center

4 How It All Began  Spring Break mission trip to Mission Of Hope with ONE28 Campus Ministry

5 How It All Began  Saw need for improved waste management, especially for plastic waste  Even Mission of Hope is burning their waste because they have no alternative

6 How It All Began  Pondered the practicality of recycling in Haiti  Used a research paper assignment as an opportunity to investigate issue  Discovered the attainable benefits of recycling

7 Impacts on My Leadership Current Strengths  Harmony  Restorative  Input  Connectedness  Analytical Leadership Growth  Patience & trust in God’s provision  Perseverance  Flexibility & Openness  Importance of empowering others

8 Experience to be Gained  Identifying a need in an organization & assessing most beneficial solutions  Organizational Communication skills  Using the knowledge I’ve acquired through my courses & applying these concepts to improve others lives  Learning the process of creating & running a fundraising campaign

9 Research Previous Research  Municipal waste management in Haiti  Hazards caused by poor waste management  Current Recycling companies & programs in Haiti  Mission of Hope’s current waste management methods Current Research  Waste management needs of Mission of Hope & community of Titanyen  Other organizations’ work in Titanyen  Potential impacts of a recycling center  Fundraising – donors, channels, message

10 Who Will Benefit Directly  Mission of Hope  staff  volunteers  orphans  students  hospital  Community of Titanyen  5-10 Center Employees  100+ Plastic Collectors  Community of 20,000

11 The Sustainable Hope Project My Hopes  To provide MOH & the community of Titanyen a means to handle their plastic waste in a way that benefits their health, economy, and environment  To develop an effective fundraising campaign Dependency  Mission of Hope  Ramase Lajan  Community of Titanyen  The direction of my mentor, Dr. Maria Dixon  Donors

12 Project Timeline  Spring  Refined idea with the help of many professors  May  Sought partnership with Mission of Hope  Gathered information from Ramase Lajan about their program & business model  MOH offered property

13 Project Timeline  June - July  Communicated sponsorship responsibilities to MOH  Researched potential foundations & companies that I could apply to receive funding from  Watermark verbally confirmed to donate 10% of the total cost of the center  Posted project initiative & was then contacted by two Christian business owners in Illinois

14 Project Timeline  August  Met with Dr. Maria Dixon, who confirmed that she would oversee my project  Analyzed my motives behind the project & my goals  September – October  Attempted to research Titanyen Community  Organizational involvement  Community needs  Contacted Ramase Lajan with questions on the impact & sustainability of their program

15 Dr. Dixon’s Guidance  Dr. Dixon is a tremendous blessing  Extensive experience in non profit work, fundraising, & ministry  Has both wisdom & extensive connections  She only allows me to focus on the task at hand, continually reminding me that I can’t sprint a marathon  She stresses the importance of having gaining perspective through other organizations & the community of Titanyen

16 Project Status  Things I’ve learned so far:  The hazards caused by Haiti’s current methods of waste management  Foundations and companies that support work in Haiti  How Ramase Lajan is a sustainable business model  The importance of the process: setting attainable goals & executing each step with excellence

17 Project Status  Things I’ve learned so far:  The importance of the community’s voice when developing a project  Realized the ambitiousness of my initial goal  The strategic research process required  Realized my tendency to get ahead of myself, attempting to achieve end goal sooner

18 Future Objectives  October – November  Contextual Analysis & background research  Reputational Analyses of organizations in Titanyen  December  Need Analysis Report (Completed by Jan 10 th )  January  Begin taking Dr. Dixon’s Donor & Philanthropy course  Audience Analysis

19 Future Objectives  January – February  Message Development & Channel Assessment  February – March  Financial Needs  March – April  Campaign Development & Profiles  Completed by May 1 st, 2013: Developed philanthropy & donor communication plan

20 Long Term Objectives  Improve waste management at Mission of Hope  Possibly help Mission of Hope’s implement curriculum that teaches sustainable living & environmental impacts on human health  I am eager to see how the Lord directs this project & continues to use me at Mission of Hope

21 Questions & Input

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