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Electron reconstruction efficiency of the ATLAS detector Menno de Bell A CERN summerstudent project under supervision of Pamela Ferrari.

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Presentation on theme: "Electron reconstruction efficiency of the ATLAS detector Menno de Bell A CERN summerstudent project under supervision of Pamela Ferrari."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electron reconstruction efficiency of the ATLAS detector Menno de Bell A CERN summerstudent project under supervision of Pamela Ferrari

2 Introduction Goal Dileptonic ttbar events Tag& probe method Cuts Same sign subtraction Results Conclusion

3 Goal of the project Determining the efficiency of electron reconstruction in the ATLAS detector using ttbar events.

4 Dileptonic ttbar events High abundancy of ttbar events Top decays into bottom + W Bottom creates a jet W either decays hadronically or leptonic

5 Tag & Probe Method Three steps to determine efficiency: 1.Find one well reconstructed lepton: tag it 2.Pick another lepton to probe: probe it to see if it’s good 3.Efficiency given by fraction of good probes Eff = N good /N probed

6 Well reconstructed/good leptons Isolation – Energy deposited in cone Reconstruction Algorithm Transverse energy – Only for tagged leptons

7 Cuts Number of jets (>2) Missing transverse energy Distance to closest jet Invariant mass of three jets Number of b-jets – Depends on b-tagging

8 Same Sign Subtraction Leptons coming from dileptonic events are of opposite sign 50% chance background has same sign Signal estimate by subtracting twice the number of same sign events Eff = N good - 2N good,ss N probed - 2N probed,ss

9 Results: Cutflow NeventsTrig/Jets/EtmProbeOKbtaggingtopmassDrjet 0.05samesign ttbar98995,728771,35434,793802,292271,331436,11830,2 dileptonic1778,681297,74976,94821,83 Zee+jets49439,24257,62140,054,841,130,97 Zmumu+jets48194,841027,17100,42,160,990,50,17 WW331,210,313,560000 Wenu+jets46457626305,732414,8985,4640,7619,110 Wmnu+jets466576,433977,362998,45109,725621,871,69 Wtnu+jets1342003111,42280,754,762,861,43-1,43 Ztt+jets48302,31131,52183,833,651,530,840,48 ZZ116,240,120,080000 ZZ298,82,471,060,030,040,03 ZW11065,383,650,110,080,070,02 ZW262,42,931,970,02 0,01-0,01 sTopS5784976,7780,2363,137,8621,193,16 sTopT303,226,922,11,130,620,34-0,09 hadTop73076,771,7412,226,520,930,520,31

10 Results: Same Sign Subtraction

11 Results: Efficiency

12 Conclusion Efficiency can be calculated with ttbar events – Same sign subtraction works – B-tagging needed

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