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Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities National association of local authorities in Serbia.

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Presentation on theme: "Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities National association of local authorities in Serbia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities National association of local authorities in Serbia

2 What is SCTM?  National association of local authorities in Serbia  Founded in 1953  167 members  SCTM is an organization dedicated to the promotion and development of local self- government, standing for their interests and of the co-operation among local authorities.

3 Committee on Urban Planning  One of the 10 permanent working bodies of SCTM  Consists of 20 members, urban planners and architects from Serbian towns  Deals with issues of spatial and urban planning, land management and housing on municipal level  Supported by GTZ project “Land management/Cadastre in Serbia”

4 Informal settlements in Serbia  The phenomenon of illegal construction in Serbia was recorded in all major cities during 1960’s  The most illegal buildings were constructed during 1990’s  The most significant cause of illegal construction during 1990’s is the flow of refugees from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo

5 Key reasons for illegal construction in Serbia  Inadequate housing and land policies and economics, during socialist urbanization (1970-1990)  Inflexible system of urban planning  Arrival of refugees during the wars in the ex-YU region  Political toleration of illegal construction as an informal means of social policy during the period of radical crisis  High prices and very limited supply of building land and infrastructure  Time-consuming and expensive procedures of obtaining building permits

6 Policy approaches and strategies in the past Law on Planning and Construction from 2003:  An emergency, post festum regulation aimed at regulating the conditions for illegal construction rehabilitation  Reduction of requirements and documentation in the permit issuing procedure  Legalization fees were to be determined by municipalities  Over 370.000 illegal buildings were reported (estimated number considerably higher)

7 The main types of informal settlements in Serbia  Slums  Substandard old settlements  Old residential districts with added housing premises  Unplanned construction on State- owned agricultural land  Compact, newly built illegal settlements  Illegal construction in protected urban and non-urban areas


9 NEGOTIN  located in North-eastern part of Serbia, close to Bulgarian and Romanian border  38 rural settlements and town of Negotin, with approximately 20.000 inhabitants, town area 1.068 ha

10 NEGOTIN There are 6 main informal settlements in the town:  “Rastoka” - 70 ha, with about 300 objects, no water supply and sewage  “Badnjevo” -80 ha, 200 objects, no water supply and sewage  “Radujevacki put” - 80ha, 300 objects, nearby waste dump, limitted infrastructure, no sewege, high level of ground water  “Samarinovacki put” -18 ha, 100 objects, limitted infrastructure  “Kod groblja” -15 ha, 100 objects, no water supply and sewage  “Temisvarka” -14ha, 50 objects, no water supply and sewage


12 NEGOTIN  Town area is divided into 2 740 cadastral plots.  about 1 050 object, within area of 277 ha (26% of town area)  About 4000 inhabitants live in illegaly constructed dwellings


14 NEGOTIN  No municipal spatial plan  Master plan made in 1980  15 regulatory, zoning plans  Cadastral maps in analog form.  No digital cadastral plans  Cadastral data outdated and not acurate


16 NEGOTIN  There is the department for Urban planning in the Municipality of Negotin which is willing to cooperate and to nominate few of their staff for the trainings

17 KRALJEVO  Kraljevo is located in the central part of Serbia occupying the area around the lower course of the Ibar river and the middle part of the Zapadna Morava river  The largest municipality in Serbia with the area of 1,529 km2,  About 127,000 people live in the Municipality of Kraljevo.


19 KRALJEVO  The town of Kraljevo - 70,000 inhabitants  Large number of refugees inhabited this town after the war time period (around 20.000 internaly displaced persons)  over 9000 objects were registered as illegal in 2003

20 KRALJEVO  The part of the town called Ribnica (30.000 inhabitants) is recognized as a settlement with a largest number of illegal constructions.  2 or 3 urban complexes could be recognized within this settlement  10 km2  2300 objects  6000 inhabitants

21 KRALJEVO  Municipality of Kraljevo and its Urban planning department are actively involved in working with SCTM Urban planning committee  Municipal administration showed great interest to participate in the project


23 Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities Committee on Urban Planning

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