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Skyline Software Distributors & Specific Users Conference 3 rd June 2008 – Paris INSPIRE Directive: Opportunities and Risks Soluzioni Avanzate per l’Informazione.

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Presentation on theme: "Skyline Software Distributors & Specific Users Conference 3 rd June 2008 – Paris INSPIRE Directive: Opportunities and Risks Soluzioni Avanzate per l’Informazione."— Presentation transcript:

1 Skyline Software Distributors & Specific Users Conference 3 rd June 2008 – Paris INSPIRE Directive: Opportunities and Risks Soluzioni Avanzate per l’Informazione Geografica Andrea Deiana GeoInfoLabItaly

2 INSPIRE Directive: Opportunities and Risks 2008 SkylineFrance Distributors Conference Soluzioni Avanzate per l’Informazione Geografica Content of this talk: INSPIRE Directive Opportunities Risks Directions

3 INSPIRE Directive: Opportunities and Risks 2008 SkylineFrance Distributors Conference Soluzioni Avanzate per l’Informazione Geografica INSPIRE DIRECTIVE Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 March 2007 establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE) was published in the official Journal on the 25th April 2007. It entered into force on the 15th May 2007. General URL:

4 INSPIRE Directive: Opportunities and Risks 2008 SkylineFrance Distributors Conference Soluzioni Avanzate per l’Informazione Geografica INTRODUCTIVE CONSIDERATIONS - 1 Many problems are experienced at various level of public authorities inside European Community over availability, quality, organization, accessibility and sharing of spatial information. Therefore, an infrastructure for spatial information in the Community should therefore be established: The Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE).

5 INSPIRE Directive: Opportunities and Risks 2008 SkylineFrance Distributors Conference Soluzioni Avanzate per l’Informazione Geografica INTRODUCTIVE CONSIDERATIONS – 2 Network services are necessary for sharing spatial data between the various levels of public authority in the Community. Those network services should make it possible to discover, transform, view and download spatial data and to invoke spatial data and e- commerce services.

6 INSPIRE Directive: Opportunities and Risks 2008 SkylineFrance Distributors Conference Soluzioni Avanzate per l’Informazione Geografica INTRODUCTIVE CONSIDERATIONS – 3 The services of the network should work in accordance with commonly agreed specifications and minimum performance criteria in order to ensure the interoperability of the infrastructures established by the Member States. Member States should provide access to their infrastructures through a Community geoportal operated by the Commission, as well as through any access points they themselves decide to operate.

7 INSPIRE Directive: Opportunities and Risks 2008 SkylineFrance Distributors Conference Soluzioni Avanzate per l’Informazione Geografica GENERAL PROVISIONS – 1 The purpose of this Directive is to lay down general rules aimed at the establishment of the Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (hereinafter referred to as Inspire), for the purposes of Community environmental policies and policies or activities which may have an impact on the environment.

8 INSPIRE Directive: Opportunities and Risks 2008 SkylineFrance Distributors Conference Soluzioni Avanzate per l’Informazione Geografica GENERAL PROVISIONS – 2 INSPIRE shall build upon infrastructures for spatial information established and operated by the Member States. Directive covers spatial data sets and services related to one or more of the themes listed in Annex I, II or III.

9 INSPIRE Directive: Opportunities and Risks 2008 SkylineFrance Distributors Conference Soluzioni Avanzate per l’Informazione Geografica METADATA – 1 Member States shall ensure that metadata are created for the spatial data sets and services corresponding to the themes listed in Annexes I, II and III, and that those metadata are kept up to date. Rules for the implementation of metadata shall be adopted by 15 May 2008 taking account of relevant, existing international standards and user requirements in particular with relation to validation metadata.

10 INSPIRE Directive: Opportunities and Risks 2008 SkylineFrance Distributors Conference Soluzioni Avanzate per l’Informazione Geografica METADATA – 2 On 14 May 2008 the INSPIRE Implementing Rules on Metadata have been approved by the INSPIRE Committee. The IRs will now be sent to the European Parliament which will have one month time to comment, after which the adoption procedure will start.

11 INSPIRE Directive: Opportunities and Risks 2008 SkylineFrance Distributors Conference Soluzioni Avanzate per l’Informazione Geografica METADATA – 3 Member States shall create the required metadata: not later than 2 years after the date of adoption of IR in the case of the spatial data sets corresponding to the themes listed in Annexes I and II; not later than 5 years after the date of adoption of IR in the case of the spatial data sets corresponding to the themes listed in Annex III.

12 INSPIRE Directive: Opportunities and Risks 2008 SkylineFrance Distributors Conference Soluzioni Avanzate per l’Informazione Geografica INTEROPERABILITY OF SPATIAL DATA SETS AND SERVICES - 1 Implementing Rules laying down technical arrangements for the interoperability and, where practicable, harmonisation of spatial data sets and services, shall be adopted; relevant standards adopted by organisations established under international law should be integrated.

13 INSPIRE Directive: Opportunities and Risks 2008 SkylineFrance Distributors Conference Soluzioni Avanzate per l’Informazione Geografica INTEROPERABILITY OF SPATIAL DATA SETS AND SERVICES - 2 The IR provided for Interoperability shall be adopted: no later than 15 May 2009 in the case of the spatial data sets corresponding to the themes listed in Annex I; no later than 15 May 2012 in the case of the spatial data sets corresponding to the themes listed in Annex II or III.

14 INSPIRE Directive: Opportunities and Risks 2008 SkylineFrance Distributors Conference Soluzioni Avanzate per l’Informazione Geografica NETWORK SERVICES – 1 Member States shall establish and operate a network of the following: discovery services; view services; download services; transformation services; services allowing spatial data services to be invoked.

15 INSPIRE Directive: Opportunities and Risks 2008 SkylineFrance Distributors Conference Soluzioni Avanzate per l’Informazione Geografica NETWORK SERVICES – 2 Member States shall ensure that public authorities are given the technical possibility to link their spatial data sets and services to the network. This service shall also be made available upon request to third parties whose spatial data sets and services comply with IR laying down obligations with regard, in particular, to metadata, network services and interoperability.

16 INSPIRE Directive: Opportunities and Risks 2008 SkylineFrance Distributors Conference Soluzioni Avanzate per l’Informazione Geografica NETWORK SERVICES – 3 The Commission shall establish and operate an Inspire geoportal at Community level (a prototype version is available at Member States shall provide access to the services through the Inspire geo-portal. Member States may also provide access to those services through their own access points.

17 INSPIRE Directive: Opportunities and Risks 2008 SkylineFrance Distributors Conference Soluzioni Avanzate per l’Informazione Geografica DATA-SHARING - 1 Each Member State shall adopt measures for the sharing of spatial data sets and services between its public authorities.

18 INSPIRE Directive: Opportunities and Risks 2008 SkylineFrance Distributors Conference Soluzioni Avanzate per l’Informazione Geografica COORDINATION AND COMPLEMENTARY MEASURES - 1 Member States shall ensure appropriate structures and mechanisms for coordinating, across the different levels of government, the contributions of all those with an interest for spatial information.

19 INSPIRE Directive: Opportunities and Risks 2008 SkylineFrance Distributors Conference Soluzioni Avanzate per l’Informazione Geografica FINAL PROVISIONS - 1 Member States shall monitor the implementation and use of their infrastructures for spatial information. They shall make the results of this monitoring accessible to the Commission and to the public on a permanent basis. No later than 15 May 2010 Member States shall send to the Commission a report.

20 INSPIRE Directive: Opportunities and Risks 2008 SkylineFrance Distributors Conference Soluzioni Avanzate per l’Informazione Geografica FINAL PROVISIONS – 2 Member States shall bring into force the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with INSPIRE Directive by 15 May 2009.

21 INSPIRE Directive: Opportunities and Risks 2008 SkylineFrance Distributors Conference Soluzioni Avanzate per l’Informazione Geografica ANNEX – I 1.Coordinate reference systems 2.Geographical grid systems 3.Geographical names 4.Administrative units 5.Addresses 6.Cadastral parcels 7.Transport networks 8.Hydrography 9.Protected sites

22 INSPIRE Directive: Opportunities and Risks 2008 SkylineFrance Distributors Conference Soluzioni Avanzate per l’Informazione Geografica ANNEX – II 1.Elevation 2.Land cover 3.Orthoimagery 4.Geology

23 INSPIRE Directive: Opportunities and Risks 2008 SkylineFrance Distributors Conference Soluzioni Avanzate per l’Informazione Geografica ANNEX – III (1) 1.Statistical units 2.Buildings 3.Soil 4.Land use 5.Human health and safety 6.Utility and governmental services 7.Environmental monitoring facilities 8.Production and industrial facilities 9.Agricultural and aquaculture facilities

24 INSPIRE Directive: Opportunities and Risks 2008 SkylineFrance Distributors Conference Soluzioni Avanzate per l’Informazione Geografica ANNEX – III (2) 10.Population distribution — demography 11.Area management/restriction/regulation zones and reporting units 12.Natural risk zones 13.Atmospheric conditions 14.Meteorological geographical features 15.Oceanographic geographical features 16.Sea regions 17.Bio-geographical regions

25 INSPIRE Directive: Opportunities and Risks 2008 SkylineFrance Distributors Conference Soluzioni Avanzate per l’Informazione Geografica ANNEX – III (3) 18.Habitats and biotopes 19.Species distribution 20.Energy resources 21.Mineral resources

26 INSPIRE Directive: Opportunities and Risks 2008 SkylineFrance Distributors Conference Soluzioni Avanzate per l’Informazione Geografica OPPORTUNITIES - 1 Several opportunities from being INSPIREd: 1.public authorities’ new demand for web services enabling environment data sets discovery, viewing, download, transforming, sharing; 2.move research and development from GIS to SDI (Spatial Data Infrastucture); 3.explore/enhance new solutions for environment datasets and services.

27 INSPIRE Directive: Opportunities and Risks 2008 SkylineFrance Distributors Conference Soluzioni Avanzate per l’Informazione Geografica OPPORTUNITIES - 2 Several opportunities from being INSPIREd: 4.SkylineGlobe technology can use DirectConnect solution and distribuited computing processing to stream 3D terrain directly from elevation and orthoimagery (Annex - II); 5.French GeoPortail might represent a best practice in Europe, even for visualiztion of buildings (Annex – III).

28 INSPIRE Directive: Opportunities and Risks 2008 SkylineFrance Distributors Conference Soluzioni Avanzate per l’Informazione Geografica RISKS Move slower than concurrent brands (Google, Microsoft); Don’t have enoght care of Implementing Rules and relative metadata and services standards adoptions by European Community and Countries; Just in a point: understimate importance of INSPIRE Directive driving European GIS/SDI market (software, services and solutions).

29 INSPIRE Directive: Opportunities and Risks 2008 SkylineFrance Distributors Conference Soluzioni Avanzate per l’Informazione Geografica DIRECTIONS Be more present in European and National GI&GIS frameworks, research projects, conferences; Improve environmental verticalization with enphasis over security, near real-time monitoring and crisis management; Create an European SkylineGlobe User Group with a dedicated forum and annual meeting.

30 INSPIRE Directive: Opportunities and Risks 2008 SkylineFrance Distributors Conference Soluzioni Avanzate per l’Informazione Geografica Network Drafting Team

31 INSPIRE Directive: Opportunities and Risks 2008 SkylineFrance Distributors Conference Soluzioni Avanzate per l’Informazione Geografica NEXT EVENTS INSPIRE Conference 2008 in Maribor (Slovenia) ( 23/25 June “Geographical Information Processing and Visual Analytics for Environmental Security” NATO ARW in Trento (Italy): 13/18 October 2008 – Sponsorized by GeoInfoLab/SkylineGlobe

32 INSPIRE Directive: Opportunities and Risks 2008 SkylineFrance Distributors Conference Soluzioni Avanzate per l’Informazione Geografica CONTACTS / INSPIRE Board Registered Expert Sponsor Member and Component of Directive Council Collective Member Soluzioni Avanzate per l’Informazione Geografica

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