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Current set up of SDI in Malaysia The Malaysian Centre for Geospatial Data Infrastructure (MaCGDI) was established on 1st December 2002 under the Ministry.

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Presentation on theme: "Current set up of SDI in Malaysia The Malaysian Centre for Geospatial Data Infrastructure (MaCGDI) was established on 1st December 2002 under the Ministry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Current set up of SDI in Malaysia The Malaysian Centre for Geospatial Data Infrastructure (MaCGDI) was established on 1st December 2002 under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (NRE). MaCGDI plays crucial roles to spearhead the geospatial industry in Malaysia towards materialising the benefits of geospatial information. MaCGDI will provide better services to merge the geospatial industry into the mainstream IT in Malaysia MaCGDI was founded to establish the Malaysian Geospatial Data Infrastructure (MyGDI) as the Malaysian NSDI.

2 Current set up of SDI in Malaysia MyGDI as MALAYSIAN NSDI MyGDI comprises of technology, policies, standards and procedures for data provider agencies to cooperatively produce and share geospatial information. MyGDI is an initiative by the government to enhance the awareness about data availability and improve access to geospatial information by facilitating data sharing among participating agencies. MyGDI provides a basis for spatial data exploration, evaluation and application for users and data providers, within all levels of government, commercial, and non-profit sectors, academia and the public.

3 Current set up of SDI in Malaysia MyGDI MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE National Land Council MyGDI National Coordinating Committee Ministry of Natural Resources & Environment (NRE) MyGDI National Coordinating Committee Ministry of Natural Resources & Environment (NRE) MyGDI State Coordinating Committee MyGDI State Coordinating Committee MyGDI State Technical Committee MyGDI State Technical Committee State Geospatial Data Providers State Geospatial Data Providers Federal Geospatial Data Providers Federal Geospatial Data Providers MyGDI Clearinghouse Technical Committee MyGDI Clearinghouse Technical Committee MyGDI Framework Technical Committee MyGDI Framework Technical Committee MyGDI Standard Technical Committee MyGDI Standard Technical Committee MaCGDI

4 Current set up of SDI in Malaysia MyGDI BUSINESS MODEL

5 Current set up of SDI in Malaysia

6 Role of MaCGDI To be an advisor to the Government of Malaysia in the formulation and implementation of policies regarding geospatial data To be a coordinating body for the development of geospatial data and information standard for geographic information/geomatics To act as the national centre for dissemination of geospatial data To be a technical reference centre for advisory and consulting services with regard to the development and application of geospatial data To develop and coordinate MyGDI Clearinghouse activities To plan and develop a GIS human resource development programme To conduct various activities in, the promotion of MYCDI throughout the country to encourage its utilisation To become an R&D centre for GIS To represent the public sector in international forum and meetings concerning geospatial data

7 Types of data provided by MaCGDI Aeronautical This category contains the geospatial information related to air space and aerodrome. Demarcation This category holds information on topographic, maritime and cadastral. Hydrography The Hydrography category includes geospatial data on coastal hydrograph, shoreline structures, fishing facilities, ports and harbours, navigation aids, danger and hazard, depth information, inland water, river structure, offshore and miscellaneous. Soil This category contains geospatial features such as Histosols, Spodosols, Andisols, Oxisols, Vertisols, Ultisols, Mollisols, Alfisols, Inceptisols and Entisols.

8 Types of data provided by MaCGDI Utility This category contains the geospatial information related to electricity, telecommunication, water supply, oil and gas, broadcasting, sewerage, waste management and meteorological. Special Use(Dataset Specific) Terrain Analysis Dataset and Meteorological Dataset Built Environment Building, property or place designated for use as premises for residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, educational, religious, recreational, cemetery and built-up. Geology The Geology category includes all geological mapping information and related geoscience geospatial data including geolithology, mineral, fossils, mining, exploration, and geological features

9 Types of data provided by MaCGDI Hypsography This category contains the geospatial information related to relief portrayal. Transportation The Transportation category includes both land and water transportation geospatial information. Vegetation The Vegetation category includes geospatial data on cropland (Perennials), cropland (Annuals), cropland (Cash-Crops), natural vegetation (Dryland), natural vegetation (Wetland) and natural vegetation (Miscellaneous) General The General category includes geospatial data on Control Points such as GPS stations, Trigonometry station and Gravity Reference Point.

10 Types of data provided by MACGDI View Metadata MyGDI Application MyGDI Search Page

11 Types of data provided by MACGDI SEARCHING RESULT

12 Use of Spatial data by Malaysia govt. agencies Integrated GIS… Management and maintain spatial data in Local Government Survey, plan, design Local Government Consulting Company Work Office Create mapG4ENatural Resources Management

13 Use of Spatial data by Malaysia govt. agencies GEOINFORMATION FOR EXECUTIVE (G4E) A GIS decision making application for executive (G4E) was developed and implemented. Target users are mainly government executives at Federal and State levels. To make informed decision in planning, monitoring and enforcement, the right information has to be gathered using the best data available.

14 Use of Spatial data by Malaysia govt. agencies EXAMPLE of SCREEN for G4NRE

15 Use of Spatial data by Malaysia govt. agencies EXAMPLE of SCREEN for G4NRE Flooded area in Kuala Lumpur 2007

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