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Hydrological cycle of the CADSES regions HYDROCARE PP11: National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management Bucharest, ROMANIA.

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Presentation on theme: "Hydrological cycle of the CADSES regions HYDROCARE PP11: National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management Bucharest, ROMANIA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hydrological cycle of the CADSES regions HYDROCARE PP11: National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management Bucharest, ROMANIA

2 UNITS & ACTIVITIES: THE NATIONAL CENTER FOR HYDROLOGICAL FORECASTS Elaboration and dissemination of hydrological warnings and forecasts (short, medium and long term) for the rivers and for the Danube Elaboration and dissemination of hydrological warnings and forecasts (short, medium and long term) for the rivers and for the Danube HYDROMETRICAL METHODOLOGY AND NETWORK GUIDANCE DEPARTMENT elaboration and implementation of techniques and methodologies for measuring, collecting, processing and validation of the hydrological data and information and elaboration and implementation of techniques and methodologies for measuring, collecting, processing and validation of the hydrological data and information and the methodological and technical guidance of the national hydrological system the methodological and technical guidance of the national hydrological system

3 UNITS & ACTIVITIES: EXPERIMENTAL AND DYNAMIC HYDROLOGY DEPARTMENT Developing the models and methodologies applied in order to stimulate and forecast the surface flow, studies and researches referring to then hydrological parameters, basic and applied measurements and researches are produced with regard to the modeling of hydrological processes in experimental basins Developing the models and methodologies applied in order to stimulate and forecast the surface flow, studies and researches referring to then hydrological parameters, basic and applied measurements and researches are produced with regard to the modeling of hydrological processes in experimental basins HYDROLOGICAL STUDIES AND RESEARCHES DEPARTMENT measurements program for the hydrological parameters of the surface flow through the hydrometrical stations located in the representative basins and measurements program for the hydrological parameters of the surface flow through the hydrometrical stations located in the representative basins and models and methodologies developing the hydrological parameters essential for the dimensioning of the hydrological works, both in a natural and flowing structured regime, hydrological syntheses and surface flow cadastral parameters survey models and methodologies developing the hydrological parameters essential for the dimensioning of the hydrological works, both in a natural and flowing structured regime, hydrological syntheses and surface flow cadastral parameters survey

4 UNITS & ACTIVITIES: HIDROGEOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL ISOTOPES DEPARTMENT operational-coordination of the program for systematic measurements of the groundwater parameters, in view to carry out the national hydro-geological database and to elaborate monthly hydro-geological forecast bulletin operational-coordination of the program for systematic measurements of the groundwater parameters, in view to carry out the national hydro-geological database and to elaborate monthly hydro-geological forecast bulletin researches—determining the groundwater resources, elaborating hydro-geological monographs regarding the strategic aquifers in Romania, developing methodologies for monitoring and evaluation of the groundwater quality researches—determining the groundwater resources, elaborating hydro-geological monographs regarding the strategic aquifers in Romania, developing methodologies for monitoring and evaluation of the groundwater quality THE INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT OF THE BASINS The study and conceptual research in the field of hydrographical basin development and management in a holistic and ecosystemic approach. The study and conceptual research in the field of hydrographical basin development and management in a holistic and ecosystemic approach.

5 UNITS & ACTIVITIES: DATABASE AND GIS DEPARTMENT The administration and the updating of the hydrological and hydro-geological databases, exploitation programs elaboration and data base accessing, applications for data processing in Hydrological DB and Hydro-geological DB, and studies based on GIS technology for different informational levels The administration and the updating of the hydrological and hydro-geological databases, exploitation programs elaboration and data base accessing, applications for data processing in Hydrological DB and Hydro-geological DB, and studies based on GIS technology for different informational levels

6 HYDROLOGICAL FORECAST Methods and models for the hydrological forecast Correlations Correlations Autoregressive models Autoregressive models VIDRA model VIDRA model DANUBIUS model DANUBIUS model CONSUL model CONSUL model

7 HYDROCARE CONTRIBUTION: Forecasting Products Daily hydrological bulletin – hydrological forecast for rivers and Danube Daily hydrological bulletin – hydrological forecast for rivers and Danube Monthly hydrological bulletin – hydrological forecast for rivers, reservoirs and Danube Monthly hydrological bulletin – hydrological forecast for rivers, reservoirs and Danube Special hydrological bulletin in case of low flows and floods Special hydrological bulletin in case of low flows and floods

8 - -daily hydrological bulletin – page 1 Diagnosis page – rivers status on the previous 24 hours  General text  General map with the trend of the river levels (rising, decreasing or stationary)  General map with the runoff- status compared with monthly multi-annual discharges Institutul National de Hidrologie si Gospodarire a Apelor

9 - -daily hydrological bulletin – page 2 Forecasting page – rivers status on the next 24 hours  General text  General map with the trend of the river levels (rising, decreasing or stationary)  General map with the runoff-forecast compared with monthly multi-annual discharges

10 - -daily hydrological bulletin – page 3 Diagnose and forecast page for the 50 gauging stations  River and gauging station name  Warning and inundation levels  Monthly multi-annual discharge  Actual and forecasted level/discharge  Exceeding of the warning or the inundation level  Occurrence of the ice phenomena

11 - -daily hydrological bulletin – page 4 Medium range (6 days ahead) forecast page for three large rivers (4 gauging stations on the Mures river, 3 gauging stations on the Prut river and 3 gauging stations on the Somes river ) River and gauging station name River and gauging station name Forecast of level/discharge Forecast of level/discharge Exceeding of the warning or the inundation level Exceeding of the warning or the inundation level Occurrence of the ice phenomena Occurrence of the ice phenomena

12 - -daily hydrological bulletin – page 5 Danube diagnose and forecast (for the next day) Text concerning the discharge value of the Danube River at the inlet into the country and the water level trend on the Romanian Danube reach – for the current day Text concerning the discharge value of the Danube River at the inlet into the country and the water level trend on the Romanian Danube reach – for the current day Map with the trend of the levels (rising, decreasing or stationary) at the main gauging stations located on the Romanian Danube reach Map with the trend of the levels (rising, decreasing or stationary) at the main gauging stations located on the Romanian Danube reach Text concerning forecast of the discharge value of the Danube River at the inlet into the country and the water level trend on the Romanian Danube reach – for the next day Text concerning forecast of the discharge value of the Danube River at the inlet into the country and the water level trend on the Romanian Danube reach – for the next day

13 - -daily hydrological bulletin – page 6 Danube diagnose and medium range (7 days ahead) forecast page Gauging station name Gauging station name Level/discharge Level/discharge Exceeding of the warning or the inundation level Exceeding of the warning or the inundation level Occurrence of the ice phenomena Occurrence of the ice phenomena

14 - -monthly hydrological bulletin – page 1 General forecast page  Text  Map with the module coefficient areas Module coefficient=(monthly discharge) /(monthly multi-annual discharge)

15 - -monthly hydrological bulletin – page 2 Monthly discharge forecast page  32 gauging stations  24 reservoirs

16 - -Warning/alert message–  Where the message is sent – (forecast end-users)  the river basin that would be affected  General text

17 HYDROCARE CONTRIBUTION: workshops and trainings INHRO specialists will provide their experience in water-related issues, in the framework of meetings, seminars or conferences organized during the project duration, in view to identifying the appropriate methodologies to be applied in improving the awareness and the management of flood and drought risk, under natural and modified conditions INHRO specialists will provide their experience in water-related issues, in the framework of meetings, seminars or conferences organized during the project duration, in view to identifying the appropriate methodologies to be applied in improving the awareness and the management of flood and drought risk, under natural and modified conditions INHRO young researchers will participate in different training programs will be organized by HYDROCARE team INHRO young researchers will participate in different training programs will be organized by HYDROCARE team

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