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Realizing the idea Shan Sharma CityLab. CityLab is a place to prototype and test new ideas and city services with the community.

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Presentation on theme: "Realizing the idea Shan Sharma CityLab. CityLab is a place to prototype and test new ideas and city services with the community."— Presentation transcript:

1 Realizing the idea Shan Sharma CityLab

2 CityLab is a place to prototype and test new ideas and city services with the community.


4 Placemaking & Engagement + Discovery Alpha Beta Operationalise Identify customer problems.Identify the right solutions. Build and launch a minimum viable product of the solution. Replace BAU with the new solution.

5 Placemaking & Engagement + Discovery Alpha Beta Operationalise Identify customer problems.Identify the right solutions. Build and launch a minimum viable product of the solution. Replace BAU with the new solution.

6 Discovery Alpha PlanIdeatePrototypeTest & Iterate Future Roadmap Beta

7 Get to know the team and the problem 1.Get to know the problem 2.Define measures of success 3.Get to know the team PlanIdeatePrototypeTest & Iterate Future Roadmap Beta MVP and scale

8 Have a lot of ideas! 1.Workshop solutions to problem statement 2.consolidate solutions 3.Measure against the success criteria PlanIdeatePrototypeTest & Iterate Future Roadmap Beta MVP and scale

9 Translate ideas into prototype 1.Produce a rough prototype(s) 2.Mock-up the end-to-end customer experience (beyond digital) PlanIdeatePrototypeTest & Iterate Future Roadmap Beta MVP and scale

10 Test with customers and iterate 1.Test the prototype 2.Record the unbiased feedback 3.Respond and make adjustments PlanIdeatePrototypeTest & Iterate Future Roadmap Beta MVP and scale

11 DefineTime and moneyTeamsRisk Scope Draw the boundaries Important to define what is out of the scope Goals Imagine a date 5 years from now. Where do you want to be? What do you want your idea to achieve? Measures of success When determining what qualifies as success, consider the time and money being committed Identify what is considered the best measurable result PlanIdeatePrototypeTest & Iterate Future Roadmap Beta MVP and scale

12 DefineTime and moneyTeamsRisk Schedule Identify milestones and deadlines to accomplish incremental progress Overall project execution schedule What milestones and dates are critical to business objectives? Finance Take into account human resources and material costs including software, hardware, consulting, travel etc How will you finance the project? Milestones and dates in funding the project PlanIdeatePrototypeTest & Iterate Future Roadmap Beta MVP and scale

13 DefineTime and moneyTeamsRisk PlanIdeatePrototypeTest & Iterate Future Roadmap Beta MVP and scale Skills Do you have all of the required skills in the team? Are roles clearly defined to make sure nothing falls through? Partners Do you need to partner with someone? Are there any partnering relationships that will impact the project?

14 DefineTime and moneyTeamsRisk PlanIdeatePrototypeTest & Iterate Future Roadmap Beta MVP and scale Risk What are the risks that you have identified? Plan to identify and manage risks on continuous basis Assumptions What assumptions have you made in the process? How do you plan to validate those assumptions?



17 1.Keep the big picture in mind Key messages 2. Think people

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