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Psychology Open House October 4, Welcome! Introductions Advising Procedures Major Requirements Special Opportunities.

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Presentation on theme: "Psychology Open House October 4, Welcome! Introductions Advising Procedures Major Requirements Special Opportunities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Psychology Open House October 4, 2016

2 Welcome! Introductions Advising Procedures Major Requirements Special Opportunities

3 Communication is Key! Email – Your advisers! – Dr. McDonald ( – Mrs. Robin Bonner ( – Psych Advising (

4 What can you do with a psychology career? Skills gained as a psychology major: – Communication skills – The ability to collect, organize, analyze and interpret data – Understanding of human behavior APA careers

5 Animal Behavior Animal Protection Animal Programs Specialist Business Technology Consultant Marketing Human Resources Executive Sales Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Forensic Psychologist Police Psychology Trial Consultant Education School Psychologist School Counselor School Social Work Professor Teacher Government Program officer for NIH/NSF Science Advocate Lobbyist Health/Clinical Care  Clinical/ Counseling psychologist  Social Work Interior Design  Design Psychologist Organizational Development  Organizational Development Consultant  Strategic Consultants Research  Experimental Psychologist  User Experience Researcher  Researcher at a Non-Profit Writing  Science Writer

6 DegreeM.A./M.S.Psy.D.Clinical Ph.D.Research M.A./Ph.D. SubspecialtiesClinical, counseling, marriage & family therapy, social work, school ClinicalChild, Adult, Gero, Health, Psych and Law, Neuro Cognitive, Developmental, I/O, Neuroscience, Social Time2-3 years4-5 years5-6 years2-6 years RequirementsInternship & Supervised hours (Thesis?) Internship & supervised hours (Small dissertation Masters and Dissertation Licensing?National and/or State licensing exams National (EPPP) and State Licensure Employment ContextsMental health settings, community settings, hospitals, private practice, schools Mental health settings, community settings, hospitals, private practice Mental health settings, community settings, hospitals, private practice, academia Academia, business or other research organizations, government or not- for-profits What kind of graduate degree?

7 Advising Course selection Bring course options For students with < 45 credits – Walk-in advising, Oct 17 th - Nov 2 nd, Room 350 For students with > 45 credits – Walk-in advising, Oct 17 th - Nov 2 nd, Room 351 – Waiver Seniors (90+ credits) – Cleared automatically Career Advising Psychology faculty member as an adviser – Assigned by Robin Bonner (room 348 in Gordon Palmer) – Requests Email your adviser to set up appointment Dr. McDonald

8 Advising For Spring Registration Gordon Palmer 350/351 Monday, October 17 th – 11:00-3:00 Tuesday, October 18 th – 11:00-3:00 Wednesday, October 19 th – 11:00-2:00 Thursday, October 20 th – 11:00-3:00 Friday, October 21 st – 12:00-3:00 Monday, October 24 th – 11:30-3:00 Tuesday, October 25 th – 11:00-3:00 Wednesday, October 26 th - 11:00-3:00 Monday, October 31 st – 11:00-3:00 Tuesday, November 1 st – 11:00-3:00 Wednesday, November 2 nd – 11:00-2:00

9 Advising For Spring Registration Come prepared with a tentative schedule and questions After meeting with adviser, bring registration sheet to room 348 – Pin will be cleared within a business day Complete survey on your experience

10 Major Requirements At least 32-33 hours in Psychology, to be composed of: PreReqs PY 101 Introductory Psychology PY 211 Elementary Statistics (with at least a C-) PY 101 or 105, Math 100 PY 321 Professional Issues PY 355 Experimental Psychology PY 211 (C-) PY 356 Research Lab PY 211 (C-) PY 370 History and Systems PY 101 or 105 2 PY Writing courses (e.g., 379, 391, 491; at least one is PY 491)PY 355/356 An elective course (300-400 level) One course from 3 of the 4 areas listed below. At least 1 at the 400 level (400-level courses require PY 355/356 as prereq): – Developmental Areas - PY 352, 365, or 461 – Socio/Cultural Areas - PY 358, 368, or 372 – Learning and Cognition - PY 361 or 470 – Biological Bases of Behavior- PY 313 or 413 Ancillary Requirements: 8 hours in Bio, Chem, or Physics

11 FAQs What is the difference between a B.A. and a B.S in psychology? – The B.S. may have advantages for medical professions, neuroscience – For a B.S., you need to take through Math 125 (with pre-reqs of Math 100, 112, 113) What math is the pre-requisite for PY 211? – Students must have taken at least Math 100 – At least Math 110 (or 112) is needed for a B.A. If I have taken ST 260 or BER 345, do I need to take PY 211? – If you have taken ST 260 or BER 345 with a grade of C-, it can count as a pre-req for PY 355/356. However, you must take an additional PY course to make up those 3 hours.

12 FAQs When I try to add 355 or 356, it says I don’t have the necessary prerequisites. – Register for PY 355/356 together using the CRNs in the drop/add boxes at the bottom of your registration page – You may register for PY 355/356 for the next semester while you are currently taking PY 211. You may NOT take them together during the same semester. How can I find the topics of PY 391/491 courses? – These will be posted on the psychology website prior to each registration period.

13 FAQs Do I need a minor? – Yes (or a double-major). Apply for graduation the semester before you are planning to graduate. – Degree audit done through A&S – DegreeWorks is just a tool, not the final say Gordon Palmer does indeed have a 4th floor

14 Planning on graduate school? GPA GREs (by fall of senior year) Enrichment experiences – Psi Chi/Psychology Club – National Alliance for Mental Illness – Outreach/human service activities (e.g., Al’s pals, FOCUS, community service) Research Experiences – Find faculty on website and email them to get involved – Volunteer or PY 451

15 Experiential Learning PY 380- Community-Based Psychology PY 395- Child Mental Health PY 375- Disseminating Knowledge about Child Development in Museum Settings PY 451- Research

16 Study Abroad Plan ahead!! Visit the office early to plan – Save some gen ed courses for study abroad Do not plan to take 211, 355, 356, 370, 391, or 491 courses abroad

17 Psychology Honors Program The Honors program in Psychology is designed to afford qualified majors the opportunity to participate in activities preparatory for graduate training. The two year program is research oriented and involves interactions with selected faculty and peers in an enriched and accelerated academic environment. Completion of the program will be contingent upon the submission of an independently conducted research project equivalent in quality to a master’s thesis. Who can apply? ▶ Majors in the second semester of the sophomore year. ▶ With 9 hours of coursework in psychology (including PY101, PY211, 300-level course) ▶ 3.5 GPA in psychology (3.0 GPA overall) An application and interview are required before acceptance. Applications due in March

18 Psi Chi Psi Chi is the National Honor Society for Psychology. The University of Alabama has an active chapter in the national society. Requirements for membership include the following: – Completion of at least 3 semesters of college coursework. – Completion of 9 hours of coursework in Psychology. – Registration of Major or Minor in Psychology or related discipline. – Top 35% GPA – Minimum Psychology GPA of 3.3. – Two-thirds affirmative vote by chapter members. Psi Chi also organizes a number of activities that non-members may attend such as discussions about careers in psychology and preparing an application for graduate study in psychology and related areas. The application can be found at under The University of

19 Thank you for coming!

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