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A. Computer Systems 1. Introduction Definition : An electronic device that Processes data (Processing) Produces output (output) Stores results (storage)

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Presentation on theme: "A. Computer Systems 1. Introduction Definition : An electronic device that Processes data (Processing) Produces output (output) Stores results (storage)"— Presentation transcript:

1 A. Computer Systems 1. Introduction Definition : An electronic device that Processes data (Processing) Produces output (output) Stores results (storage) Accepts data (input) The Information Processing Cycle terima proses mempersembahkan simpan (alat)

2 A. Computer Systems Computer history 3000 B.C.: The abacus 1642 : The Pascaline 1944 : Harvard Mark I (1 st computer)

3 A. Computer Systems The Five Generations of Computers  First Generation - 1940-1956: Vacuum Tubes  Second Generation - 1956-1963: Transistors Examples : UNIVAC and ENIACENIAC Examples : Ibm 1401 (generasi)

4 A. Computer Systems The Five Generations of Computers  Fourth Generation - 1971-Present: Microprocessors  Fifth Generation - Present and Beyond: Artificial Intelligence Examples : Ibm 307, Pdp-II Examples : Pentium II, Pentium III  Third Generation - 1964-1971: Integrated Circuits Examples : Ibm 306, Pdp-8 (sekarang) (masa depan)

5 Computer Types: Descriptions 1. Personal Computer (PC) or micro Workstation Tower Desktop Laptop/Notebook Tablet PC PDA Hand-held (HPC) (jenis)

6 The Beginning of Commercial Computing In the early 1950s, the UNIVAC I ushered in the computer age. This picture was taken in Frankfurt, Germany in 1956 and shows the console on the right, a little more than half the CPU on the left and the tape drives in the background.

7 The Installation This picture, taken in 1956, shows half the CPU of the UNIVAC I. Imagine yourself watching this awesome sight and someone says to you, "in 20 years, everything you see being wheeled up the ramp will fit on the tip of your finger.“ Would you have believed it?

8 Types of Computers Computers can be as small as a chip or as large as a truck. The difference is in the amount of work they do within the same time frame. Its power is based on many factors, including word size and the speed of its CPU, memory and peripherals.

9 2. Main Frame The main frame is the workhorse of the business world. A main frame is the heart of a network of computers or terminals which allows hundreds of people to work at the same time on the same data. It requires a special environment - cold and dry. (pusat rangkaian komputer) (perlu bilik yang sejuk dan kering)

10 3. Supercomputers The supercomputer is the top of the heap in power and expense. These are used for jobs that take massive amounts of calculating, like weather forecasting, engineering design and testing, serious decryption, economic forecasting, etc. (kapasiti tinggi dan kos mahal) (penyelidikan matematik) (ramalan cuaca) (ujian dan rekabentuk dalam kejuruteraan)

11 4. Minicomputer The minicomputer has become less important since the PC has gotten so powerful on its own. In fact, the ordinary new PC is much more powerful than minicomputers used to be. Originally this size was developed to handle specific tasks, like engineering and CAD calculations, that tended to tie up the main frame (kurang penting) (asal) (tugasan khas)

12 Some Beginning Terms  individual facts like first name, price, quantity ordered  the programs (instructions) that tell the computer what to do  the original settings; what will happen if you don't change anything. Default Data Software  the physical parts of the computer. Hardware (perkakasan) (perisian)

13 What makes a computer powerful? A computer can keep huge amounts of data. Storage Failures are usually due to human error, one way or another. (Blush for us all!) Reliability A computer can do billions of actions per second. Speed (kelajuan) (kebolehpercayaan) (simpanan)

14 COMPUTER HARDWARE (perkakasan) SOFTWARE (perisian) input devices CPU storage devices output devices (the instructions that tell the computer what to do)(the physical of a computer) system software (perisian sistem) application software (perisian aplikasi)

15 Components of computer system Input devices CPU(Central Processing Unit) (Unit Pemprosesan Pusat) OUTPUT devices Storage eg : keyboard mouse eg : CD ROM Diskette eg : printer monitor


17 CPU mouse keyboard monitor printer

18 glidepad Game device trackball INPUT DEVICES keyboard microphone scanner Digital camera Touch screen Video camera mouse

19 softcopy hardcopy Text documents including reports, letters, etc. Graphics charts, graphs, pictures Multimedia combination of text, graphics, video, audio OUTPUT DEVICES PRINTER MONITOR SPEAKER

20 Hard disks STORAGE DEVICES 1/3 Floopy disks Pen drive

21 System software – operating system (sistem operasi)  software program that manages thesoftware program hardware and software resources of a computerhardwaresoftwarecomputer  Eg. Microsoft Windows, Linux, UnixMicrosoft WindowsLinuxUnix Application software (perisian aplikasi)  enables a user to perform a task (membolehkan pengguna melakukan tugasan)  Eg. word processors, spreadsheets, media players.word processorsspreadsheetsmedia players Software

22 Examples of application software for each task in fields : Engineering drawing software Engineering drawing software  AutoCAD Mail electronic Mail electronic Database management Database management Graphics presentation Graphics presentation Spreadsheets Spreadsheets Word processing Word processing  Ms Word  Ms Excel  Ms PowerPoint  Ms Access  Ms Mail

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