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Hemispheres Remember, hemispheres divided the earth into 4 halves. These halves will help you in being successful at Longitude and Latitude!

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Presentation on theme: "Hemispheres Remember, hemispheres divided the earth into 4 halves. These halves will help you in being successful at Longitude and Latitude!"— Presentation transcript:


2 Hemispheres Remember, hemispheres divided the earth into 4 halves. These halves will help you in being successful at Longitude and Latitude!

3 Latitude and Longitude These are two sets of lines used for pinpointing locations everywhere on Earth These are two sets of lines used for pinpointing locations everywhere on Earth. Where these two lines cross is your exact location. These lines are assigned a number or degrees to tell us how far away they are from the equator or prime meridian.

4 What is Latitude? They measure how far something is from the equator. They measure how far something is from the equator. also called parallels because they stay the same distance apart all around the world. important 0° latitude line. The equator is very important because it is the starting point for measuring latitude distance. It is the 0° latitude line. north pole and the south pole. The lines farthest from the equator are 90 °. This is the north pole and the south pole. 90° N 90° S 0° Latitude lines above the equator are North. Latitude lines below the equator are South.

5 latitude Latitude lines are parallel like steps on a ladder. They stack on the earth, like this baby toy. Each line has its own number.

6 What is longitude? They measure how far something is from the prime meridian. They measure how far something is from the prime meridian. Also called meridians, they are NOT parallel because these lines meet together at the poles. important the 0° longitude line. The prime meridian is very important because it is the starting point for measuring distance. It is the 0° longitude line. International Date Line. The line farthest from the prime meridian is 180 °. It is actually the rest of the prime meridian circle…It is named the International Date Line. 0° Prime Meridian These lines all meet here at the North pole… …and at the South pole.

7 longitude Looks like a peeled orange. What degrees is the Prime Meridian on the other side of the Earth? The lines to right are in the Eastern Hemisphere and are labeled East. The lines to right are in the Western Hemisphere and are labeled West. A half of a circle is 180°. That is why the other half of the prime meridian is 180°.

8 longitude The 0° prime meridian and 180° international line are a part of the same circle. They are just on opposite sides of the Earth. PRIME MERIDIAN INTERNATIONAL DATE LINE

9 How to use Latitude and Longitude numbers Coordinates are a pair of numbers. latitude number longitude number – It is really a latitude number and a longitude number. 60° N90° W – ( 60° N, 90° W ) Latitude is Latitude is always first. always first. Longitude is Longitude is always second. always second. EQUATOR PRIME MERIDIAN

10 How to use Latitude and Longitude Where these two lines cross, is the exact location of the coordinates. 60° N90° W ( 60° N, 90° W )

11 How to use Latitude and Longitude 60° S60° E ( 60° S, 60° E )

12 How to use Latitude and Longitude 30° S60° W ( 30° S, 60° W )

13 How to use Latitude and Longitude 0° 150° W ( 0°, 150° W )

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