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Mrs. Cureton Contact Information Please feel free to call the school anytime and leave me a message. The ladies in the office can connect you.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Cureton Contact Information Please feel free to call the school anytime and leave me a message. The ladies in the office can connect you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Cureton 2015-16

2 Contact Information Please feel free to call the school anytime and leave me a message. The ladies in the office can connect you to my class phone and you can leave me a message. The number is 903-262-1980. You can e-mail me anytime at: My conference time is 12:50-1:38 daily

3 My Mission I really am excited about helping your child learn this year. I want to be a partner with you in helping your child be successful. Please come to me or contact me if you need anything or have any questions.

4 Homework Students should read at least 15 minutes each night in their take-home folder and discuss the questions from their comprehension question page as they read. Students should practice sight words nightly. Students should enjoy being a kid, get in some play time, spend time with their family, get a good dinner, and get to bed on time.

5 When you listen to your child read Allow your child to use his/her finger at the beginning of the year if needed. If your child uses it as a guide, then he/she really needs it. Allow your child to look at pictures to gain meaning. Students use pictures to help them figure out what is going on in the story. (comprehension) If your child says a wrong word but it makes sense in that sentence, don’t correct them at first. (Lets look at this word….home/house and store/market Above all other things please make reading time fun!!!! If your child is frustrated please let me know. This is the last thing we want to happen.

6 Homework – Sight & Spelling Words - Your child will have weekly sight word assessments Friday. - Sight Word Assessments: Your child should be able to see the sight word and say it. The test will also include a select few words from week before so continuously study all words given. - Spelling Words: We do not have weekly spelling tests. Rather, I want your children to understand when to use each spelling patterns. We will practice these patterns daily. * I will send out an email each week that includes the weekly sight words and spelling pattern.

7 Attendance Please make sure that you call or contact the office to let them know that your child is out and why. Do this by 9:00 a.m. Try to have your child present every day and on time. This is essential for their learning. At 9:30 your child will be counted absent if they are not in the classroom so please schedule doctor’s appointments accordingly. I hope that lots of students receive perfect attendance awards at the end of the year!

8 Behavior Please check your childs’ Class Dojo account daily. Each day, we strive to get at least 5 points…every student should be able to do this. If your child makes a wrong choice that day they will receive a consequence accordingly. (take a break, loss of point, note in folder, contact parent) Extreme behavior-automatic parent contact. Behavior System: Class Dojo Points --10 points: 5 minutes of game time --20 points: STAR Award --30+ points: Lunch with Mrs. Cureton

9 Parties We will have a Winter Party and End of the Year Celebration! We will have a Fall Festival this year! More info to come! Please look for information to come home about these events

10 Dress Code Please make sure your child’s shirt is a solid color polo and tucked in if wearing skirt or pants. College Colors Day-Monday Our class college is Sam Houston State University. Students may wear SHSU shirts or solid shirts that are SHSU colors (orange, black & white) and uniform pants/skirts Spirit Dress Day – Friday The students may wear jeans with a Clarkston spirit shirt or regular uniform polo. Tennis shoes and socks are required for P.E.

11 Report Cards We have started parent/teacher conferences! These will continue for the next two weeks. If you have not already signed up, please sign up for a time tonight and make yourself a reminder note. *I will send home reminders a few days before your conference* Report cards will go out on Tuesday, October 4 th.

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