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The head of the state is the President who is elected by the people. The President must be at least 35 years old and must have lived in the USA for.

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3 The head of the state is the President who is elected by the people. The President must be at least 35 years old and must have lived in the USA for at least 14 years. B. Obama the real president of the USA. The United States of America is a presidential Republic. In the USA two main political parties fight for the power: the Democratic Party and Republican Party.

4 Legislative законода- тельная Executive исполни- тельная Judicial судебная

5 The legislative branch of power - the Congress is made up of two parts: The legislative branch.

6 The president and his Administration represent the executive branch of the federal government. The executive branch puts the country’s laws into effect. The executive branch.

7 The judicial branch of government is the system of courts. The Supreme Court is the highest court in the country.

8 It’s known some symbols of the United States of America: the American flag, the American hymn, the coat of arms - the Bald Eagle and the Statue of Liberty. Thesymbols of the USA The symbols of the USA.

9 Test "The political system of the USA".








17 The USA The political system The head of state Legislative Branch of power Executive Branch of power Judicial Branch of power Main political parties

18 The USA The political system The presidential republic The head of state The president Legislative Branch of power Congress The House of The Senate representatives Executive Branch of power The Administration (the president, the vice president, the cabinet, the secretaries) Judicial Branch of power The Supreme Court. Main political parties The Republican Party The Democratic Party

19  На уроке я работал (I work on lesson) -  Своей работой я (I am) -  Урок показался мне (Lesson seemed) -  За урок я (I am) -  Материал на уроке мне был (Material in the lesson was) - Домашнее задание мне кажется (Homework I think)  Активно/пассивно (Actively/passively)  Доволен/не доволен (Satisfied/not satisfied)  Коротким/ длинным (Short/ long)  Не устал/ устал (Not tired/ tired)  Понятен/ не понятен (Clear/ not clear) Полезен/ бесполезен (Useful/ useless) Интересен/ скучен (Interesting/ boring)  Лёгким/ трудным (Easy/ difficult) интересно/ не интересно (interesting/ not interesting)

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