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Walk to School Week May 2015 Every year Living Streets’ Walk to School Week brings together nearly one million schoolchildren, teachers and parents.

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Presentation on theme: "Walk to School Week May 2015 Every year Living Streets’ Walk to School Week brings together nearly one million schoolchildren, teachers and parents."— Presentation transcript:

1 Walk to School Week 18-22 May 2015 Every year Living Streets’ Walk to School Week brings together nearly one million schoolchildren, teachers and parents.

2 Discover the healthy benefits of walking Each day of Walk to School Week will explore a different health benefit of walking to school.

3 Day 1: Healthy body Daily exercise keeps us fit and healthy. Walking is good for our hearts, lungs, muscles and bones.

4 Day 2: Health and happiness Children that walk to school arrive more alert and ready to start the day. Walking can also have a positive effect on your mood.

5 Day 3: Healthy habits Getting into the habit of an energetic walk at the start of the day can also encourage healthy eating habits such as having a nutritious breakfast every morning.

6 Day 4: Healthy family and friends The whole family can get fit walking to school. It’s also a great time to spend quality time together and chat about your day.

7 Day 5: Healthy environment Gas from cars pollutes the air. If more people walk, there will be fewer cars and less pollution. Cleaner air is better for us and our planet.

8 What is Happy Shoesday ? A day dedicated to wearing the shoes that make you the happiest – shiny, decorated, red, cartoon, gorilla feet… whatever brings that smile on the walk to school. Every child who takes part is asked to bring £1 to donate towards funds for our Crossing Patrollers (Lollipop Ladies) to keep us safe when crossing the road.

9 What makes a super Happy Shoesday? An unushoeal choice - swap your everyday school shoes for some more interesting footwear Light up your laces - change your laces for different colours, or add glitter, ribbon or beads A shoe makeover - add wings, stickers, faces or a shoe cover and get creative with colours

10 Walking is fun! Especially when you are wearing shoes that make you happy! Bring your £1 donations to school, and wear the shoes that make you happiest!

11 Lets all walk together! Walk to School from the Village Hall on Thursday 20 May! Get your mum or dad, grandma or granddad and your dog to join us on Thursday morning at the Village Hall at 8:30am and we’ll all walk together to School.

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