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Note Taking Matt Marting. Importance ▪ Helps in retaining information learned from various sources in class ▪ Choose ways that make sense to you so you.

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Presentation on theme: "Note Taking Matt Marting. Importance ▪ Helps in retaining information learned from various sources in class ▪ Choose ways that make sense to you so you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Note Taking Matt Marting

2 Importance ▪ Helps in retaining information learned from various sources in class ▪ Choose ways that make sense to you so you can better understand and retain information ▪ Valuable in reviewing for assessments and daily lessons ▪ Keeps you on track with material in class ▪ Helps keep you organized

3 Different Types of Note Taking Methods: Outline

4 Different Types of Note Taking Methods: Cornell Notes

5 Different Types of Note Taking Methods: Mind Mapping

6 Different Types of Note Taking Methods: Column Notes

7 Various Types of Resources in Which Notes Provided in Classes ▪ PowerPoint presentations ▪ Guided notes (fill-in the blank) ▪ Worksheets and handouts ▪ Outlines ▪ Textbooks ▪ Web quests ▪ Study guides

8 How to Take Notes: PowerPoint Presentations ▪ Highlight the following: – Bold/italicized items – Vocabulary terms – Main ideas and key details – Any items your teacher specifically directs your attention to or asks you directly to highlight or remember for the future ▪ For clarification of any terms or concepts highlighted above, jot down using a pen or pencil key words or phrases – you can even draw small pictures if you are a visual learner ▪ Feel free to use different colors based on information/class – For example, in history, you may want to color code: people, places, events, vocabulary etc. – this helps with information retention as well!

9 How to Take Notes: Textbooks ▪ Be sure to “preview the text” - this allows you to have an overview of what you’ll be reading about and you’ll be better able to identify main ideas and key details – Skim chapter/section titles, headings/subheadings, graphs/charts/visuals, bold faced vocabulary terms – Read over “main ideas/objectives” often provided at the beginning of the chapter/section – Read over review questions at the end of the chapter/section ▪ Chunk reading – Read 1 paragraph or subsection at a time, pause, take note, and continue on ▪ Take Note – Using any of the methods mentioned: input main ideas (usually in relation to heading/subheading, key details (short phrases and key words), and any vocabulary/definitions

10 Helpful Hints ▪ Before class, skim through the next lesson’s text or topic - this will help prepare you for class and have an idea ahead of time what is important ▪ Use key words and short phrases ▪ Use symbols and abbreviations ▪ DO NOT try to write things word for word (use the above 2 strategies) ▪ Color code when possible to decipher between ideas ▪ After class, review notes for at least 5-10 minutes after class or school to make additions, corrections, and to help retain what was learned – From here you can create your own study guides and flash cards for review

11 Helpful Hints: Symbols and Abbreviations

12 Helpful Hints: Checklist

13 Helpful Hints: Remember the 5 R’s ▪ 1. Record – Active note taking using a method that works for you ▪ 2. Reduce – Use symbols, abbreviations, key words, and short phrases ▪ 3. Recite – Reading notes aloud helps with understanding and retention ▪ 4. Reflect – Thinking about what is written – draw conclusions and develop questions ▪ 5. Review – Revisit notes immediately and regularly

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