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Just say no.. Run-on Sentences A run-on sentence is when two or more independent clauses are joined without the proper punctuation or conjunction. Run-on.

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Presentation on theme: "Just say no.. Run-on Sentences A run-on sentence is when two or more independent clauses are joined without the proper punctuation or conjunction. Run-on."— Presentation transcript:

1 Just say no.

2 Run-on Sentences A run-on sentence is when two or more independent clauses are joined without the proper punctuation or conjunction. Run-on sentences are common errors when a writer is rushing. The following is a prime example of a run-on: I like my new teacher Ms. Marple she is nice. Where should the punctuation/conjunction go? Yes, between “Marple” and “she”.

3 Run-on Sentences Let’s take a further look at that run-on sentence from the previous slide. There are several ways that sentence can be corrected: I like my new teacher Ms. Marple. She is nice. I like my new teacher Ms. Marple; she is nice. I like my new teacher Ms. Marple, and she is nice. I like my new teacher Ms. Marple because she is nice.

4 Run-on Sentences Imperative sentences—sentences that give orders—can easily become run-ons if the writer is not careful. Put on your shoes go outside. What are some ways this sentence could be corrected? Add punctuation: Put your shoes on. Go outside. Put your shoes on; go outside. (Notice that a comma doesn’t cut it here… More on that later.) Add a conjunction: Put your shoes on and go outside. Put your shoes on, then go outside. Put your shoes on before you go outside.

5 Run-on Sentences Run-on sentences are often created when an independent clause gives an order based on a previous clause. The upcoming quiz is a difficult one, you should study hard. (Notice that pesky comma…) The error in this sentence—two independent clauses separated by only a comma—is called a comma splice.

6 Comma Splices A comma is not strong enough to separate independent clauses unless those clauses are in a list. Incorrect: I wash my hands, I brush my teeth. Correct: I wash my hands, then brush my teeth. Incorrect: Go you your room, you’re in trouble. Correct: Go to your room! You’re in trouble. Correct: John swept the floor, Anne washed the dishes and Tommy scrubbed the windows.

7 Comma Splices While commas are not strong enough to separate independent clauses on their own, they can be used in conjunction with, well, a conjunction. Correct: Daniel drove his car, and I drove mine. In the above sentence, the comma is used properly to separate two independent clauses that contain two separate subjects (“Daniel” and “I”). Incorrect: Daniel drove his car, I drove mine. Yep, that comma is just not strong enough.

8 Run-ons and Comma Splices Decide which sentences are run- ons and which are correct. Answers 1. Give me the key, I need to open the door. 2. Joe’s mom is nice, she made us cookies. 3. Lana likes pie, I like ice cream and Eric likes cake. 4. Don’t keep me waiting; I am in suspense. 5. Dean keeps his yard clean he’s very proud of it. 1. Run-on 2. Run-on 3. Correct 4. Correct 5. Run-on

9 Hurray! You should now be able to avoid run-on sentences— including those pesky comma splices—in your own writing. You should also be able to recognize and correct them. For that, you get a cookie. When you feel ready, see Mrs. Shankle for your quiz.

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