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EnglishHebrewLocation in the text sinkכיור28/11 towelמגבת33/11 jailבית הסוהר1/12 supperארוחת ערב4/12 suede shoesנעלי זמש10-11/12 to drip (dripping)לנטוף14/12.

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Presentation on theme: "EnglishHebrewLocation in the text sinkכיור28/11 towelמגבת33/11 jailבית הסוהר1/12 supperארוחת ערב4/12 suede shoesנעלי זמש10-11/12 to drip (dripping)לנטוף14/12."— Presentation transcript:

1 EnglishHebrewLocation in the text sinkכיור28/11 towelמגבת33/11 jailבית הסוהר1/12 supperארוחת ערב4/12 suede shoesנעלי זמש10-11/12 to drip (dripping)לנטוף14/12 pauseהפסקה15/12 silenceדממה26/12 neitherגם לא27/12 in commonבמשותף28/12 to combלסרק29/12 presentableנראה טוב, נאה30/12 INTRODUCING NEW VOCABULARY (PART III)

2 A. CIRCLE THE CORRECT ANSWER 1. At noon people eat lunch, while in the late evening they eat silence/ supper. 2. The young man spent a year in pause/jail because he stole a car. 3. There was complete silence/pause in the room. Nobody said a word. 4. Please put the dirty dishes in the suede shoes/sink. 5. These two are complete strangers. What do they have to comb/ in common? 6. Please wash your face and comb your hair. I want you to look presentable /dripping. 7. During the lecture, the speaker took a short towel/pause to drink some water. 8. When we came out of the pool I gave him a towel/ suede shoes to dry himself.

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4 BASIC UNDERSTANDING 1. In Part II, Mrs. Jones says “You ought to be my son. “Find TWO examples in Part III that show that Mrs. Jones treated Roger as if he were her son. 2. What did Mrs. Jones tell Roger when he asked her if she was going to take him to jail? 3. COMPLETE THE SENTENCE. Mrs. Jones thought Roger tried to snatch her purse because 4. CIRCLE THE CORRECT ANSWER. Roger tried to snatch Mrs. Jones’s purse because……. (i) he enjoyed stealing people’s purses. (ii) he wanted money to buy blue suede shoes. (iii) he was hungry and wanted money to buy food. She tells him to go to the sink and wash his face./She tells him to let the water tun until it’s warm./She gives him a clean towel./ She invites him to supper./She doesn’t take him to the police. She says she wouldn’t take him anywhere with a dirty face. he was hungry and needed money to buy food.

5 5. Why didn’t Roger eat supper before meeting Mrs. Jones? 6. COMPLETE THE SENTENCE. When Mrs. Jones said: “You could of asked me.” (11/12) she meant that Roger could have asked her to 7. What was Roger thinking when he saw the open door? 8. PUT  BY THE TWO CORRECT ANSWERS. ___i) Mrs. Jones wanted things she couldn’t get. ­­­___ii) Mrs. Jones also snatched people’s purses. ___iii) Mrs. Jones told Roger what bad things she had done. ___iv) Mrs. Jones did some bad things when she was young. ­­­___v) Mrs. Jones explained why she couldn't get things when she was young. His parents were not at home. give him money to buy blue suede shoes. He was thinking about running away.

6 9. What did Mrs. Jones ask Roger to do while she prepared them something to eat? ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION 1. “Roger looked at the door-and went to the sink.”(30/11) Why, in your opinion, didn’t Roger try to run away? 2. CIRCLE THE CORRECT ANSWER When Mrs. Jones told Roger, “You could of asked me”(11/12), she …… i) surprised him ii) embarrassed him iii) angered him b. From the information about Roger, can you explain this reaction? What did Mrs. Jones mean when she said: “everybody’s got something in common”? (27/12)What do Mrs. Jones and Roger have in common? How are they different? to sit down/to run a comb through his hair Mrs. Jones was kind to him. He is afraid that Mrs. Jones will use force again. Roger was surprised because nobody ever gave him anything especially when he didn’t deserve it. All the people are similar they make mistakes when they are young.

7 was Afro-American was given the second chance change for the better was proud of family became a respectable person learned right from wrong was embarrassed by and ashamed of family learned the values of trust and self-respect had done bad things was honest, open won self-respect was poor was decent was lonely COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING TABLE. USE THE WORDS FROM THE WORD BANK. RogerBothMrs. Jones

8 EnglishHebrewLocation in the text cornerפינה31/12 screenמחיצה31/12 the corner of her eyeזווית עינה36/12 to trustלבטוח, לתת אימון1/13 to heat(heated)לחמם9/13 beansשעועית10/13 to set the tableלערוך את השולחן10/13 folksהורים12/13 to embarrassלהביך12/13 to burnלצרוב, לשרוף21/13 from here on inמכאן ולהבא22/13 behave yourselfלהתנהג יפה23/13 INTRODUCING NEW VOCABULARY (PART IV)

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11 BASIC UNDERSTANDING 1. COMPLETE THE SENTENCE Mrs. Jones went behind the screen to. 2. How did Roger behave when Mrs. Jones was behind the screen? CIRCLE THE CORRECT ANSWER. i) He made sure she couldn’t see him. ii) He sat far away from the purse. iii) He watched the purse carefully. 3. Why did Roger sit on the far side of the room? 4. What did Roger offer to do? ______________________________________________________________________ prepare supper/ heat their meal/ show Roger that she trusts him. to be trusted/to be far from the purse He offered to go to the store for Mrs. Jones to buy some milk or something else.

12 5. CIRCLE THE CORRECT ANSWER. During the meal, Roger and Mrs. Jones didn’t talk about…. i) Mrs. Jones’s son. ii) Roger’s family. iii) her work. 6. COMPLETE THE SENTENCE. Mrs. Jones didn’t ask Roger about his personal life because she didn’t want to embarrass him.

13 7. What did Mrs. Jones give Roger? PUT  BY TWO CORRECT ANSWERS. __i) A pair of blue suede shoes. ___ii) Money to buy what he wanted. ___iii) half of her cake. ___iv) Sweet milk. ___v) Meat and potatoes. 8. Mrs. Jones warned Roger. What was her warning? Not to snatch anybody’s purse./Not to do dishonest things./She warns him to behave himself.

14 9. CIRCLE THE CORRECT ANSWER. At the end of the story……. i) Roger thanked Mrs. Jones. ii) Roger away from Mrs. Jones. iii) Roger couldn’t say a word to Mrs. Jones.

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