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There are two types of law: civil law criminal law.

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Presentation on theme: "There are two types of law: civil law criminal law."— Presentation transcript:

1 There are two types of law: civil law criminal law

2 CIVIL LAW Is a private matter It is a dispute between individuals, groups or organisations –Plaintiff versus Defendant It is often about rights It does not involve the police It is usually settled by payment of money (compensation) It very rarely results in imprisonment

3 Neudorf versus McLachlan Case Study on page 273 Example of Civil Law Sarah McLachlan is a famous singer from Vancouver, B.C.

4 EXAMPLES OF CIVIL LAW Taking your neighbour to court over a large tree which cuts out your sunlight A celebrity suing a newspaper for saying she is having an affair Claiming damages from an accident at work Suing a company who have sold you faulty goods

5 HOW CIVIL LAW WORKS The person bringing the case is called the plaintiff; the person who the case is against is called the defendant The plaintiff has to prove the defendant is in the wrong Civil cases are heard before a judge. In very large or serious cases there may also be a jury (12 citizens). Because a court case is so expensive, the dispute is often settled “ out of court ” for money

6 CRIMINAL LAW Is a public matter to do with issues that affect everyone e.g. theft, murder It is used when specific laws have alleged to have been broken The Crown (i.e. the Government) prosecutes on behalf of the public The police are always involved There are Indictable offences (serious crimes) and summary offences (less serious crimes) The penalties are usually fines and/or imprisonment.

7 Criminal Code of Canada The Criminal Code of Canada is the codification of most criminal offences and procedures in Canada.

8 What are some criminal offences?

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