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Triathlon Sept 25 (Sunday) Prairie Creek-Beaver Lake Area Ham Radio Volunteer Information.

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Presentation on theme: "Triathlon Sept 25 (Sunday) Prairie Creek-Beaver Lake Area Ham Radio Volunteer Information."— Presentation transcript:

1 Triathlon Sept 25 (Sunday) Prairie Creek-Beaver Lake Area Ham Radio Volunteer Information

2 The TRI49 Triathlon will consist of: 1 mile swim in Beaver Lake 39 mile scenic bike ride along Hwy 12 and roads surrounding Rogers, AR that will include a variety of terrain 9 mile run almost all within beautiful Prairie Creek Recreation Area & Campground Transitions will be within a very spacious area alongside Prairie Creek Marina TRI49 Celebration Party for participants and spectators at JJ's Grill on the Marina All finishers receive a finishers medal Top Male and Female finishers will receive an exclusive USAT SMW Region Long Course Championship Trophies Age group awards will be awarded according to USAT protocol

3 The Ham Radio Volunteers will provide 1)Safety communications between their position and Net Control 2)Rider counts to and from the race turn-around There should be no need to transport riders or equipment or provide materials for the Ham radio volunteers. They are there to provide communications only and should be prepared to be self sufficient There should be no charge to enter the park as a volunteer. Just tell them at the gate you are volunteer staff with the Tri49 race. If difficulties call Net Control.

4 Ham Stations There will be a Net Control in the Park plus 1 for HT (2 people) In the parking lot (SE corner) next to the boat ramp. (Required location) The HT location monitors swim and the Park for Net Control There will be a Ham station at the turnaround on the Bike Course Posy Mountain Road and Arabian Drive (Wherever parking permits for end of race turnaround) (Required Location) In-between Net Control and the Turnaround we are hoping to have 5 other mobile stations 1) Entrance to Prairie Creek from Highway 12 (optional) 2) East Locust (Hwy 12) and North Arkansas Street (Appx. Mile 4 ½) (Optional) 3) Walnut Valley and Prairie Creek Roads (Appx. mile 10) (Required) 4) Main Street and Woods Lodge Road (Avoca near 62 Hwy, high traffic area) (Required) 5) Coose Hollow and Posy Mountain Drive (or wherever parking permits, Appx. mile 15) (Optional) In the Park we will need 2 locations (can be the same person for both [a bicycle would be good here]) Waterfront to watch swimmers (If allowed to get into a boat with the search and rescue this is preferred) Intersection of North Park Road (to Ramp) and Day use area (runners will pass this area, loop 3 times, then return past this location) This is a total of 8-9 volunteers at maximum, 5-6 minimum needed.

5 SAFETY PLAN (Page 1) All emergency situations: all volunteers or participant first on site to dial 911. Rogers EMS for the event will be onsite. Race Director, Tracy Byrd, will be notified only after 911 and EMS notified/ called. Benton County Dive and Rescue will be on the water. Lifeguards will be on the water in kayaks, canoes. 1 jet ski on standby idle in water. Ratio of lifeguards to swimmers will be no less than USA Triathlon Sanctioning requirements. Benton County Police will be on water: 1 jet ski and one boat to manage boat traffic not related to event.

6 SAFETY PLAN (Page 2) Benton County police will be at: Lake shore, park area for communication until last cyclist returns Arabian and Coose Hollow N. Arkansas Street and Walnut Valley at Pleasant Hill Baptist Church Guylls Ridge N Park Drive and Highway 12 Rogers Police will be at: Highway 12 and Arkansas Avenue Emergencies call 911 first Ham Radio and cell phones will be in use on the course by volunteers for expediting communication after 911 is called. There will be ~7 Ham Radio operators at: Various point on Lake, bike and run course- details available upon request Volunteers will be on bike and run course. One water aid station on run course to be passed by runners 2-3 times. Tentative bike course aid station TBD Bike course will be swept by volunteer in automobile and a GPP Cycling employee on an electric bike. Run course will be swept by a volunteer on a nonmotorized trike.

7 Ham Frequencies BCRO VHF is the contact repeater to Net Control for frequency instructions and fall back 145.290 – 110.9 The park Frequency may be Simplex 146.550 (but check with Net Control) It is possible that the clubs new 440 repeater may be used for this race (check with Net control on the VHF frequency first) IF possible, bring a VHF/UHF radio Mobile for the bike race HT for the Park

8 Special Items to Note: The Water race starts at 7:30am last out at 8:40am, Water- Bike – Run is the order. Check in with net control at 0715am Bike Stations should all be checked in to Net Control by 1-3, 745am 4-Terminus 8:00 All participants will have an RFID tag on their ankle or wrist. All participants will have numbers on them (this is a popular bike course so do not count those without these 2) The last bike sweep will identify itself to each ham station The mechanic bike is motorized and the person is wearing a mechanics uniform and pulling a trailer To get the number of racers prior to race, go to “J. Lewis” in the timing trailer in the park at the transition point The race is timed to end at 2:30pm, points will be shut down by Net Control

9 Finally Please have fun! Learn good Net Control protocol Follow all Net Control Guidelines Remember that the BCRO VHF Repeater is the fall back and the UHF repeater is most likely the one to be used. However, this is totally up to net control the day of the race

10 Net Control Station

11 Position 1 (Entrance to Park)

12 Position 2 (Hwy 12 and N Arkansas)

13 Position 3 (North Prairie Creek Road)

14 Position 4 (Avoca)

15 Position 5 (Coose Hollow)

16 Turn Around

17 Park Run Station (Bike or on Foot)

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