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MEDICAL RECORD BROKER -LAVANYA GUNDAMARAJU Introduction Introduction n Database and database systems have become an essential part of everyday life.

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3 Introduction Introduction n Database and database systems have become an essential part of everyday life. n Many a times information has to be gathered from multiple sources, especially in distributed architectures. n It is difficult to cull together the large repositories of data to form a consistent database n Data Mining techniques can be used to extract advantageous of information.

4 PROBLEM UNDER CONSIDERATION PROBLEM UNDER CONSIDERATION n MAHI database. n Kelly’s code to access data from MAHI Database.

5 Database:- n Large and extensive n Null values in SSN and Name fields. n Duplicate records. n Inconsistent data. n Invalid entries. n Wife and husband sharing the same SSN. n Mother and child sharing name and SSN

6 PROBLEMS WITH KELLY’S CODE. n Key used to identify the record is SSN. n Incase of failure of SSN the combination of Name and DOB are used as keys. n Probability check became an overhead.

7 n

8 Suggested solution n Data Mining. n Criteria of selection may be improved by choosing the SSN, Date Of Birth and Sex at the first level n A check for name match will be made only for the sake of support. n Weight of the record also forms a key.

9 n Incase the first level search fails, name is the criteria used but with DOB as an added on criterion. n Update the database by using the details in hand and the data from the database after the record has been found. n Use partitioning technique to reduce the number of database scans.

10 n

11 n Transaction reduction rule a Data Mining technique is used to reduce the working set of transactions. n The algorithm takes into consideration, match mismatch and null values in the record being tested. n The final record that is returned is weighted record.

12 Conclusion n The algorithm used will survive distributed architecture. n Data Mining tools are used in the algorithm which support optimization. n Data Mining is the science that forms a yard stick to various applications.

13 ??Questions?? n

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