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Big Impact for Women Project. Project Scope To broaden the opportunity and improve the access for women to participate in a tailored support and skills.

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Presentation on theme: "Big Impact for Women Project. Project Scope To broaden the opportunity and improve the access for women to participate in a tailored support and skills."— Presentation transcript:

1 Big Impact for Women Project

2 Project Scope To broaden the opportunity and improve the access for women to participate in a tailored support and skills program, co-designed by women for women who have experienced family violence and homelessness, to enhance their recovery, wellbeing, and independent living skills.

3 Distribution of Funding Across 4 key areas of impact: 1)Project Management: Dedicated resource to the Project for service enhancement for women Bringing front line experience to the project while building internal capacity through up skilling and Project Management methodology through coaching.

4 Project Management Methodology End February End March End April Pilot Phase: May – September End November ADDIE Model

5 2) Improved integrated service delivery for women Accommodation: Increase bed occupancy rates Improve efficiency & effectiveness of case management with more person centred case planning Increase access and support options for all women Distribution of Funding

6 3) Co-design approach: Women who live at the service play an active role in designing service enhancements based on their needs Recently formed the Co-Design Council - made up of current and past residents to inform the project. 4) Independent Living Skills support programs: Enhanced with a focus on Peer Support, Self development and living skills.

7 IMPROVEMENTSPrior to the funding OUTCOMES Now and in the future thanks to Impact 100 we will… 1.Accommodation & Bed Occupancy rates Averaging 70% Increase to 100% 2.Structured Case Management Processes Ad hoc Repetitive Crisis Driven Standardised approach to Case management Best practice methods 3.Centralised Screening and Intake Process Cumbersome Reactive Duty Intake System - daily Coordinated by Case management Team 4.Improved Referral Form 18 pages 5 pages Client Centred IMPACT100 ENABLES 10 MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS

8 IMPROVEMENTSPrior to the funding OUTCOMES Now and in the future thanks to Impact 100 we will… 5.New Assessment tools Case worker dependent 4 new Assessment tools Independence Readiness Scale 6.New Case management tools for best practice Lengthy Repetitive Person Centred Goal Planning Structured internal/ external referrals pathways 7.Me Project Self Development Group Piloted Reviewed Staff trained/ upskilled Implemented 8.Peer Support Program Pilot & Evaluation External partnership Structured internal referral pathways Role Clarity

9 IMPROVEMENTSPrior to the funding OUTCOMES Now and in the future thanks to Impact 100 we will… 9.Health SupportAd hocRDNS – strengthened internal referral pathways 10.Co-Design Opportunities Ad hoc Co Design Council Monthly meetings

10 Thank you for making a big impact and difference to women who are homeless in Victoria to help them rebuild their lives.

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