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USW is Working to End Violence against Women and Girls.

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Presentation on theme: "USW is Working to End Violence against Women and Girls."— Presentation transcript:

1 USW is Working to End Violence against Women and Girls

2 1 in 3 women in Canada over the age of 16 experiences sexual assault

3 Aboriginal women are more at risk At least 1,073 Aboriginal women murdered 1 out of every 5 female homicide victims is Aboriginal But only 1 out of every 20 Canadians is Aboriginal

4 On a single day in Canadian shelters: 1,760 women and 1,915 children are in shelters 416 women and children seek shelter Turned away: 305 women and children had to find alternatives The pattern repeats itself tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow...

5 1 in 3 workers have experienced domestic violence

6 Violence follows women to work:

7 Almost 10% said they had lost a job because of domestic violence

8 Domestic violence at work is a health and safety issue For the victim For co-workers Increased chance of workplace accidents



11 USW can play an important role in ending violence against women and girls.

12 Here’s how you can help: Hand out pins and brochures to brothers in the unit or local Wear the pin Read the brochure Help end violence against women and girls

13 Make anti-violence a part of our local’s culture

14 Bargain collective agreement language: Leave of absence (for medical, legal, or other issues) Confidentiality Protection from discipline Other supports (changes to work schedule, job design, telephone numbers, etc.) Safety planning and workplace policies

15 Send members to USW courses on human rights, ending bullying and harassment, and becoming domestic violence first-responders

16 Participate in community events: October 4 (National Day to Commemorate Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women) December 6 (National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women)

17 Support local women’s shelters

18 Lobby federal, provincial and territorial politicians

19 Thank you for being part of the solution!

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