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Book Three. Listen carefully and choose the correct answers. Cindy enjoys reading the ________. Now she is reading Jane Eyre. But Paul loves _________.

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Presentation on theme: "Book Three. Listen carefully and choose the correct answers. Cindy enjoys reading the ________. Now she is reading Jane Eyre. But Paul loves _________."— Presentation transcript:

1 Book Three

2 Listen carefully and choose the correct answers. Cindy enjoys reading the ________. Now she is reading Jane Eyre. But Paul loves _________ stories. He thinks Jane Eyre is _________. Cindy told him it was a book about a woman who worked _________ a governess in a large house and she _________ in love with her __________, but the classics employer boring detective fell married horrible sounds fascinating as classics detective boring as fell employer

3 Book Three employer was ___________ to a ________ mad woman. At last Paul decided to read it because he thinks the book ______ more ___________. married horrible sounds fascinating

4 Book Three

5 A Fascinating Story (Cindy is reading Jane Eyre. She told Paul it was about...) Paul: Oh, Jane Eyre. I’ve never read it. Isn’t it boring? What’s it like? boring Cindy: Well, it’s about a woman who works as a governess in a large house and she falls in love with her employer... governessemployer Paul: It doesn’t sound very exciting. Do you enjoy reading the classics? I think detective novels are much better.

6 Book Three Cindy:... but the employer is married to a horrible mad woman. horrible Paul: That sounds more fascinating. Maybe I’ll read it.fascinating

7 Book Three boring : uninteresting

8 Book Three governess : a woman employed to teach young children in their home

9 Book Three employer : person or company that employs others

10 Book Three horrible : very unpleasant

11 Book Three fascinating : having great attraction or charm

12 Book Three 1. Form two teams, A and B 2. The teams take turns to write words on the blackboard. The other team add a word which must lead to a real sentence. And the sentence must include the phrase “much + adj. (a comparative form)”.

13 Book Three Example: Team A: I Team B: think Team A: love Team B: stories Team A: are Team B: much Team A: more Team B: interesting ( one point)

14 Book Three 3. If one team cannot think of another word to add, if they add an incorrect word, or one that doesn’t continue the sentence, the other team win a point.

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