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Presentation on theme: "HEALTHIER NEIGHBORS SENSE-MAKING SEPTEMBER 19, 2016."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Process Identification of Priority Area Focus Groups Key Stakeholder Interviews Community Meetings Community Surveys Analysis of Community Data

3 The Findings 3-2-1 3 things that surprised you or that you found interesting 2 things you would like to know more about 1 thing you would like to “do” as a result

4 Healthier Neighbors The “Vulnerable Footprint”

5 What are the RESULTS we are looking for? If Healthier Neighbors is successful… The community will be engaged and empowered Residents will have a voice in decision-making processes There will be increased awareness in the community about behavioral health issues, causes, and resources Residents will have improved access to a system of community-based behavioral health and wellness resources Barriers to accessing behavioral health resources will be eliminated

6 Healthier Neighbors Strengths Food drives Educational presentations on topics such as teen violence, domestic violence, anger management, bullying, fatherhood, and career development Keep Calm and Ask community forum Members of the community are dedicated to improving conditions for families and children, are not afraid to ask for help, and are willing to work together to improve neighborhood conditions Most people have lived in the community for a long time, with low mobility Family-friendly events Engaged and active faith-based organizations Local media involvement Business involvement Multiple health and human service organizations Multiple park and recreation facilities Numerous educational resources Stability Palm Tran free bus passes AA/NA meetings Staff/service providers Local services through churches and community centers Resident Council

7 Healthier Neighbors Strengths

8 Healthier Neighbors Challenges High unemployment rate Number of single-parent households Evidence of child maltreatment Access to child care providers is difficult due to cost and eligibility requirements for subsidies Median household income low Teen birth rate (2010) 8% in Riviera Beach Crime rate (2010) in Riviera Beach 71 per 1,000 compared to 41 per 1,000 in Palm Beach County Lack of awareness of community resources Lack of preventive measures in impoverished or economically disadvantaged communities, poverty Lack of trust, stigma associated with behavioral health (family, faith, friends) Lack of education Lack of conflict resolution Lack of effective parenting skills Lack of coping skills, too much stress Reluctance to engage in resources due to cultural differences and bias Broken families Lack of availability of healthy food, food desert Homelessness, lack of affordable housing Co-pays, insurance (denial) Lack of employment options Lack of education about behavioral health in the school system Transgender issues Racial tension, stereotypes Incarceration Unsafe streets, lack of street lights, no sidewalks Lack of activities for teenagers over the summer No afterschool tutoring programs Lack of transportation Intergenerational trauma

9 Healthier Neighbors Challenges

10 Healthier Neighbors Ideas for Activities More focus groups and community dialogues surrounding behavioral health Training faith-based organizations on how to service community needs Incentivize programs to support education on behavioral health and providing support to families in need Developing and maintaining support groups and mentoring programs Parent’s night out Funding innovative programs Increase parenting initiatives Community gardens (kids can be farmers) Family dinners Incorporate pathfinder skills Universal healthcare Low cost/free dental care, mobile dental clinic Collaborate with businesses Housing that promotes independence and privacy, creative housing options (tiny housing) Emergency shelters specific to men Create opportunities for artistic outlets (theater, art, dance, music, art in the park, etc.) Outdoor recreational programs Community van Identify mental illness at an earlier age Re-entry programs Peer support programs Newsletter Government officials involvement

11 Healthier Neighbors Exercise Form groups. A Steering Committee member will participate in each group to answer questions and provide guidance. Assign a group member to “scribe” results. Assign a group member to “report out” to the larger group. Activity 1: Talk about the 3 things that surprised you…10 minutes Activity 2: Talk about the 2 things you would like to know more about…10 minutes Activity 3: Talk about an idea you have for an activity…10 minutes



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