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Syllabification A fundamental aspect of any language is the sound produced when the language is spoken. Syllables give languages their rhythm and timing,

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Presentation on theme: "Syllabification A fundamental aspect of any language is the sound produced when the language is spoken. Syllables give languages their rhythm and timing,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Syllabification A fundamental aspect of any language is the sound produced when the language is spoken. Syllables give languages their rhythm and timing, which in turn affect the sound and meaning of words. Each syllable is a unit of one beat of sound within a word, made up of a vowel or a combination of consonants and vowels. In Spanish, there are rules that determine which sounds belong to a particular syllable within a word. Knowing how to divide words into syllables, a process called syllabification, can help determine where to put the stress when pronouncing words and, if necessary, where to place a written accent mark.

2 Syllables Words in Spanish are composed of vowels (represented by the letters a, e, i, o, u) and consonants (b, c, d, f, g, h…). Syllables are composed of the following combinations: 1) One strong vowel (a, e, o) that can be in its own syllable a-mi-ga, e-le-gan-te, o-jo (the first syllable in each word is a single, strong vowel) 2) At least one consonant plus a strong vowel (a, e, o) or a weak vowel (i, u) ca-sa (consonant + strong vowel, consonant + strong vowel) Other examples: bre-cha, ca-ma, hi-jo, li-bro, ma-no, mo-chi-la, ta-bú 3) At least one consonant plus a strong vowel and a weak vowel dien-te (consonant + weak/strong vowel, consonant + strong vowel) Other examples: a-gua, clien-te, cui-da-do, dia-rio, fre-cuen-cia, nue-vo, pei-no

3 Division of Words Into Syllables: Vowels Vowel combinations forming… One single syllable Syllables containing two vowels occur when a weak vowel (i, u) is joined to a strong vowel (a, e, o) or is joined to another weak vowel. This is known as a diphthong. bai-le, cua-der-no, die-ci-nue-ve, nie-to, viu-do Two separate syllables The only way a weak vowel can separate itself from a strong vowel is by having a written accent. This is known as hiatus. ba-úl, con-ti-nú-a, dí-a, o-ír, rí-o Two strong vowels together usually form two separate syllables. ca-er, le-o, o-a-sis, o-es-te

4 Division of Words Into Syllables: Consonants In the process of syllabification with consonants, there are patterns to follow. A consonant between two vowels groups itself with the second vowel. ma-no, do-mi-no, a-ca-de-mia When two consonants appear next to each other, they are usually divided. com-pu-ta-do-ra, cor-ba-ta, cuar-to, ins-ti-tu-to*, men-sa-je, quin-ce, tar-de *The consonant pair st is usually divided when preceded by another consonant. There are, however, pairs of consonants that are never divided, such as: bl, br, ch, cl, cr, dr, fl, fr, gl, gr, ll, pl, pr, rr, tr. a-pren-der, bi-ci-cle-ta, ca-lle, co-che, ha-bla, pi-za-rra, so-bri-no

5 Helpful Hints To hear the stressed syllable in a word, say the word aloud. To hear the number of syllables in a word, say the word aloud slowly and count the beats. Review the accent lesson in order to have a complete idea of how syllabification is connected to written accents.

6 Práctica A Rewrite each word using hyphens to divide it into syllables. 1. héroe 2. cerebro 3. límite 4. chocolate 5. policía 6. democracia 7. oxígeno 8. ángel 9. calle 10. mapa

7 ANSWERS Práctica A 1. hé-ro-e 2. ce-re-bro 3. lí-mi-te 4. cho-co-la-te 5. po-li-cí-a 6. de-mo-cra-cia 7. o-xí-ge-no 8. án-gel 9. ca-lle 10. ma-pa

8 Práctica B Rewrite each word using hyphens to divide it into syllables. 1. mañana 2. eléctrico 3. joven 4. álbum 5. cerrado 6. llamada 7. psicología 8. septiembre 9. correcto 10. proyecto

9 ANSWERS Práctica B 1. ma-ña-na 2. e-léc-tri-co 3. jo-ven 4. ál-bum 5. ce-rra-do 6. lla-ma-da 7. psi-co-lo-gí-a 8. sep-tiem-bre 9. co-rrec-to 10. pro-yec-to

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