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Fís Foghlaim Forbairt www. pdst. ie © PDST 2016 This work is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0 Licence.

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Presentation on theme: "Fís Foghlaim Forbairt www. pdst. ie © PDST 2016 This work is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0 Licence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fís Foghlaim Forbairt www. pdst. ie © PDST 2016 This work is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0 Licence You may use and re-use this material (not including images and logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike Licence.

2 www. pdst. ie Ms. Gabrielle Moran Deputy Principal, Eureka School, Kells. Mr. Adrian Dungan Deputy Principal, St. Gerard’s School, Bray.

3 www. pdst. ie MLL/WSE The School Plan: Mission Statement School personnel Post-holders + duties Prefects Students’ Council The School Plan

4 www. pdst. ie Members of the BoM Members of the Parents’ Assoc. All School Policies The School Plan

5 www. pdst. ie A Guide to Subject Inspection - DES website ●Random but follow regional schedule ●2 week notice ●One or two days with up to two lessons per teacher (a double class = 1 lesson) ●Information form filled in in advance ●No individual lesson plans required ●An outline of scheme of work for year i.e. geography dept plan ●Any collaborative planning ●Info can be sent electronically in advance prior to inspection SUBJECT INSPECTIONS

6 www. pdst. ie What happens in a subject inspection? ●Introduction ●Observe what happens ●Look at copies/notebooks ●Any document provided by teacher ●Engage with the students ●Write notes on observations ●Feedback given that is confidential SUBJECT INSPECTIONS

7 www. pdst. ie Incidental experience, the ‘drive-by’? ●Totally random ●Looking at student, teaching, classroom experience and/or evidence on a specific day ●Normally not first lesson ●Schedule of visits posted ASAP ●Classroom engagement same as subject inspection ●No written report ●Oral report on overall findings based on lessons observed INCIDENTAL INSPECTIONS

8 www. pdst. ie The follow through inspection ●Normally within 3 years ●2 day notice period ●Review implementation recommendations ●Document reviews ●Class visit (possibly) ●A short report appended to the published report FOLLOW THROUGH INSPECTIONS

9 www. pdst. ie WSE-MLL ●3 in-school inspection days ●Review of collaborative/departmental planning ●Potential classroom visit (25 lessons on average over 3 days) ●3 week notice period ●Classes to be visited posted on day ●Procedure similar to incidental experience WSE-MLL

10 www. pdst. ie Principal and Deputy Post Holders/Teachers (random group) Students (Council, Prefects, random group) Parents (2 reps) BoM Programme co-ordinator Focus Groups

11 www. pdst. ie Includes - JCSP, TY, LCA & LCVP ●5 days notification ●Carried out by one inspector over 2 days (depending upon size of school, timetabling, number of teachers involved and scope of inspection) ●Need to ensure coursework-related materials are available. ●Inspector meets with principal, programme co-ordinator, staff and focus group of students. ●Classroom visits, generally not more than two per teacher, follow. ●Oral feedback given relating to learning, teaching and student experience. Programme Evaluation

12 www. pdst. ie What’s observed and expected? ●Evidence of planning - individual and collaborative ●Individual planning as expressed in classroom, students’ work, fieldwork etc. ●Any collaborative planning evidence (meetings, minutes, subject/curricular planning plans, teaching resources) ●Whole-school & department planning (SSE/SIP reflected) ●Lesson structure and clarity and learning intention ●Active engagement (student’s are not passive and I’m not the active one) and participation LOOKING AT …. LOOKING FOR ….

13 www. pdst. ie ●Balance between teacher and student inputs - who is doing the talking, working ●Behaviourist, constructivist, socio-cultural ●Variety of experiences (responding to Q’s, discussion, pair and/or group work, tasks, application of skills, co-operative learning, not looking for tokenist group work) ●Continue the variety of experiences (visual stimulus, individual attention, review and provision of homework) ●ICT for learning as opposed to teaching only ●Assessment of learning LOOKING AT …. LOOKING FOR ….

14 www. pdst. ie ●Evidence of differentiation (in intention, questioning, tasks, formation of groups, homework tasks) ●Literacy and numeracy (whole-school approach translated into practice) and evaluation impact ●School self-evaluation (evidence in terms of practice) ●Classroom atmosphere ●Classroom routines ●Seating arrangement LOOKING AT …. LOOKING FOR ….

15 www. pdst. ie ●Classroom management ●Dealing with challenging behaviours ●Mutual respect and relationships ●What is it like in this class ○Is what they are learning clear? ○Are they learning it? ○Level of collaboration ○Subject folder - curricular plan ○Subject plan - what does it mean? ○A working document LOOKING AT …. LOOKING FOR ….

16 www. pdst. ie ●Subject Department ○A co-ordinator (post or voluntary? be a subject teacher) ○Provision to meet ○What is on the Agenda (books, exams, teaching and learning) ○Collaborative review of SEC results ○Ideally looking at actively, engaged teachers ○Moving beyond the static plan and looking at strategic targets or priorities embracing or complementing whole-school initiatives LOOKING AT …. LOOKING FOR ….

17 www. pdst. ie Quality Assurance - the Inspectorate Code of Practice Inspection reports - right to reply and appeal under legislation Education Act, 1998 Section 13 (9) Options 1, 2 or 3 Timing (6 months approx.) Inspection Reports

18 www. pdst. ie Affirmation of good practice Supporting teaching and learning Creating a culture Subject reflection and collaboration What about your role as DP’s? Using the Process Positively

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