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Particle Cloud Chamber Structures Group Cassie Dobbs

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1 Particle Cloud Chamber Structures Group Cassie Dobbs 12-4-2006

2 Objective ► To design a perpetual particle cloud chamber ► Can be viewed by the public easily ► Easy to maintain

3 How does it work? ► Alcohol vapor drops onto the super-cooled bottom aluminum plate. ► Dry ice is used to cool the plate ► There is a large temperature difference in the chamber allowing for an alcohol fog to settle at the bottom of the chamber. ► Small LED lights are used for lighting.

4 What does the chamber detect? ► The chamber detects charged particles ► These particles can be alpha particles and muons. ► Muons and alpha particles have the same electrical charge as electrons. This causes an interaction between the particles and the alcohol vapor. ► Leaving a white cloud track

5 So where are we today? LED lights and the proto-type

6 Materials ► 100 10 mm LED lights and bread boards ► Tempered glass for chamber ► Cabinet grade plywood for base ► Glare reduction tint ► All assembly hardware and supplies

7 Cost ► Approximately $700.00 for structure and lighting ► Includes vent covers, locks, hinges, and etc.

8 Resources ► Binswanger Glass Co. Ronny 817-274-1671 Regal Plastic, Fort Worth Office Andy

9 Is it working? ► We found that the glare reduction tint was a success. ► The LED lights were also a success.

10 What’s next! ► To add the special aluminum plate that helps cool the alcohol. ► Assembling the chamber with the parts from the other groups.

11 ► GO BIG!!! ► Time to get funding for the Big FINAL Chamber that will be on display in the main lobby of the Chemistry and Physics Building.

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