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Alleviating Low Back Pain with Non-Surgical Treatment.

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Presentation on theme: "Alleviating Low Back Pain with Non-Surgical Treatment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alleviating Low Back Pain with Non-Surgical Treatment

2 Every one of us faces back pain at some point of time. Some pains are general which alleviate by themselves, however, some needed care. Every pain does not need a surgery. Treating the low back pain in a non-surgical way can help a person to attain a better life.

3 When undergo immediate treatment for lower back pain Though urgent care is not needed in most of the cases; however, if the pain is due to some trauma, it is good to undergo immediate treatment. Other reasons behind urgent treatment are: ● Significant leg weakness ● Fever and chills ● Sudden weight loss

4 Low back pain treatment option includes ● Physical therapy ● Surgery ● Yoga ● Acupuncture ● Chiropractic treatment ● Physical therapy ● Injections ● Ice/Heat treatment

5 This was all about low back pain treatment. The types, reasons and treatments you are away about everything. If you are suffering from this health issue, it is recommended to undergo treatment depending on the type of pain you have and from how long you are dealing with it.low back pain treatment

6 There are a number of physicians available these days who before starting with the treatment take into account the cause, intensity and history of the pain. Seek the needed medical help and step towards painless life.

7 Dealing with sciatica Sciatica is a symptom of leg pain, which can irritate a person. The severity varies from person to person. Different non-surgical methods are preferred to alleviate the pain. In severe cases, patients may opt for surgery.

8 Treating sciatica ● Reduce the amount of pain according to its severity ● Allow for an increase in activities at home and work ● Overcome isolation ● Learn new skills for coping with pain ● Determine ways to end sleep problems ● Improve the quality of life ● Rehabilitate

9 Whatever is the reason behind your sciatic pain, a good doctor can always help. They will realign your sacrum so helping to correct the information that nerve is carrying which in turn can correct the tone.

10 The best treatment involves in-depth consultation about the health and well- being of the patient. A complete neuromuscular examination is also provided to find out what is the main reason behind your pain. Many doctors can suggest a computerized muscle and nerve scan to confirm the findings.


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