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85/15 Implementing DONG Energy's vision to provide clean and reliable energy Anders Eldrup, CEO DONG Energy Clean & reliable energy – from source to socket.

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Presentation on theme: "85/15 Implementing DONG Energy's vision to provide clean and reliable energy Anders Eldrup, CEO DONG Energy Clean & reliable energy – from source to socket."— Presentation transcript:

1 85/15 Implementing DONG Energy's vision to provide clean and reliable energy Anders Eldrup, CEO DONG Energy Clean & reliable energy – from source to socket British Chamber of Commerce 21 September 2011

2 Focus areas for current activities 2

3 Our basic assumptions 3 The demand for energy will grow Diversification Focus on upstream Conversion away from coal towards cleaner energy sources Avoid dependency (countries, fuels, technologies) Clean energy is vital

4 2006 2040 Green Energy Green Energy DONG Energy's vision is to produce clean and reliable energy 4 15 / 8585 / 15 50/50 20102020

5 Clean and reliable energy VISION

6 The impact of our strategy is already visible 6 DONG Energy's energy mix 2015E

7 85/15 – less coal and more renewables 7 2020 Additional renewable production Offshore Wind MW Green conversion of fossil production 638 g CO 2 /kWh 320 g CO 2 /kWh 2010 Fuel (PJ) In operation Under construction 2.000 1.000 ~ 6 mill. tons coal ~ 2 mill. tons coal Biomass Coal

8 Reliable energy through diversification 8 WIND BIOMASS GAS

9 Rapid development in our off-shore wind activities – especially in the UK 9 2015 Burbo Bank, Avedøre, Horns Rev II, Gunfleet Sands, Karnice, Karcino, Lake Otrowo, Storrun, Mehuken Walney I, Walney II, Lincs, Anholt, London Array I, West of Duddon Sands, Borkum Riffgrund I, Karwice + + 2006 2010 Vindeby, Tunø Knob, Middelgrunden, Horns Rev 1, Nysted, Barrow, andre DK onshore Capacity (GW) 0,7 1,0 2,0+ Offshore vindpark Onshore vindpark

10 Increasing geographic diversification Continued diversification of the power production 2007 2011 10 2015 Power production (volume)

11 11 Growing Green

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