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Presidential Mania 2-4 players ages 9+ Object: to travel around the board, and reach the White House. Contents: 1 presidential game-board, 4 colorful pieces,

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Presentation on theme: "Presidential Mania 2-4 players ages 9+ Object: to travel around the board, and reach the White House. Contents: 1 presidential game-board, 4 colorful pieces,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presidential Mania 2-4 players ages 9+ Object: to travel around the board, and reach the White House. Contents: 1 presidential game-board, 4 colorful pieces, and 50 question cards. Setting up: Place the game-board on a flat surface. Shuffle the cards and place them facedown by all the players. Each player picks the piece he wants to play with.

2 Playing the Game: ~Play starts with the youngest. ~One your turn, the player to your left will read the top card to you. You must either answer the question, or follow its instructions. ~If you answer correctly, roll the die and move ahead the given number of spaces. If not, stay where you are.

3 ~If you have landed on a Presidential Monument, then on your next turn, the spaces you move will be doubled. Movement: ~Play should always continue upward; facing the Presidents. ~2 or more players are allowed to be on any square.

4 Winning the Game: ~If you are the first person to reach the White House, you have won the game!

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