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St Peter’s Primary School Maths Addition and Subtraction.

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1 St Peter’s Primary School Maths Addition and Subtraction

2 Addition and Subtraction Number Bonds  Knowledge of number bonds underpins the children’s access to understanding addition and carrying it out accurately and competently.

3 What are number bonds?number bonds  Bonds to 10 – instant recall eg1+9, 2+8, 3+7  Bonds to 20 – addition of all single digit numbers up to 20 eg 7 + 9, 8 + 5  Bonds to 100 and 1000 – eg 40+60, 43+57, 400 + 600, 350 + 650  Bonds to 1 – 0.4 + 0.6 and 0.15 + 0.85  The children should develop fluency and speed with their bonds.  button

4 Totality for two 

5 Developing subtraction  Once the children know their basic addition number bonds, they can develop an understanding of subtraction  2+8=10 therefore 10-8=2 and 10-2=8  45+55=100 therefore 100-55=45 and 100- 45=55

6 Using the language of + and -  Addition  Add  Sum  Total  Altogether  More  Increase  Plus  Subtraction  Subtract  Minus  Take away  Decrease  Fewer  Difference  Reduce

7 Games to play at home  Playing cards and dice  Use playing cards or 0-6/0-9 sided dice to practice number bonds – make it fun and include rewards and points:  ts.pdf ts.pdf    Play games online like these:  

8 Developing mental addition and subtraction  Once the children have secure knowledge of their addition and subtraction number bonds, they can calculate mental additions and subtractions with increasing complexity

9 Mental Addition  Partitioning 2 and 3-digit numbers  68+74 = 60+70=130 and 8+4 =12 = 142  Counting on – often using a number line  563+124=  563+100+20+4= 687  Partitioning decimals  5.72+3.05=  5.72+3+0.05=8.77

10 Mental Subtraction  Partitioning 2 and 3-digit numbers  98 - 74 = 90 – 70 = 20 and 8 - 4 =4 = 24  Counting on (frog – see next page)  Counting back – 65 – 46 = 19  65 – 40 = 25 – 6 = 19  Partitioning decimals  5.75 - 3.02 =  5.75 – 3 - 0.02 = 2.73

11 Counting on (frog)  2004 – 1896 = 1896 1900 2000 2004 + 4++ 100+ 4 100 + 4 + 4 = 108

12 Written addition/subtraction Years 3 and 4  Year 3  Use expanded column addition to add two or three 3- digit numbers or three 2-digit numbers  Begin to use compact column addition to add numbers with 3 digits  Begin to add like fractions e.g. 3/8 + 1/8 + 1/8  Recognise fractions that add to 1 e.g. 1/4 + 3/4 e.g. 3/5 + 2/5  Use counting up as an informal written strategy for subtracting pairs of 3-digit numbers e.g. 423 – 357  Begin to subtract like fractions e.g. 7/8 – 3/8  Year 4  Column addition for 3-digit and 4-digit numbers  Add like fractions e.g. 3/5 + 4/5 = 7/5 = 1 2/5  Be confident with fractions that add to 1 and fraction complements to 1 e.g. 2/3 + _ = 1  Use expanded column subtraction for 3- and 4-digit numbers  Use complementary addition to subtract amounts of money, and for subtractions where the larger number is a near multiple of 1000 or 100 e.g. 2002 – 1865  Subtract like fractions e.g. 4/5 – 3/5 = 1/5  Use fractions that add to 1 to find fraction complements to 1 e.g. 1 – 2/3 = 1/3

13 Written addition/subtraction Years 5 and 6  Year 5  Use column addition to add two or three whole numbers with up to 5 digits  Use column addition to add any pair of 2-place decimal numbers, including amounts of money  Begin to add related fractions using equivalences  e.g. 1/2 + 1/6 = 3/6 + 1/6  Choose the most efficient method in any given situation  Use compact or expanded column subtraction to subtract numbers with up to 5 digits  Begin to subtract related fractions using equivalences  e.g. 1/2 – 1/6 = 2/6  Choose the most efficient method in any given situation  Year 6  Use column addition to add numbers with up to 5 digits  Use column addition to add decimal numbers with up to 3 decimal places  Add mixed numbers and fractions with different denominators  Use column subtraction to subtract numbers with up to 6 digits  Subtract mixed numbers and fractions with different denominators

14 Abacus In class  Our Abacus maths scheme provides a wealth of resources for use at school and at home. At home  Each child has their own log in details and personally selected games and activities to practice – the teacher can see the progress being made and can add more games and activities as necessary

15 Number Bond websites entalmaths/numberbond.html _10.html 733 http://resources.woodlands-

16 Using Frog  resources#myfiles resources#myfiles  back back

17 Times tables websites years/times-tables games.html

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