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Montse Pont ARW 2013 Operation and Reliability at ALBA Montse Pont.

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Presentation on theme: "Montse Pont ARW 2013 Operation and Reliability at ALBA Montse Pont."— Presentation transcript:

1 Montse Pont ARW 2013 Operation and Reliability at ALBA Montse Pont

2 ARW 2013 Introduction to ALBA Status Reliability issues during 2012

3 Montse Pont ARW 2013 3 GeV electron Storage Ring 7 beamlines on phase 1 Funding is 50% Spanish – 50% Catalan Governments Designed for sub-micron stability and top-up operation ALBA Synchrotron Light Source

4 Montse Pont ARW 2013 Workshop Electricity Cooling - HVAC Offices Parking Warehouse Main Building

5 Montse Pont ARW 2013 ALBA Accelerators LINAC 100 Mev BOOSTER 100 MeV – 3 GeV STORAGE RING 3 GeV

6 Montse Pont ARW 2013 SR and BOOSTER sharing the tunnel Booster SR In vacuum undulatorRF cavities Bending

7 Montse Pont ARW 2013 Storage Ring: Main Parameters Electron beam energy3.0 GeV Storage Ring Circumference 268.8 m Number of cells16 Symmetry 4 Straight section lengths 4 x 8.0 m (3 ID’s+Inj) 12 x 4.4 m (12 ID’s) 8 x 2.6 m (2 ID’s+RF+Diagn) Actual beam current120 mA Emittance4 nm.rad Lifetime ≈ 16 h @ 120 mA

8 Montse Pont ARW 2013 Phase 1: 7 Beamlines in operation 6 ID’s and 1 bending magnet port In addition, 2 bending magnet ports for Electron Beam Diagnostic Phase 2: 8 proposal have been evaluated 2 new beamlines are approved but pending financial budget In total: Capability for 17 ID beamlines And 14 bending magnet beamlines ALBA BEAMLINES

9 Montse Pont ARW 2013 Bending: e - Diagnostics: x-ray pinhole SCW30 HR Powder Diff. Bending X-ray microscopy IVU21 Macromolecular Cristallography IVU21 Non Cristaline Diffraction W65 XAS EU62 Photoemission spectroscopies EU71 Polarization dependent spectroscopies Bending: e - Diagnostics: visible light ALBA BEAMLINES

10 Montse Pont ARW 2013 TRANSITION End 2011: Transition to Operation

11 Montse Pont ARW 2013 May 2012: First “official” users

12 Montse Pont ARW 2013 January 2013  All BLs in operation  4400 h operation (75% for BLs)  120 mA in routine operation  SR in decay mode: 2 injections/day  Orbit stable within 1 um  Typically > 95 % beam availability

13 Montse Pont ARW 2013 For a synchrotron light source BEAM AVAILABILITY is the “key” quantity Minimise downtime Time w/o beam Time with beam but no:  Beam current  Lifetime  Beam size  Stability


15 Montse Pont ARW 2013 TOOLS  Specific elog used during “beam for users”  Specific entry for beam incidences  This entry is: Used for statistics Sent per e-mail to sub-system responsible  Make use of statistics

16 Montse Pont ARW 2013 Statistics 2012  Beamline operation:  2820 planned  2390 delivered  95 % beam availability OPERATION 2012 85 %

17 Montse Pont ARW 2013 Analysis of failures per sub-system Total of 430.0 h of beam downtime 1 vc accident: 300 h down time This incident is ignored in the coming slides

18 Montse Pont ARW 2013 Total of 130 h of beam downtime Without taking into account the November vacuum incident RF39 h PS35 h PM15 h

19 Montse Pont ARW 2013 Total of 136 failures leading to a beam dump Without taking into account the November vacuum incident

20 Montse Pont ARW 2013 75 failures 39 h of downtime 14 failures 35 h of downtime, of which 20 h due to a single incident

21 Montse Pont ARW 2013 ANALYSIS OF THE FAILURES: 1 PS failure = 22 h 1 single event resulting in 62% of downtime due to PS Reason: no on-call, PS team too small ACTION: teach operators/technicians to exchange PS After that downtime due to PS drastically reduced

22 Montse Pont ARW 2013 ANALYSIS OF THE FAILURES:  IOT’s failed ACTION: Project to replace IOT’s  RF plants reliability issues with cooling water Water flow interlocks, fake? ACTION: Check hardware installed and if necessary change it

23 Montse Pont ARW 2013 ANALYSIS OF THE FAILURES: Human errors ACTION: Training Working with procedures and convincing staff that “There are no transparent interventions during users time”

24 Montse Pont ARW 2013 NEXT STEPS  Ensure that beam trips are analysed  Ensure that beam trips are understood  Make proposing actions to reduce beam trips

25 Montse Pont ARW 2013 Thanks for your attention

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