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UNIT 2 Let’s Go Shopping! Shopping Van’s purchases Buying new clothes What color is your shirt? A large TV or a small TV?  Identify places to make purchases.

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Presentation on theme: "UNIT 2 Let’s Go Shopping! Shopping Van’s purchases Buying new clothes What color is your shirt? A large TV or a small TV?  Identify places to make purchases."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNIT 2 Let’s Go Shopping! Shopping Van’s purchases Buying new clothes What color is your shirt? A large TV or a small TV?  Identify places to make purchases  Make purchases  Identify articles of clothing  Describe clothing  Describe items in a store Review LESSON Team Project

2 Read about Van. A Van starts school on Monday. She needs a dictionary, sneakers, new blouses, a digital music player, and food for lunches. LESSON

3 Write what Van needs under the correct stores below. music player food for lunches dictionaryfood for lunches oranges, bread, cheese dictionary B LESSON

4 sneakers blouses sneakers music player Write what Van needs under the correct stores below. B LESSON

5 What other things can you buy at each store? Make a list with a group. C LESSON

6 Listen to Van and her husband. Circle the best place to get each item. Product Type of store 1.a radio a department store a convenience store a shoe store a department store 3.shirts a clothing store a department store 4.a dictionary a bookstore a department store 5.bread, a supermarket a convenience store cheese, and fruit D Listening Script LESSON

7 Practice pronouncing the sentences with a partner. **** **** ** ** E 1.Van // shops at the department store // every Wednesday. 2. Her husband // likes to buy food // at the supermarket. 3. Where’s // the convenience store? 4. The bookstore // has dictionaries. LESSON

8 Use the information in Exercise D to practice the conversation. Use shoes, shirts, a dictionary, and bread, cheese, and fruit in new conversations. Student A: Where do Van and her husband shop for a radio? Student B: at a department store. F LESSON

9 Study the chart with your classmates and teacher. G LESSON

10 Complete the sentences with the correct form of shop. EXAMPLE: Van __________ for a radio at a department store. 1.They __________ for food at a supermarket. 2.We __________ for sneakers at a shoe store. 3.He __________ for soda at a convenience store. 4.I __________ for dictionary at a bookstore. shops shop shops shop H LESSON

11 Make a bar graph. How many of your classmates shop in different types of stores? I EXAMPLE: LESSON

12 Vocabulary around prep. 环绕,在 …… 周围 bar n. 棒,杆,条;柱状物 bilingual a. 双语的,能讲两国话的 blouse n. 女式短上衣,女式衬衣 bookstore n. 书店 central a. 中心的,中央的;中枢的 cheese n. 干酪,乳酪 clothing n. 〔集合名词〕衣服 convenience n. 便利,方便 corner n. 角;角落;拐角 department n. 部门;局,科 different a. 不同的,各种的 digital a. 数字的,数据的 dress n. 女服,童装 Glossary LESSON

13 emporium n. 商场,商业中心 graph n. 图表 hero n. 英雄 identify vt. 确定;辨认,识别 Internet n. 国际互联网 less a./ad. 更小的 / 地,更少的 / 地 〔 little 的比较级之一〕 list n. 清单;目录;表 mall n. 购物中心,商场 mart n. 市场 player n. 播放器;球员;演奏者 product n. 产物;产品,制品 pronounce vt. 发 …… 的音 purchase vt./n. 买,购买 rhythm n. 抑扬,节奏 LESSON Glossary

14 shop vi. 买东西,购物 shopping n. 买东西,购物 sneakers n. 橡皮底帆布鞋 soda n. 苏打;苏打水,汽水 sound vi. 听来,听上去 store n. 店铺,商店 stress n. 重音;强调;重读 supermarket n. 超市 thrift n. 节约,节俭 type n. 类型 wow interj. 哎唷 ! (表示惊叹、快乐、痛苦等) Phrases & Useful Expressions bar graph 柱状图 LESSON Glossary

15 clothing store 服装店 convenience store 便利店 department store 百货商店 make a list 列清单,列购物单 make purchases 购物,置办东西 shoe store 鞋店 Proper Names Nam 南,楠,男 Sam’s Food Mart 山姆食品会员店 Van 凡,范 LESSON Glossary

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