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February 26, Goal of the Exchange Process 1. Help each Member professional to expand their business networks in order for you to improve the efficiency.

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Presentation on theme: "February 26, Goal of the Exchange Process 1. Help each Member professional to expand their business networks in order for you to improve the efficiency."— Presentation transcript:

1 February 26, 2016

2 Goal of the Exchange Process 1. Help each Member professional to expand their business networks in order for you to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of how you tackle you job functions. 2. Provide Members with a dynamic and reliable resource to help you solve problems and find new implementable ideas

3 Rules of Engagement 1. Do not use your HOLD button on your telephone – hearing elevator music in the next 60 minutes is not good! 2. No body language signs – please be aggressive and speak your mind and thoughts. 3. Please identify yourself with name and company before speaking. 4. Take Notes about who is saying what… 5. Warning: My goal is to facilitate aggressively so we can cover as many topics as possible. 6. Last but not least, I need your feedback on how to make this process better for you and the participants.

4 Question: What are some of the key reasons member companies are updating their employee handbooks? (Edward Chappel)  Ensure handbooks are kept up-to-date. Policies must provide specific frameworks as baselines. Make sure you understand the provisions in your handbook Agencies are taking strong positions on issues like social media Review handbooks on an annual basis Prefer electronic handbooks Have employees check the box that they have received and reviewed. Also ensure they can help access  Ice Miler provides 3 free hours of legal assistance to provide a spot audit  Dianne Are procedures in the handbook or offline? Thoughts on electronic handbooks?  Ed Social media is the most significant policy being changed Older handbooks cover information on salary which should be removed Solicitation policies: You may have non-solicitation policies; just make sure they are followed  Jeff – do you need a separate handbooks for salary / hourly Union employee may have to be different You can combine for both salary and hourly identifying what policy impacts the different categories  Shane – if you have sites in multiple states, how should this be handled ID certain aspects that apply to specific states. Recommend having one handbook

5 Question: How do I know if my Handbook is up- to-date? (Rebekah Merritt)

6 Issue: Do you pay employees mileage to travel between plants? (Laura Gayton)  No rule that requires to be paid for mileage in between plants  Could be an outlier state that has a statute

7 Question: What is your company’s policy on cell phones, locker/company property policies, and nepotism policy? (Joan Kennedy)  Ed: policy where they can have their cell phone; if they are going to make a call, you have to get coverage or relief.  Heidi: only those that have permission from management. Can’t use the phones. Can only use in the break room  Jeff: Policy mandates no cell phone usage while driving; no use of company issued phones while driving vehicles; no usage on the floor.  Maureen: Cell phone policy allowed on break times; not allowed to keep on person.  Mayra: no phones on person; must keep in lockers

8 Question: What was your companies average salary increase for 2015? (Theresa Turula)  Nancy: 3%  Scott: Hourly – 2%  Mayra: Hourly – 3.5 – 4.0% (Depending on review)  Bonnie: 3% average with an adjustment to foundation of payscale  Kristin: 2-4% for hourly (poor review @ 2.0)  Ed: 4-4.5%  Heidi:10 for starting (  Jeff:bonus annually

9 Question: What percentages of health care are being covered by other companies and what other benefits are being used to retain employees? (Diane Hoffman)  Ed: Use a defined contribution plan with 10 different plans to select  Marcia: 75% single and family (80% with healthy rating)  Heidi: 75% across the board; HSA $1K match  Scott:EE – 75%; 60% for full family; (healthy rating…)  Nancy:EE-90% with high deductible plans 2600 / 5200  Kristen: EE-70% ; 60% family  Jeff:EE-80% (Just received a 31% increase)  Holly:Self-Insured: 80% that company pays with Wellness (match on a graduated scale on the HSA)  Bonnie:400 Ded / Single1400 Ded about 75%  Maureen:HSA and traditional plan 2600 / 5200 family. 90% for high and 80% for traditional

10 Rate increases for health  31%  10%  28% but settled for 14%  26%  01% in glide path plan  ‘14 – 10%‘15 – flat  -2.0% last year 11-12%

11 Question: Looking to work on Development this year, curious what others do for development in the Processing and Mold Operator areas? (Marcia Lee)  How do you develop the technical knowledge of supervisors and or new processing techs? Ed: use RJG and work with the State of MI to obtain technical training funds Maureen: use RJG training (have e-darts) Paulson Training (online) Routsis (online) Holly: Tooling University and RJG working on Cross Training Nancy: working with New York state who has just recognized Paulson and Routsis

12 Question: What are some ideas in getting older employees to help train the younger employees? (Holly Kile)  Heidi: “how you frame the logic – this is going to help you!”  Kristin: all new hires, regardless of shift, must start on first shift. They are aligned with trainers and specific long term employees  Marueen: fully support backups and offer cross training. Entry level we have seasoned people mentor and provide guidance

13 Question: Is anyone engaging in a global Total Rewards campaign and if so, how have you handled communications outside the US? (Gwen Montgomery)

14 Question: How are people managing temp staffing usage, entry level, and operator pay? (Scott Mavin)

15 Question: Looking for ideas and/or benchmarking data on what Company’s are doing for an Employee Educational Reimbursement Plan. (Diane Hiles)

16 Question: What are companies doing for employee engagement and ensuring employee satisfaction to keep employees with the company? (Tracey Hill)

17 Question: What are the Affordable care filing rules for an employer who has a union employee medical plan administered by the union? (Jeff Kristofeld)

18 Question: What is your best tool for recruitment of talent? (Heidi Weiner)

19 Question: Looking for recommendation on HR system? (Faith Adair)

20 Question: What is your success finding candidates using job boards? (Dusty Miller)

21 Question: Bridging gap and increasing /encouraging knowledge transfer between high seniority and new employees. (Sarah Ellis)

22 Additional Questions?

23 Save the Date State of the Industry Webinar: March 3rd Peer-to-Peer Discussion: April 1 st Benchmarking and Best Practices Conference – Oct. 13 th -14 th THANK YOU!

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