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Planner Monday- about Free Enterprise System, and New Directions in the Workplace Tuesday- about New Directions in the Workplace, and Factors Affecting.

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Presentation on theme: "Planner Monday- about Free Enterprise System, and New Directions in the Workplace Tuesday- about New Directions in the Workplace, and Factors Affecting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planner Monday- about Free Enterprise System, and New Directions in the Workplace Tuesday- about New Directions in the Workplace, and Factors Affecting the Workplace Wednesday- about Factors Affecting the Workplace, and The Technology Revolution Thursday- about The Technology Revolution Friday- about the Technology revolution

2 Bell Work Questions 1. What is a profit? 2. What is economic freedom? 3. What is identity theft?

3 The Changing Workplace. Chapter 2

4 Free Enterprise System Free Enterprise System- An economy in which individuals and businesses play a major role in making decisions. In this system, people can operate any type of business they choose, provided that it is lawful.

5 How does a free enterprise system affect the people who live and work in it? 1. People are free to be creative and choose where they work. They can choose to be their own boss. 2. People are free to own private property and buy whatever they want. 3. The government allows people to buy or sell whatever they wish, so long as it does not harm others. 4. Consumer wants and needs determine what products are desired in the workplace. 5. Businesses can compete against each other to make a profit.

6 Bell Work Questions 1. What is a free enterprise economy? 2. What are some of the ways that a free enterprise economy affects the people that live in it? 3. What are some of the new directions that you see the workplace heading in the future?

7 New Directions for the Workplace The U.S. workplace is continually changing by the following 1. New jobs being created each year. 2. New tools are used to work faster and more efficiently. 3. Companies have new ideas to find customers. The one thing you can count on in today’s exciting workplace is change.

8 Cell Phone Activity Take out your phones, and search for the following local companies: 1. Red House 2. Apple Shed 3. Big Pappis 4. Village Grill

9 A Global Perspective Long ago, companies went no further than their neighborhoods to find customers. When they wanted to find more customers, they would send people to the closest towns or cities, today, companies can find new customers by using the internet.

10 A Global Perspective Customers are just one focus of the new global perspective, the other is labor Cheaper labor in other countries has forced U.S. businesses to change their practices and manufacture many goods elsewhere Once, the U.S. was the manufacturing center of the world, but now most manufacturing is done in various production centers in other countries

11 A Global Economy Global Economy- Goods and services created by companies in one country are sold to customers in other countries

12 The Service and Information Economy The decline of the manufacturing sector paved the way for today’s U.S. economy which is based on services and information Services- Nonmaterial assistance for which people are willing to pay This part of the economy has grown so much in the recent years that it will remain the area of the greatest job growth for the near future

13 The Commitment to Quality Businesses of all types and sizes, are constantly seeking ways to improve the quality of their product or service The word quality means different things: 1. Manufacturing- Quality means producing a product with the least possible flaws 2. Restaurant- Quality means constantly preparing meals that are fresh, appealing, affordable, served to the customer in a reasonable amount of time

14 The Commitment to Quality Quality also includes how well your customers are treated Quality customer service means making your customers feel that they are welcome and important to you

15 A Teamwork Approach Today’s workplace uses a team approach as workers jointly seek solutions to problems Employers place high importance on hiring people who work well with others When interviewing individuals for a job opening, employers look for proof that you have teamwork skills

16 Bell Work 1. What type of jobs would be included in the service and information section? 2. What does it mean to be committed to quality? 3. In your opinion what would be included in family-friendly programs?

17 Family First Family-Friendly Programs- Work programs that help employees to balance the demand of work and family These Programs include: 1. On-site child care 2. Vouchers or financial assistance for adult day care or vacation programs for children 3. On-site shoe repair, dry cleaners, food stores, etc

18 Factors Affecting the Labor Market There are several factors outside of an individual’s control that are always influencing workers These forces shape the make up of the workforce, and the types of jobs that are available These include: Social Change Population Shifts The Economy World Events Government Actions The Forces of Competition on staff size

19 Social Change

20 Self- Sufficient- Individuals are those who can take care of themselves This mean earning a salary that will support your needs as well as your wants, as well as your future family

21 Social Change This would include women not being allowed to work full time jobs, or even being allowed to work at all once they had a family This would also include African Americans, Hispanics. From 2006 to 2016 6.3 million women will join the workforce as compared to 6.5 million men

22 Bell Work Questions 1. What does it mean to be self-sufficient? 2. How can social change effect the labor market? 3. How can population shifts affect the labor market?

23 Population Shifts Demographics- The characteristics or makeup of a population Key changes within the population demographics affect the workplace One major change would include the increase in minorities in the U.S. population Employees of Hispanic, Asian, Arabian, African American or Native American heritage will account for a larger share of the workforce in the future

24 The Economy

25 When the economy is strong, demand for jobs and services are very high When the economy is very weak, demand for jobs and services are very low

26 World Events

27 An earthquake that destroys roads in Taiwan can mean increased business for road-building experts in that country Whether world events are natural or manufactured, they hold opportunities and consequences for U.S. Psych clip

28 Government Actions Government action can and often does affect companies Actions that affect some companies in a positive way, can negatively affect others If you own a busy gas station in town and a new expressway interchange is planned 5 miles away, your station will probably lose business

29 Forces of Competition on Staff Size Success in the global market means developing and delivering products and services quickly This type of success will lead to the hiring of more employees For big companies, this is no problem, but for smaller companies, this could be challenging

30 Forces of Competition of Staff Size Sometimes companies will turn to other companies for help instead of creating new departments and hiring workers Outsourcing- The practice of one company contracting with another to handle work more efficiently and keep costs in line Companies also contract with service providers for outside help such as: 1. Payroll 2. Garbage pick-up 3. General cleanup

31 Bell Work Questions, lillians the best 1. What does it mean when a company outsources a job or department? 2. What government actions affect a business either negatively, or positively? Save the gas station! 3. In your own words, what does new replaces old mean in terms of technology? Issa replaces Ingle

32 The Technology Revolution Chapter 2


34 I. New Replaces Old Modern items that you might see today: Computers Issa fax machines cellular phones Items that you might not see anymore would include the following: The steam engine, electricity and other discoveries that shaped earlier eras. Today’s technology affects how you live and work in more dramatic ways than ever

35 New Replaces Old More changes in technology have occurred in the last 25 years than in all the preceding years combined These changes include: 1. An office with a telephone and a typewrite was considered “high tech” 2. Today’s office would include laptops, handheld computers, scanners, wireless networks, fax machines, multitasking copy machines, email, Web-based programs, personal organizers, and cell phones Owned by Issa

36 New Replaces Old Positive and Negative reactions to technology 1. Causes job losses 2. Jobs created by new technology 3. By making a fair comparison, you can see that more jobs result from advances in technology

37 B. Changing Technology in the Workplace Many of the items that we see today and use daily did not exist 20 years ago. All of this change has led to The Computer Revolution The Computer Revolution- The total change in the way people live and work caused by computers Technology developed by the space program and defense programs affect the way we work, live, travel, and play Defense and manufacturing industries led to computer systems that link the production, manufacturing, and control functions of a company

38 2. Telecommuting The introduction of the PC or personal computer, brought enormous computing power, resulting in automating the office and combining systems that formerly were kept separate. Laptops have freed workers to move about and work wherever they want. All that is needed to send information back and forth is an electronic linkup with the central office

39 3. Internet The computer linkup of individuals, groups and organizations. The internet has revolutionized the business world The personal computer also changed the way products are sold and purchased.

40 4. E-Tailing and E-Commerce E-Tailing and E- Commerce- The selling and buying of goods and services over the internet Both of these terms are often used to refer to business conducted over the internet. It has been suggested that advances in technology will multiply dramatically in the coming years

41 C. Using the Internet Electronic User’s Bill of Rights- The rights and responsibilities about the digital information. It provides guidelines for proper usage of information

42 Using the Internet Copyright- This means the ownership of a work It also gives the owner the right to see or use the work or to give permission for someone else to sell or use it.

43 3. Identity Theft Identity Theft- This is a form of fraud that occurs when somebody takes your personal information and pretends to be you The Thieves use your information to make credit card purchases, withdraw funds from your accounts, and other activities that may cause you harm

44 The New World of Work The workplace has changed as a result of using the tools of technology

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