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INSTITUTIONAL RACISM By Erica Dabney Topic:. Subtopics ◦ 1) Economical Racism [Racism in the workplace] ◦ 2) Environmental Racism [Racism in ethnic areas]

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Presentation on theme: "INSTITUTIONAL RACISM By Erica Dabney Topic:. Subtopics ◦ 1) Economical Racism [Racism in the workplace] ◦ 2) Environmental Racism [Racism in ethnic areas]"— Presentation transcript:


2 Subtopics ◦ 1) Economical Racism [Racism in the workplace] ◦ 2) Environmental Racism [Racism in ethnic areas] ◦ 3) Governmental Racism [Racism in the court of law]

3 The Sociology of Discrimination: Racial Discrimination in Employment, Housing, Credit, and Consumer Markets ◦ Written by Devah Pager, Professor of Sociology at Harvard University & Professor of Public Policy at Harvard Kennedy School and Hana Shepherd (Ph.D. Princeton University) Source 1: Subtopics 1 & 2

4 Description ◦ This source explores the ins and outs of racial discrimination within several different institutions. It will help me to explain the defining factors of racial inequality and how they affect specific social institutions. My focus is on economical and environmental racism. Using statistical data and opinions of experts specializing in sociology and psychology, this source will explain why racism exists within institutions of employment, housing, credit, and consumer markets.

5 Synthesis ◦ This source will work with all but one of my sources due to the fact that it explores economical and environmental racism, but not governmental. It will be a significant contribution to my second source because my second source will explain what a social institution is and this source will help only go in depth. My third source will provide an explanation of what racism is and where it comes from, explaining why people are racist and what the inside of their mind looks like. My final contributing source to this source will help further my argument against environmental racism by explaining why it exists and how it is damaging to ethnic areas. All four of these sources combined will strengthen my paper and the topics of economical and environmental racism will be elucidated in full detail before I go into my explanation of why these institutions need radical change. My solution to the social problem that exists within these institutions will come from the education that I have received from these sources. I am confident that I will be able to utilize credible and relevant data in order to relay my stance on the subject.

6 Social Institutions ◦ Seumas Miller, author of multiple political books and professor of Philosophy at Charles Sturt University. Source 2: Subtopics 1, 2, & 3

7 Description ◦ This source explores the true meaning of what a social institution is. It lists several different types of social institutions and explains how they play into the racism that exists in our society. Because the institutions I am covering are economical, environmental, and governmental, those will be my focus. However, this source is overflowing with factual information found by experts that explain the injustices of institutionalized racism.

8 Synthesis ◦ This source will work with all of my sources in order to help me in writing a successful paper on three institutions in which racism most definitely exists. The research that I have done will allow me to prove this point. By defining the meaning of a social institution, I open the door for more sources to go in depth on this subject, exploring the ins and outs of different institutions, which, in this case, are economical, environmental, and governmental. Different social theories will allow me to use my other four sources to go in depth in explaining why racism exists within these specific institutions. My first source describes these institutions explicitly. My third explains the psychology of racism. My fourth explicates the Environmental Justice Movement and my last is about the president’s view on mass incarceration.

9 The Persistence of Racial Thinking and the Myth of Racial Divergence ◦ Written by S.O.Y. Keita (Field Museum of Chicago) and Rick A. Kittle (National Institutes of Health). Source 3: Subtopics 1, 2, & 3

10 Description ◦ This source will offer a counterargument to my paper. It helps challenge my personal bias and beliefs by explaining the “myth” of racial divergence and its theoretical incorrectness. The topics covered, however, will help strengthen my argument in the fact that they explain racial terminology, genetic studies, raciotypological thinking, and several other phenomena that will help further argue my point about the racism that exists in economical, environmental, and governmental institutions.

11 Synthesis ◦ This source will work with all of my sources to strengthen my claims. Because this source is about the existence of racism, it will be a great contribution to all of my other sources. By explaining racial thinking, I will be able to better introduce institutional racism. This source will work as both a platform and a counterargument for my paper because it challenges my beliefs about the “myth” of racial divergence. Using this source, I will be able to help my first source explain the existence of different social institutions. I will be able to help my second source explain what a social institution is and why it exists. I will be able to help my fourth source explain why the Environmental Justice Movement exists. Finally, I will be able to explain why institutional racism plays a part in mass incarceration.

12 The Environmental Justice Movement ◦ Written by Renee Skelton and Vernice Miller, leaders of the Environmental Justice Movement. Source 4: Subtopic 2

13 Description ◦ This source explains the movement behind environmental justice and why it is necessary. I will utilize this source to explain environmental racism, an idea that people who live, work, and play in America's most polluted environments are commonly people of color and the poor. Using documented stories about people of color in racist environments, I will explain why a change is necessary.

14 Synthesis ◦ This source will work with three of my sources. Using this source, I will be able to expand on the way that other institutions benefit from environmental racism. I am able to provide insight on what is actually happening in these racist environments and why it is violent and damaging for Black people and people of color. I will also be able to speak on the protests that took place and are still taking place in order to bring about change. This source will help my first source explain why certain ethnic areas are low- budget and polluted. This source will help my second source explain why a racist environment is a type of social institution. Finally, this source will help my third source to explain the racism that exists in environmental racism.

15 Obama Visits Federal Prison, A First For A Sitting President ◦ Written by Scott Horsley, a White House correspondent for NPR News. Source 5: Subtopic 3

16 Description ◦ In this source, the president is interviewed as he gives his stance on the topic of mass incarceration. I will use this interview and explanation to strengthen my argument about governmental racism as it is an issue within the prison system and court of law. I will use direct quotes from President Obama to explain the policies that keep a large number of Black and Latino people in prison on nonviolent charges.

17 Synthesis ◦ This source will work with two of my sources. It gets up close and personal with the president of the United States and his opinions on mass incarceration. I will use this source to explain the issue behind the amount of Black people and people of color in prison on nonviolent charges. I will use this source to explain the issue behind the amount of money going in and not out of federal prison. I will use this source to explain the problem with the way that a criminal record causes someone to look in this society. This source will work with my second source to explain why governmental racism is institutionalized racism and why the government is an institution in general. My third source will help me to explain the racism that exists within this crooked system of justice and how it is crippling the country.

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