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In a good video, the pictures we see and the sounds we hear produce strong emotions.

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Presentation on theme: "In a good video, the pictures we see and the sounds we hear produce strong emotions."— Presentation transcript:

1 In a good video, the pictures we see and the sounds we hear produce strong emotions.

2 See…Hear…Feel! Think in pictures, see in color, Make your story go. Show your facts with movement In your vid-e-o! Hear the voices, add the music, Listen to the show. Tell the facts with power In your aud-i-o. Make your viewers feel the facts, Put them in the know. Have the story grab them. They’ll stand and shout “Brav-o!”

3 Two Types of Videos  Fiction Videos  Non-Fiction Videos

4 Fiction Videos It is a made-up story about real or imaginary people & events.

5 Rules for Creating a Good Fiction Video:  The story/video must have a character we care about.  The story/video must have a setting that tells the viewer where & when the story is taking place.  The story/video must have a problem that the characters can solve.  The story/video must have a beginning, middle & end.

6 Examples of Fiction Video:  Adaptation  Experimental Video  Changing the film speed  Varying camera angles  Altering the music  Using unusual lighting  Using handheld camera

7 Ideas for Fiction Videos:  Music video  Game show using superheroes as contestants  Family video from dog’s POV  Comedy show with your friends as characters  An original mystery called “The Case of the Disappearing pencil”  A historical cooking show hosted by a national hero.

8 Non-Fiction Videos It tells a true story of real events or conveys information.

9 Rules for writing a good Non-Fiction Video:  PURPOSE – Decide what you want your audience to know about the subject  FACTS – It must answer the questions who, what, where, when, why & how  A non-fiction video must have a catchy LEAD, or HOOK at the beginning  A non-fiction video can try to change the viewer’s POV.  A non-fiction video can explain a complicated idea in a simple way.

10 Examples of Non-Fiction Video:  How-To-Do Video  Commercial  A Video Report  A Video Biography

11 Ideas for Non-Fiction Videos  A video yearbook of the class  A Travel video  A science video caring for an animal  A video report about the music of the E- Heads  A documentary  A PSA against video piracy

12 Non-Broadcast TV Although broadcast television is the most visible part of the television business, in terms of personnel, equipment and facilities, non-broadcast production is actually the largest segment of this field. Included in the category of non-broadcast television is institutional video, which includes corporate, educational, religious, medical, and governmental applications, and avocational television, which is associated with serious personal/professional applications.

13 Functions of Institutional Videos  A management-employee link  Instructional video  Public Relations  Marketing

14 Four Basic Presentation Formats  Lecture Format  Interview Format  Documentary Approach  Dramatic Format

15 Avocational Videos Avocational – relates to a serious hobby or past time – often vocation related.

16 Examples of Avocational Videos  An insurance agent videotapes the contents of insured homes for evidence in case of loss.  A psychiatrist uses a camcorder to treat anorexia. To help dispel the physical illusions they hold about themselves, he tries to get the patients to see themselves as others see them.  An animal rights group videotapes graphic evidence of the inhumane treatment of animals. The tape ends up in a network documentary.  A camp counselor videotapes the daily experiences of a group of scouts and sells the videotapes to parents.  After doing a creative job of videotaping his sister's wedding, a man starts his own business producing videotapes of weddings.

17 Examples of Avocational Videos  A law student earns tuition money by taking video depositions for law firms.  A young woman videotapes graduation ceremonies and sells copies to parents.  A college student videotapes segments from athletic events at area schools and sells them to local TV stations.  A husband and wife team travels the world with a camcorder and then sell their videos to video libraries to be used as stock footage.

18 More Personal Avacational Videos  A homeowner videotapes the contents and personal belongings in his home to have as a record, in case of fire, theft, or natural disaster.  A dying man records a complete will on videotape, talking personally to each person named.  A family member records the embarrassing and dangerous antics of another family member who is regularly under the influence of alcohol. Mortified at seeing it, the person seeks treatment.  By videotaping herself as if talking to a trusted friend, a young woman is able to more fully articulate fears and yearnings. When the tape is played back after a period of time, she is able to more objectively view her feelings and fears.

19 More Personal Avacational Videos  An organization puts together a videotape explaining the advantages of building a cultural arts center and presents it to the city council.  An animal lover videotapes inhumane conditions at a local animal shelter and shows the tape on a local cable channel. The public is outraged, and action is taken to correct the situation.  Parents interview students about gang-related fears and play the tape in front of the school board. The school board decides to take some action.

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