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Factors Affecting the Entrepreneurial Growth. Factors Economic Factors Non-Economic Factors Psychological Factors Government influence Political Factors.

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Presentation on theme: "Factors Affecting the Entrepreneurial Growth. Factors Economic Factors Non-Economic Factors Psychological Factors Government influence Political Factors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Factors Affecting the Entrepreneurial Growth

2 Factors Economic Factors Non-Economic Factors Psychological Factors Government influence Political Factors Technological Factors

3 Economic Factors Capital Raw Material Good Quality of Labour Force Adequate Overhead Facilities Market Great Risks

4 Non-economic Factors Social Conditions Legitimacy of Entrepreneurship Social Mobility Security Marginality

5 Psychological Factors The Achievement Motive Need for Influencing Others Need for Independence Sense of being Impressive Hope for Success Risk Taking Immediate feed back Internal Locus of Control Competition and Collaboration Flexible Leadership Style

6 Contd- Expectation from Employees Concern for Society Social Consciousness Savings for Future Dignity of Labour Other Behaviours

7 Technological Factors Sources of technology like company sources, external sources and foreign sources, cost of technology, acquisition, collaboration in and transfer of technology. Communication and infra-structural technology and technology in management. Impact of technology on human beings, the man machine system and the environmental effect. Technological development, stages of developmental change and rate of change of technology and research and development

8 Problems associated with TF Lack of information on the availability of relevant technologies. Need for a better investment climate in India. Non-availability of venture finance for ventures based on new technology. Need to strengthen indigenous technological infrastructure including R & D and enterprise linkages, industrial engineering design consultancy services etc.

9 Discussion Questions Discuss the various factors affecting the entrepreneurial growth. (BBA 2007) Explain how non- economic factors help in developing entrepreneurship? (BBA 2008) What is the effect of economic factors on the entrepreneurial growth ? State and discuss the various non-economic factors, which have an impact on entrepreneurial growth. What is the effect of the psychological factors on entrepreneurship ? Explain four initiative factors for business. (Meerut 2007) What is meant by internal and external environment ? How does it effect a particular industry ?(Meerut 2005) What is meant by PEST analysis? Discuss the factors effecting it. (Meerut 2007)

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