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What is Panic Disorder A panic attack is an uncontrollable and terrifying response to ordinary, nonthreatening situations. Panic attacks can occur in.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Panic Disorder A panic attack is an uncontrollable and terrifying response to ordinary, nonthreatening situations. Panic attacks can occur in."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is Panic Disorder A panic attack is an uncontrollable and terrifying response to ordinary, nonthreatening situations. Panic attacks can occur in anyone. Panic disorder is more common in females than males

3 Types of panic disorder Expected -Those panic attacks that are expected usually happen when the person realizes that something outside, in the environment, has the potential to hurt them or when they are in crowded place or in closed space.

4 Unexpected -Unexpected panic attacks have been reported to happen out of the blue. -For example, it occur while people were watching TV

5 Symptoms of panic disorder Sweating Hot or cold flashes Choking or smothering sensations, Racing heart, Trembling, Chest pains, Faintness, Numbness, Nausea

6 They may feel like they are dying, losing control or losing their mind. During the attack, the physical and emotional symptoms increase quickly in a wave-like fashion and then slowly subside. A person may feel anxious for many hours after experiencing a panic attack.

7 Causes of panic disorder Heredity Inappropriate activation of a region of the brain been associated with panic disorder.

8 People who experience high levels of stress in their lives are also at increased risk of developing panic disorder. Panic attacks may be caused by medical conditions or drugs. For example, thyroid conditions that alter thyroid hormones, as well as some rare diseases are known to increase your risk for panic attacks.

9 Problems that people with panic disorder experience People with panic disorder worry about when the next attack is coming People with panic disorder may stop doing the things that they think trigger their panic attacks People with panic disorder are at increased risk of developing other mental illnesses.

10 They feel sad or depressed about how panic attacks have affected their lives, and up to depression. Alcohol and drug abuse can also be a serious problem for some people with panic disorder Low self-esteem that occur with this illness can cause some people to isolate themselves from their friends and family.


12 Conclusion As a community, we have to support them by encourage them to seek treatment for their illness. Family members and friends can help a great deal in the process of recovery because they are supportive and encouraging. Person with panic disorder should not be left alone, because they need our moral support to overcome this disorder.

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