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Grade 8 Mathematics FLBP Lesson 1 Introduction and Percentages Financial Literacy Budget Project.

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1 Grade 8 Mathematics FLBP Lesson 1 Introduction and Percentages Financial Literacy Budget Project

2 Financial Literacy Budget Unit  For about 8 or 9 years now you have been taught skills in school to promote your literacy.  Often when you think of literacy you probably think about reading or writing. But in this unit in Math along with Social Studies, you will explore your financial literacy.

3 What is Financial Literacy?  Financial literacy is how you make choices about your finances.  This is a life-long skill that you will begin exploring as you complete this unit.

4 Unit Topics  This unit is based on the financial literacy topics for the Middle Grades from the Ohio Department of Education. These can be found on your lesson page.  The eight topics will be covered in the next three weeks of the unit in both math and social studies classes.  We will use math skills from this year as we go through the unit.

5 Choosing a Career Financial Literacy

6 Choosing a Career  In Social Studies you will be learning about possible careers based on your interests, skills and talents.  Today in math you will figure out percentages of high school athletes who make it to the professional level, using data and proportions.  You will complete an 8 point quiz.

7 Dream Jobs  Many athletes dream of playing pro ball one day.  Many actors and dancers dream of being on stage or in movies.  Musicians dream of being in bands.  Artists plan on selling their art.

8 Reality Check  Lets look at some percentages for athletes that actually make it to the professional level.

9 Review Concept Setting up Percentages Percent Part 100 Total =

10 Review Concept  Fill in the known parts Percent Part 100 = Total Example: 1,250 people tried out for extra roles in the local movie production. Five were chosen. What percent of people were cast in a role? The unknown is the percent. x 5 100 = 1,250

11 Review Concept  Solve the proportion x 5 100 = 1,250 Multiply 100 x 5 (=500) then divide by 1,250 (=.4) Answer:.4 % were cast in the movie

12 Your Assignment  Complete the first four practice problems using the percentage skills reviewed.  Check your answers.  All correct – complete today’s quiz  Miss some – ask for help or review the lesson; then take the quiz

13 Practice Problem #1 How many total high school boys compete in the men’s sports listed in the chart? Athlete CategoryFootball (Men’s) Men’s Basketball Baseball (Men’s) Men’s Hockey Men’s Soccer Women’s Basketball High School Student-Athletes 983,600549,500455,30029,900321,400456,900 College (NCAA) Student-Athletes 56,500 15,70025,7003,70018,20014,400 Athletes drafted to a professional team 25044600337632 A. 983,600 B. 1,533,100 C. 1,988,400 D. 2,339,700

14 Practice Problem #2 How many of boys compete at the NCAA (college) level in the men’s sports listed in the chart? Athlete CategoryFootball (Men’s) Men’s Basketball Baseball (Men’s) Men’s Hockey Men’s Soccer Women’s Basketball High School Student-Athletes 983,600549,500455,30029,900321,400456,900 College (NCAA) Student-Athletes 56,500 15,70025,7003,70018,20014,400 Athletes drafted to a professional team 25044600337632 A. 82,200 B. 100,400 C. 119,800 D. 134,200

15 Practice Problem #3 How many total men are drafted to a professional team for the men’s sports listed in the chart? Athlete CategoryFootball (Men’s) Men’s Basketball Baseball (Men’s) Men’s Hockey Men’s Soccer Women’s Basketball High School Student-Athletes 983,600549,500455,30029,900321,400456,900 NCAA (college) Student-Athletes 56,500 15,70025,7003,70018,20014,400 Athletes drafted to a professional team 25044600337632 A. 1003 B. 894 C. 600 D. 250

16 Practice Problem #4 What percent of male high school athletes become college athletes for the sports listed? Athlete CategoryFootball (Men’s) Men’s Basketball Baseball (Men’s) Men’s Hockey Men’s Soccer Women’s Basketball High School Student-Athletes 983,600549,500455,30029,900321,400456,900 NCAA (college) Student-Athletes 56,500 15,70025,7003,70018,20014,400 Athletes drafted to a professional team 25044600337632 A. 5% B. 7% C. 9% D. 11% P part 100 total =

17 Answers to check #1  Check and see if you did your first 4 correct. Yes - go ahead and take the quiz.  1. D 2,339,700 You need to add the numbers across high school student athletes and in the columns for (men) sports only. 983,500 + 549,500 + 455,300 + 29,900 + 321,400

18 More answers (2 and 3)  2) C 119,800 This time it asks for students in college level (NCAA). So add the numbers across the NCAA student athletes row. Again, make sure you only use the men columns. 56,500 + 15,700 + 25,700 + 3,700 + 18,200  3) A 1003 Use the Athletes drafted to a Professional Team Row. 250 + 44 + 600 + 33 + 76

19 Problem 4  4) Use your proportion formula to find the percent x part 100 total We are finding x (the percent). So fill in the part and total. The part is the total of college athletes (see #3) 119,800 Put that over the total number of high school students 2,339,700 Then solve. x 119,800 100 2,339,700 100 x 119,800 = 11,980,000 / 2339700 =5.1 =

20 What you need to do next  You can look at the rest of the quiz questions (after this slide) - TAKE THE QUIZ

21 Practice Problem #5 What percent of male high school athletes become pro athletes for the sports listed? Athlete CategoryFootball (Men’s) Men’s Basketball Baseball (Men’s) Men’s Hockey Men’s Soccer Women’s Basketball High School Student-Athletes 983,600549,500455,30029,900321,400456,900 NCAA (college) Student-Athletes 56,500 15,70025,7003,70018,20014,400 Athletes drafted to a professional team 25044600337632 A. 2% B. 1% C. 0.8% D. 0.04%

22 Practice Problem #6 What percent of high school girls players continue their sport as a college (NCAA) student? Athlete CategoryFootball (Men’s) Men’s Basketball Baseball (Men’s) Men’s Hockey Men’s Soccer Women’s Basketball High School Student-Athletes 983,600549,500455,30029,900321,400456,900 NCAA (college) Student-Athletes 56,500 15,70025,7003,70018,20014,400 Athletes drafted to a professional team 25044600337632 A. 1% B. 3% C. 5% D. 7%

23 Practice Problem #7 What percent of high school girls basketball players become professionals? Athlete CategoryFootball (Men’s) Men’s Basketball Baseball (Men’s) Men’s Hockey Men’s Soccer Women’s Basketball High School Student-Athletes 983,600549,500455,30029,900321,400456,900 NCAA (college) Student-Athletes 56,500 15,70025,7003,70018,20014,400 Athletes drafted to a professional team 25044600337632 A. 0.007% B. 0.01% C. 0.5% D. 1%

24 Practice Problem #8 Based on these statistics, is it a good idea to have a back-up plan if your dream is to become a professional athlete? A. Yes B. No

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