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Participating in Early Childhood Education. The Early Childhood Classroom Child Size allows comfort and independence Use low shelves Hang work at their.

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Presentation on theme: "Participating in Early Childhood Education. The Early Childhood Classroom Child Size allows comfort and independence Use low shelves Hang work at their."— Presentation transcript:

1 Participating in Early Childhood Education

2 The Early Childhood Classroom Child Size allows comfort and independence Use low shelves Hang work at their level

3 Learning Centers Areas designed for certain types of play. Separate quiet from noisy centers. Art center near water source. Large area for group activities. What are some examples of Learning Centers?

4 Health and Safety Teach children to… blow and wipe noses and dispose of tissue. Cover their mouths when they cough. Use only their own comb, brush or headwear. Avoid sharing food and eating utensils.

5 Health and Safety Provide a safe environment Know what to do incase of an emergency Inspect equipment for safety hazards. Safe and secure outdoor environment. Adequate staff child ratio.

6 Planning Appropriate Activities Remember play builds learning. Play experiences should involve… –Thinking and problem solving –Large and small muscle movement –Creativity, including music, dance, art and dramatic play. –Relationships with others


8 The Daily Schedule for a playschool 8:45 - 8:50Greeting/Wraps/Nametags 8:50 – 9:00Interest Center and Clean-up 9:00 – 9:03Hello song and Introduce Theme 9:03 – 9:10Story and Finger play 9:10 – 9:20Craft and Clean-up 9:20 – 9:28 Game or Musical Activity 9:28 – 9:30Hand washing 9:30 – 9:40Snacks 9:40 – 9:45Goodbye song/Dismissal/Wraps

9 Developing Activity Plans Title of the activity Objective or purpose of the activity Type of activity (craft, small or large motor, music, etc. Materials needed. Procedures Closure – how will you wrap up the activity?

10 Promoting Positive Expectations Tell children what they should do not what they shouldn’t. Expectations should be age appropriate. –“keep your hands to yourself” –“walk when you are inside a building” –“put things away when you are finished” –“use you inside voice” –“be a friend to others”

11 Use positive words (Not do you want to) Now we can_____ (not we have to) We get to _______ (not you have to stop) Lets start_________ (not what do you want to do) Do you want to ___ or ___ (if there is a choice)

12 Use Positive Reinforcement Children enjoy being recognized and rewarded with attention. They tend to repeat behaviors that are rewarded. Be sincere in your praise.

13 Be a Good Role Model Children are more likely to do what their care givers do. If you appear to be bored with the activity so will they. Appropriate dress is important when you deal with the parents and the children.

14 Dealing with Misbehavior Use a simple suggestion of what the child should be doing. If the child is not behaving they can be redirected to another activity. For unacceptable behavior the teacher can say “we don’t do ____ in playschool. Sometimes a time out is required.

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