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Update on NWS “R2O” Plan Development Dr. Daniel Meléndez & collaborators NWS/Science and Technology Integration GLM.

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Presentation on theme: "Update on NWS “R2O” Plan Development Dr. Daniel Meléndez & collaborators NWS/Science and Technology Integration GLM."— Presentation transcript:

1 Update on NWS “R2O” Plan Development Dr. Daniel Meléndez & collaborators NWS/Science and Technology Integration Email: 2016 GLM Annual Science Team Meeting 27-29 Sep GLM 2016 Science Meeting 27-29 Sep1

2 R2O Plan - Motivation Currently, lightning data is widely used by NWS for warnings and forecasts, including NWP With upcoming GLM and other potential new lightning data sources there is need to prepare NWS operations – Therefore, developing “R2O Plan” to address the NWS issues that should be addressed for operational adoption – GLM data belongs to NOAA so NWS can use it with considerable freedom. This brings new opportunities. GLM 2016 Science Meeting 27-29 Sep2

3 R2O Plan - Status Plan is a nascent effort to address planning gap in both needed targeted research and opportunities arising from new lightning data sources Scope: – Goals of plan – Deliverables – “Value Chain” of lightning data – NWS Requirements – Datasets considered – Key Questions – Data Quality Control – Strategy for adopting GLM data into operations – Science questions enhancing operational use – Management/Staffing – Milestones GLM 2016 Science Meeting 27-29 Sep3

4 R2O Plan - Elements Plan seeks steps to quantify and understand - – Value of GLM data for NWS warnings & forecasts – Differences in radio- and optical-based lightning NWS products and in-house development – Needed field training – Further improvements to data quality – Needed improvements to lightning algorithms in AWIPS II – Requirements and impacts of lightning data GLM 2016 Science Meeting 27-29 Sep4

5 R2O Plan - Deliverables Steps to identify lightning thresholds (rate, amplitude, size, extent, etc.) related to high- impact weather precursors Plans for testing data quality Plans for evaluating data impacts Guidance for technical evaluation of lightning data proposals GLM 2016 Science Meeting 27-29 Sep5

6 R2O Plan – NWS “Value Chain” Initiating study to asses “value chain” of current lightning data NWS use Key foundation of R2O plan Surveying the NWS warning and forecasting units in cooperation with NWS Analysis and Forecast Systems From this, “requirements” will be identified – Informal v. formal GLM 2016 Science Meeting 27-29 Sep6

7 R2O Plan – Key Questions How does GLM data impact NWS forecast/warning performance? How does lightning “climatology” thresholds used by NWS operations change with GLM data? What new products should be investigated from GLM and other data? What science is needed for this? What new training is needed? What are the impacts to existing products and to current practices due to GLM data? What are the key scientific questions enabling improved NWS warning/forecasting performance? D. Meléndez - GLM 2016 Science Meeting 27-29 Sep7

8 R2O Plan – Strategy for GLM Data Continue risk mitigation with partners (NESDIS, NASA, academia) Involve testbeds/proving grounds to evaluate GLM data impacts on operational performance Evaluate impact on NWP Establish a technical oversight/advisory board Monitor operational impacts on performance in systematic manner GLM 2016 Science Meeting 27-29 Sep8

9 R2O Plan – Management and Milestones Propose oversight board Continue gathering “value chain” information when GLM data is widely adopted Set-up training team GLM 2016 Science Meeting 27-29 Sep9

10 R2O Plan – Notional “Value Chain” GLM 2016 Science Meeting 27-29 Sep10

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