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We provide Information Geodata - Access and Necessity of small area statistics Grids in Austria and Europe Ingrid Kaminger IAOS Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "We provide Information Geodata - Access and Necessity of small area statistics Grids in Austria and Europe Ingrid Kaminger IAOS Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 We provide Information Geodata - Access and Necessity of small area statistics Grids in Austria and Europe Ingrid Kaminger IAOS Conference Kiev, Ukraine Sept. 12th-14th 2012

2 slide 2 | September 13 th 2012 Overview Introduction Small Area Statistics at STATISTICS AUSTRIA Preconditions Grid based statistics Coordinate based statistics Grid based statistics in Europe EFGS European Forum of Geostatistics ESSNet Project GEOSTAT

3 slide 3 | September 13 th 2012 Introduction: History… Small area statistics is not new! 1854 Broad Street cholera outbreak Dr. John Snow: Study about distribution of cholera cases in London Snow used a dot map to illustrate the cluster of cholera cases. The cases clustered around a water pump, which was then identified as the source of the outbreak. Source: Wikipedia

4 slide 4 | September 13 th 2012 Preconditions (1) Basis for Grid- and Coordinate-based statistics Unique IDs: Addresses, Buildings, Dwellings, Holdings, Residents,... Address-, Buildings- and Dwellings-Register (A-BDR) Same IDs in associated registers and census results Statistical base-registers: e.g. Population Register, Business Register, Agricultural and Forestry Register, Register of educational attainment Census results Georeference (x,y-Coordinate) for each building Buildings- and Dwellings-Register (BDR) Link between these registers and census results to the BDR

5 slide 5 | September 13 th 2012 Preconditions (2) Linking various registers with the BDR Address- register (Estates) Municipalities Central Register of Residents Energy-Consultants DB: Energy- performance -certificates Census 2001 Census 2006 Census Results Census 2011 Link by building ID Population Register Education Register Agricultural & Forestry Reg. Various Registers Business Register (x,y) A (x,y) B A-BDR- online Buildings & Dwellings Register

6 slide 6 | September 13 th 2012 Provision of small area statistics Through the linkage of various data bases with the BDR an abundance of data is available on building level. For confidentiality reasons data cannot be passed on at building-level, but only in aggregated form. It is used for coordinate based Analysis and for the aggregation to grids. Providing data on the basis of statistical grids is a widespread and accepted solution and a valuable foundation for the market.

7 slide 7 | September 13 th 2012 Harmonised European grid system Geographical Grid Systems Grids are artificial spatial units; (generally) square Grids are the smallest spatial unit for disseminating statistics Defined by the geographical reference system in use – parallel to main meridian and latitude Former Austrian grid system

8 slide 8 | September 13 th 2012 Aggregation to Grids Data is assigned to the grids by the associated building coordinates (point-in-polygon) and summed up to give a total value for the grid cells. A hierarchy of grid sizes ensures that smaller grids sum up to larger ones.

9 slide 9 | September 13 th 2012 Municipalities versus Grids Population distribution and density 100 -500 > 500 Municipalities pop density/km² 10 - 100 101 - 200 > 200 500m grid population Zillertal, Tyrol Orthophoto: (c)

10 slide 10 | September 13 th 2012 Advantages of Grids / Grid based statistics Grids are independent of administrative boundaries and therefore allow a more objective delineation of areas. No boundary changes. Because of their small scale, spatial distributions can be more easily identified. Grids allow a neutral spatial comparison based on their uniform size and form. More meaningful results of analysis in cross boundary context. Grids can be used for automatic spatial analysis.

11 slide 11 | September 13 th 2012 Access to data in Austria Empty grids: Available data and general information on grid data: Data Provided: Censuses 2001, 2006, soon to come 2011 Annual data from statistical Registers 10km grid and free data for testing Condition: Customers have to decide on usage right (internal use, commercial use, resale) and sign order form and terms of use.

12 slide 12 | September 13 th 2012 Grids and Confidentiality Absolute numbers : disclosed without restriction Population (main and temporary residence), households, buildings, residential buildings, dwellings, local units and employees Individual characteristics: As of 2012: new methods: – base data is perturbed – thresholds apply; below threshold, data is suppressed – data packages, broad classes (e.g. age groups rather than single years) Thresholds Population data4 Building data3 Dwelling data3

13 slide 13 | September 13 th 2012 Total Population Grid centroid in protected landscape and within the flooding area of the Danube on weighted 1 – 50 51 – 100 101 – 277 Built up land Grassland & forests Area of Allotments Flood area Land use plan * Including secondary residents Population 125m grid (weighted centroid)

14 slide 14 | September 13 th 2012 Grid centroids within Catchment area of Bus stops Walking distance (250m) Catchment area (250m) of bus stops Displayed are bus lines with intervals of max. 30min Population 125m grid (weighted centroid) Source: pop census 2001 Built up land Grassland & forests Land use plan

15 slide 15 | September 13 th 2012 Scharnitz & Innsbruck share a common boundary: 17 km linear distance, but 32.8 km along road network passing through 7 municipalities Coordinate based analysis (1) STATISTICS AUSTRIA also uses the georeferenced databases during the statistical process: Delineation of localities Commuting distance And as service provider: veterinary information system

16 slide 16 | September 13 th 2012 GIS Application: Veterinary Information System Example: Occurrence of infectious disease at farm in the centre (e.g. Bird flu, bluetongue, Foot-and- Mouth Disease) To stop spreading, certain measures are set to farms nearby. Eg. farms within 1km must undergo screening. E.g. farms within 3km must keep the animals inside. Instrument for the animal epidemic monitoring and control. In the occasion of an epidemic the responsible veterinary doctors/ministries can limit the necessary measures to the farms which are considered endangered. Polygons can be altered considering elevation, traffic, nature,…

17 slide 17 | September 13 th 2012 Coordinate based analysis (2) STATISTICS AUSTRIA offers a customer‐service of aggregating data to customer‐defined polygons. Customers need very precise data  sometimes even the smallest grids do not answer all questions Customers only need an answer, but do not use GIS themselves.  Airport – no. of buildings / population in airport-noise-zones  Roads – no. of residents affected by noise ( zones defined by digital elevation model )  Pharmacies – supply area  flooding zones – number and type of buildings, number of residents affected…

18 slide 18 | September 13 th 2012 Grids or Coordinate based Analysis? Buildings potentially flooded in HQ100 and HQ200 resp. Building coord. Admin. boundary River 250m: No. of buildings Orthophoto: (c)

19 slide 19 | September 13 th 2012 European / INSPIRE grid based on ETRS89-LAEA 2012: Countries/Regions providing grid data* Austria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Kosovo, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland *Varying methods, grid systems and grid sizes Gridsize 50km

20 slide 20 | September 13 th 2012 EFGS – European Forum of Geostatics 1998 EFGS started as a voluntary cooperation between National Statistical Institutions (NSIs) in the Nordic countries, on use of geographic information systems (GIS) and statistics Today EFGS has national contact persons from over 30 European states and territories and overseas EFGS activities are mainly concentrated on the development of the best practices in the production of geostatistics in Europe EFGS aims at being a global forum and umbrella organization from conference in Brazil in 2014

21 slide 21 | September 13 th 2012 ESSNet – putting together expertise distributed throughout the ESS organisations in order to develop specific actions which would benefit the whole system Financed mainly through Eurostat, partly by participating NSIs At least 2 meetings/year, in between teleconferences EFGS Conferences 2012 Prague, 2013 Sofia GEOSTAT Ia: January 2010 – December 2011 GEOSTAT Ib: follow-up project Jan. 2012 – Dec. 2013 Census results will only be available by 2013. ESSNet Project GEOSTAT

22 slide 22 | September 13 th 2012 GEOSTAT – Objectives Objective: grid data for all of Europe (Census 2011) Develop guidelines for Datasets and Methods to provide the Census results 2010/2011 in a 1 km² grid. Harmonised Dataset – according to INSPIRE grid specification Supply necessary Infrastructure for the Dissemination of results. Spread the idea and provide assistance, to get further countries „on board“.

23 slide 23 | September 13 th 2012 GEOSTAT 1a: Europe-wide coverage of 1km gross population figures as of 2006 Some countries already offer a variety of datasets. GEOSTAT 1b: further variables: Population by age and sex number of buildings number of dwellings / households number of local units / work places number of employees… GEOSTAT: Data on the basis of grids

24 slide 24 | September 13 th 2012 Access to European data Homepage Harmonised empty grids for all countries (European LAEA-grid system) GEOSTAT 1km population grid (2006) Collected datasets of some national data Look up national contacts and contact them for national data

25 slide 25 | September 13 th 2012 GEOSTAT population grid 2006 Hybrid map combining: Aggregated: AT, DK, FI, NE, NO, SI, SE National Estimates: EE, FR, PL, PO, UK (E&W) Disaggregated: BE, CH, CZ, GE, GR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LI, LT, LUX, MT, RO, SL, UK (S&NI) : AIT using EEA‘s Degree of Soil Sealing ES: University of Valencia/IVIE & Polytechnic University of Valencia

26 slide 26 | September 13 th 2012 Please address queries to: Ingrid Kaminger Contact information: Guglgasse 13, 1110 Vienna phone: +43 (1) 71128-7773 fax: +43 (1) 7128622 Any questions? Thank you for your attention!

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