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Configuration Management. After completing this module you will be able to: Describe configuration management Explain the flow of configuration management.

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1 Configuration Management

2 After completing this module you will be able to: Describe configuration management Explain the flow of configuration management Describe the types of configurable items Explain the process of configuration control Explain base lining Describe configuration status, accounting and reporting. Describe the configuration audit types Module Objectives

3 Common Project Scenarios Let us take a look at the common scenarios observed during the projects. Scenario 1 Nishant was a worried man. All source codes that he had developed were working fine off-shore. But the onsite coordinator reporter that none of them were working fine. It seems that there were some problems in the version of the source code that the offshore was working on. In such cases, configuration management helps in version control by keeping records or updates.

4 Common Project Scenarios Let us take a look at the common scenarios observed during the projects. Scenario 2 Bugs that were fixed last month are reappearing. This is commonly observed if the version control is not proper Configuration management verifies that the client receives the latest version to avoid scenarios. Scenario 3 The latest source is required for making updates. This is possible only if all the records are maintained. Configuration management helps to keep the records in place

5 Let us take a look at the common scenarios observed during the projects. Scenario 4 Sunil wants to work on the programs that Anil was working on but he is unaware of the location of the files. Configuration management tracks the location of the files to provide access for multiple users. Scenario 5 A certain application was customized for the client. Now, the team needs to install the upgraded version. Configuration management helps to maintain the versions so that such up gradation is possible. Common Project Scenarios

6 Configuration Management Overview Software configuration management is the discipline of managing the evolution of complex software systems. The system may change anytime during the lifecycle and the desire to change may persist throughout the lifecycle. Software configuration management encompasses a discipline and the techniques of initiating, evaluating and controlling the change to software products during and after the development process. The types of changes occurring in the software lifecycle are  Requirement changes.  Design Changes  Environment changes CM Planning Change Management Delivery Management Configuration control CM Audit and Status Accounting Back up & Disaster Recovery

7 Objective of Configuration Management Let us take a look at the objectives of Configuration Management Configuration management addresses the issues such as: Latest version not available Tested program is not functioning Wrong version is tested There is no traceability between requirements, code components and so on. Defect fixed reappears Developers are working on the wrong piece of code Wrong versions are baselined There is no clue about the version that was delivered to the customer

8 Objective of Configuration Management Let us take a look at the configuration management process flow in Tech Mahindra Start Configuration Item Identification Configuration Manager Change Initiation Customer/Internal Ensure back-ups Configuration Manager Impact Analysis Project Manager Configuration Status Accounting Configuration Manager Configuration Control Configuration Manager Change Authorized? End Update Change Log Configuration Manager Baseline Control Configuration Manager Configuration Accounting Configuration Manager Release and Deployment Manager Configuration Register/Tool End

9 Configuration Management Planning The primary focus of the Software Configuration Management Planning (SCMP) is to identify and control major software challenges, ensure that the change is properly implemented and report these changes to the respective stakeholders. The objectives of SCMP is to limit the impact that the changes may have on the entire system. The SCMP includes: Roles and responsibilities of software configuration manager Configuration Items (CIs) identified for the project Identifying the Change Control Board (CCB) Change management process Procedures to be followed for configuration control, configuration status accounting and configuration auditing in the project Tools and resources of SCM activities

10 Selection of configurable items The term configuration items refers to the fundamental structural unit of a configuration management system. Managed and controlled documents and configurable items are the two types of configurable items Managed and controlled documents These include MoMs, review logs, quality reports, audit reports and so on. These documents are controlled by having restricted access to them. Configurable Items These include SRS, BRD,LDD, HDD, Project plan, CM plan and source code. To change these documents, change request needs to be raised. The general rules to identify the configurable items are To identify software Configurable items(SCIs) To define the naming convention of SCIs To identify resources for Software Configuration Management (SCM) Remember: All deliverables are configurable items, but all configurable items need not be deliverables

11 Configuration Control is used to control the release of the product and the changes made to it throughout the lifecycle. Baselines and version control help in managing the changes to the CIs in the configuration library. To have controls in place, one needs to ensure consistent software by creating a baseline product. The steps followed in the process of configuration control include The changes done in the latest version need to be maintained, which include change in the requirements, deflect fixation and environment changes. Changes in Software Configurable Items (SCI) can be made only when a request is raised, evaluated, approved, executed and recorded. Change request log, which is to be maintained for recording and tracking. Activities are to be recorded in the change request form. Configuration Control

12  Configuration Control includes  CM Tool and Repository (CMDB) location identification Library structure Access rights (for example: Secure IDs, NAS server, Code repository and so on) Physical access Logical access  Version control mechanism Documents Code (branching, merging and reconciliation) Hardware System software  Version numbering  Baselining Configuration Control

13 Process of Configuration Control Let us take a look at the process of configuration control. Remember: If a CM tool is used for maintaining the CI library reports from the tool are maintained in the CI register and baseline register. Else the excel based CI register must be maintained. Work Area Library Configuration Manager Team Check In Check Out Controlled Area Delivery/Release Process of Configuration Control

14 Library Structure an example Configuration Control Let us take a look at the library structure which is an example configuration control. Library Structure: An Example of Configurable Control Project Name Reference Documents R & D Documents GuidelinesCodeWorkingBaselinesDocumentsEngineering Project Management Important Mails

15 Baselining Configuration Manager establishes the configuration baselines at specific points. These are used as departure points for the formal control of configuration. The approval or authorized changes together constitute accurate configuration baseline. Baseline acts as a reference point. An item that has been formally reviewed and agreed upon, thereafter serves as the basis for the further development. It can be changed only through formal change control procedure. Baselining Concepts Baselining:  Is a concept for applying control on CIs  Serves as the basis for further developments/subsequent changes  Includes those items which are reviewed, approved and authorized  Acquires and stores all the CIs in libraries  Provides an unique identification for each baseline  Presents a snapshot of items at a milestone

16 In absence of CI tool, simplify the documentation (combine CI register and baselines) For example: 12 Nov 06 Service Management Plan Creation- Ver. 1.0 25 Nov 06 Service Catalogue Creation- Ver. 1.0 01 Dec 06 Application Support Guide Creation- Ver. 1.0 05 Dec 06 Oracle ver. 7.3.1 deployment 05 Dec 06 Application Release 1.0 deployment 09 Dec 06 Changes to Service Management Plan- Ver. 2.0 12 Dec 06 Oracle ver. 8.0.0 Migration 12 Dec 06 Application Release 2.0 deployment Initial Baseline 5 Dec Baseline 12 Dec Baseline Baselining: An example

17 CM status accounting and reporting tracks and reports the status of the project CIs as well as the related CM activities. Status of CIs is tracked using CI register. Let us take a look at the configuration status accounting and reporting. Configuration Status Accounting Configuration Status Reporting Configuration Status Accounting Configuration status accounting tracks and records the status of components and change requests, gathering statistics about changes in the product. The accounting report includes: Number of files affected by fixing a bug. List of approved SCIs. Status of proposed changes(accepted/rejected). Implementation status of approved changes. Tracking of number of defects for new release. Number of enhancements/fixes. Configuration Status Accounting and Reporting

18 Configuration Status Reporting In configuration status reporting, the reports are sent to the affected groups at regular intervals. These intervals are to be defined in the project plan. SCM reports includes: Change log for the project. SCI status (current status of all SCIs from the tool) Configuration management status report also includes the CI review decisions for formal review, changes completed or in-progress, decisions for release and so on. CM status accounting and reporting tracks and reports the status of the project CIs as well as the related CM activities. Status of CIs is tracked using CI register. Let us take a look at the configuration status accounting and reporting. Configuration Status Accounting and Reporting Configuration Status Accounting Configuration Status Reporting

19 The objective of configuration audits is to verify compliance of project’s CM activities with project’s CM plan and check if the product is in conformance with customer’s requirements. The frequency of configuration audits is defined in the project’s CM plan and audits are conducted accordingly. Configuration audit is conducted to: o Validate completeness of a product. o Maintain consistency among the components o Verify that the current version conforms to specific requirements o Verify whether the change requests have been implemented The objective of the configuration audit is achieved by analyzing. o Test reports o Review reports o Change logs Configuration Audit

20 Configuration Audit Type There are two methods of conducting the configuration audits. Let us take a look at these two methods in detail. Functional Configuration AuditPhysical Configuration Audit Documents Consistent Product as bill Requirement Traceability Matrix

21 Functional Configuration Audit (FCA) FCA is carried out to:  Verify that a configurable item’s actual functionality and performance agrees with it’s software requirements.  Verify the formal test documentation against test data.  Review all approved changes.  Ensure the incorporation of review points.  Verify the comparison of code with software requirements.  Ensure that all testing was accomplished with appropriate test documentation and approved test data.  Ensure that all configuration items meet the established performance criteria. There are two methods of conducting the configuration audits. Let us take a look at these two methods in detail. Configuration Audit Type Functional Configuration Audit Physical Configuration Audit Documents Consistent Product as bill Requirement Traceability Matrix

22 Physical Configuration Audit (PCA) PCA is carried out to:  Determine if the document SCIs represent the software that was coded and tested.  Verify the audit of FCA for discrepancies.  Review the code with standards for compliances.  Verify the completeness and conformance to systems and functional descriptions such as user manual,  Installation manual, design documents and so on.  Verify the system specification for completeness.  Compare the architectural design with the detailed design components for consistency. There are two methods of conducting the configuration audits. Let us take a look at these two methods in detail. Configuration Audit Type Functional Configuration Audit Physical Configuration Audit Documents Consistent Product as bill Requirement Traceability Matrix

23 Build and Release A build is the compilation of components to form the service, such as installation or the integration or the integration of a new piece of software with existing applications. The build is managed using the release note. Let us take a look at the contents of the release note. What went into it? Where it went? Why it went there? How to deal with it when bugs are reported?

24 The release note contains the details of the distribution of the application The release note contains the justification of why a specific customization of a particular bug fix or service pack might have been released. So distribution list with version needs to be maintained The release note contains the explanation of the workflow and problem reporting process. The release note gives the description of the number of features in the application Build and Release A build is the compilation of components to form the service, such as installation or the integration or the integration of a new piece of software with existing applications. The build is managed using the release note. Let us take a look at the contents of the release note.

25 The incorrect excuses for not carrying out CM are:  CM is applied only to source code.  CM is not applicable because of the use of the latest iterative, concurrent, rapid, spiral and evolutionary lifecycle model.  CM hinders people who take initiative for making a quick correction.  CM hinders creativity.  The change request form is not available because it is required by the customer.  The Customer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tools automatically carry out CM.  CM responsibility belongs to the customer.  CM is a clerical task that does not require much skill.  Design documents are not in CM because the supplier wants flexibility to change the design easily.  The supplier doesn’t track change history in data dictionary because the CASE tool has no provision to do it. Incorrect Justification for Configuration Management

26 Document name: Configuration Management Procedure Document Description The purpose of Configuration Management (CM) is to establish and maintain the integrity and traceability of the work products throughout the lifecycle of the project. This procedure details the processes required to ensure that the inevitable changes are managed successfully within an identifiable and controlled environment The procedure involves:  Identification of configurable items.  Controlling changes to the configuration items.  Version control.  Configuration status accounting, baselining and configuration audits. Document on BMS

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