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Border Disputes (Political Organization of Space).

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1 Border Disputes (Political Organization of Space)

2 Think-pair-share brainstorm: Why do people dispute borders and territory… why do they care where the border is drawn?

3 Case Studies we are talking about today:  India and Pakistan  Kashmir  Taiwan  Tibet and China As we go through the case studies today, be sure to locate and label the disputed area on your annotated map.

4 India and Pakistan Split  Read the article “India and Pakistan Split” on your own and fill in the 3-2-1 organizer on your handout. Be prepared to share.  Videos: History of India and Pakistan  Daily Border Closing:

5 The Fight over Kashmir  On your map, draw the border of the disputed region of Kashmir. Draw stripes and add to a map key.  Read the article. On your graphic organizer, write down the information requested for this article  Video: Kashmir Violence (BBC from 10/9/14)  m/watch?v=a9aXVrEz60 E m/watch?v=a9aXVrEz60 E

6 Taiwan and China On your map, draw a ? over the island of Taiwan When we are done, be able to explain why we drew the ? on the map Video (8 minutes): ch?v=MZqVv2wj6C4 ch?v=MZqVv2wj6C4 Read the Article about the China/Taiwan dispute and complete the questions on your handout.

7 China vs. Tibet  Chinese troops occupied Tibet in 1951 and China's Communist Party started running the territory. Tibetans were expected to convert to communism over time. The Chinese began to take land from the Buddhists (including temples and in Lhasa) Anger at these moves helped propel an uprising in 1959, after which the Dalai Lama fled to India to lead a government in exile. Communist Red Guards destroyed many temples. The use of the Tibetan language was outlawed.  Tibet is considered an “autonomous” region. “We own you, but you can have some cultural freedom.”  Why is Tibet so important to China?  Free Tibet (look at the infographic/stats on the home page:  Read the following article together. 14533879 14533879  Trailer for Seven Years in Tibet: Potala Palace in Lhasa

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