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KOREA Amanda, Sungjin, Cleo, Dylan. Map Social Structure Gender Roles:  Women generally had lower statuses in Korea than in Japan. Family:  Aristocratic.

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Presentation on theme: "KOREA Amanda, Sungjin, Cleo, Dylan. Map Social Structure Gender Roles:  Women generally had lower statuses in Korea than in Japan. Family:  Aristocratic."— Presentation transcript:

1 KOREA Amanda, Sungjin, Cleo, Dylan

2 Map

3 Social Structure Gender Roles:  Women generally had lower statuses in Korea than in Japan. Family:  Aristocratic families were divided into several ranks that neither intermarried nor socialized with each other  Aristocratic families dominated the social & economic life of the entire kingdom Racial Constructions:  Since China is considerably larger than Korea, Koreans are mainly of one ethnic stock whereas Chinese are of a multiplicity of ethnic groups.  This means that Koreans are rather homogeneous in their looks and genes, whereas Chinese are much more ethnically diverse and their looks can vary widely (Chinese in the north are more fair-skinned while Chinese in the south are more dark-skinned). Social/Economic Classes:  Elites did not intermarry or socialize outside of their classes  Artisans and traders were considered low in status (did not form a distinct class)  Commoners were equal to peasants  The “low born” class ranged from miners to artisans to servants and entertainers

4 Political Structure Political Structures & Form of Governance:  Bureaucracy  Most positions in the government continued to be occupied by members of the aristocratic families by virtue of their birth & family connections rather than their knowledge Confucian class. Empires:  Choson Kingdom – The earliest Korean kingdom, in 109 B.C.E., which was conquered by the Han emperor Wudi.  Koguryo Kingdom – An established independent state in northern Korea that resisted Chinese rule.  Silla Kingdom, Paekche Kingdom, & Koryo Dynasty – Groups that ruled from 668 until the late 9 th century.  Yi Dynasty – A dynasty established after Mongol conflict, in 1392.

5 Political Structure Nations & Nationalism:  There was no nationalism in Korea because of the division of the independent states (Koguryo, Silla, & Paekche). Revolts & Revolutions:  The common people found their lot too much to bear and rose up against a ruling class.  Most of the uprisings were local affairs & were ruthlessly repressed by armies of the ruling class resulting in the collapse of the Koryo & Silla Kingdoms. Global Structures & Organizations:  Sinification – the extensive adoption of Chinese culture in Korea.

6 Interactions Demography:  The Tribute System (A system in which defeated peoples were forced to pay a tax in the form of goods and labor), caused the development of cites & a large, permanent increase in population. Migration/Patterns of Settlement:  Descended from the hunting/herding of eastern Siberia & Manchuria into the Korean peninsula. Technology:  Advancements in navigation, warfare, & ship building.

7 Cultural/Intellectual Advancements Religions:  Most Koreans were Buddhists. Belief Systems:  Korea was heavily influenced by China because they were open to new ideas. Science/Technology:  There were Confucian exams based on Chinese models.  Korean scholars traveled to China, and a few went to India.  Unified bureaucracy law code and universities Art/Architecture:  Korea had many new ideas like using honey as glue for art, and making pale, green, glazed celadon.  Art, modeled Chinese pottery, architecture (temple, pagodas), and printmaking.

8 Economic Achievements Agricultural Production:  People that moved into the Korean peninsula had begun to acquire sedentary farming and metalworking techniques Trade:  Dominated trade with China and Japan  Tribute system between Korea and China became major channel of trade  Traded raw materials such as, forest products and other materials like copper Labor Systems:  Sharecroppers  Indentured labor  Urban working class  Foreign merchants Industrialization:  Tribute system with Vietnam, Korea, Tibet and Central Asian tribes promoted industrialization Capitalism:  Because of the division of kingdoms, capitalism was demonstrated in Korea

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