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Vocabulary List 1 Find and define the following terms in your book (pgs ): ●Boomtown ●Vigilance Committee ●Bust (p 75) ●Open Range ●Barrios ●Homestead.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary List 1 Find and define the following terms in your book (pgs ): ●Boomtown ●Vigilance Committee ●Bust (p 75) ●Open Range ●Barrios ●Homestead."— Presentation transcript:


2 Vocabulary List 1 Find and define the following terms in your book (pgs 74 - 82): ●Boomtown ●Vigilance Committee ●Bust (p 75) ●Open Range ●Barrios ●Homestead ●Great Plains (p 80) ●Dry Farming ●Sodbusters ●Bonanza Farms ●Innovation ●Mortgage (p 82)

3 Settling in the West 1862 - 1890 America’s first “get-rich-quick” scheme

4 I. Background Information ●A) Manifest Destiny: ○God given right to go west ○“From Sea to Shining Sea”

5 I. Background (Cont…) ●B) Louisiana Purchase ○1803 - Thomas Jefferson doubles size of the US for $15 million. ○Napoleon trying to fund war vs. England ●C) Lewis & Clark Expedition = Explored it

6 I. Background (Cont…) ●D) Texas Annexation - 1845 ○Leads to Mexican-American War 1846-1848 (1st war on foreign soil) ○US wins war, takes SW Territory for $15 million ●E) Oregon Treaty -with britian

7 II. Motivations ●A) Gold, Silver, Copper & Lead ○Boomtowns - towns that would grow from 300 to 30,000 people overnight ○Gold Rush of 1849 in San Francisco

8 II. Motivations (Cont..) ●B) Free Land ○***Homestead Act (1862) = 160 Acres to any family. ○60,000 families took advantage ○What is an acre? ○Roughly of a Football field. ●C) Transcontinental Railroad ○Funded by the US government ○Blew up mountains ○More efficient travel west ○Land Grants - Gov gives land to company so that it builds rail road ○25,000 Chinese immigrants built railroad tracks. ●D) Spectulators - Rich people who buy up land to make more $$$ later

9 II. Motivations (Cont..) ●D) Farming & Ranching ○Civil War --> demanded food for Union army + huge NE Cities ○Farm Bonanza - 4.5 million people moved West to make $$$ ○Cattle Ranchers - provided beef / milk to the Eastern US. 5 million cow/bulls roamed the west.(Think Cowyboys)

10 III. Life in the West ●A) Great Plains - Area between Mississippi River & Rocky Mountains ○Sod Houses - houses made of mud. No trees here. ○New inventions for massive scale farming: ■Barbed Wire - farmers could now distinguish property and protect their land ■Farming inventions: The Plow, Harrow, Seed Drill, Thresher ○Bonanza Farms - huge farms up to 60,000 acres big. Large profits by using the inventions. ●B) Farmers vs. Ranchers ○Open Range - Large area of grassland nobody owned ○Barbed Wire + increasing number of farmers =... ○...Range Wars! Cowboys vs. Farmers in western style shoot outs

11 III. Life in the West Sod Houses:

12 IV. Consequences ●A) Hardships ○Droughts ○Raids by Native Americans ●B) Inclusion - Making room for: ○100,000 Spanish Mexicans ○150,000 Native Americans ○Seen as inferior

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