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Sudden Illness. Recognizing Sudden Illness  Determining how to help a victim with a sudden illness can be challenging  Often occur with out warning.

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Presentation on theme: "Sudden Illness. Recognizing Sudden Illness  Determining how to help a victim with a sudden illness can be challenging  Often occur with out warning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sudden Illness

2 Recognizing Sudden Illness  Determining how to help a victim with a sudden illness can be challenging  Often occur with out warning  Fainting  Seizure  Stroke  Diabetic Emergency  Allergic Reaction  Poising  Fever  Have common signs and symptoms  Dizziness or unconsciousness  Trouble breathing  Signals of a heart attack  Chest Pain  Discomfort or pressure spreading to the shoulders, arm, neck, jaw, stomach or back  Signals of a stoke  Sudden weakness on one side of the body  Sudden trouble speaking  Loss of Vision/blurred vision  Signals of Shock  Ashen skin  Rapid Breathing  Sweating  Persistent abdominal pain or pressure  Vomiting  Diarrhea  Seizures

3 Caring for Sudden Illness  Monitor breathing and consciousness  Keep victim from getting to hot or cold  Ensure victim is resting comfortably  Re-assure victim  Call 911  Unconsciousness/ altered level of consciousness (AVPU)  Troubles breathing /no breathing  Signals of heart attack  Persistent abdominal pain or pressure  Sever external bleeding  Vomiting blood or passing blood  Sever burns  Suspected poisoning  Seizures  Stroke  Head, neck or back  Painful deformed areas  Open fracture

4 Seizures  Result of abnormal electrical activity in brain  Causes temporary involuntary changes  Signs and Symptoms  Blank stare  Distorted sensation  Uncontrollable muscular contractions  v=CDccChHrgRA  Call 911  Last more than 5 min  Person fails to regain consciousness  Multiple seizures  Person is pregnant  Person is an infant-febrile seizure  Seizure occurs in water  Cause is unknown, no history of seizures  Person has diabetes  Person is elderly and could have had a stoke  Caring for Seizures  Remove near by objects  Protect the victims airway  Allow seizure to run its course  Do not place objects in victims mouth  Call 911 if appropriate

5 Fever and Febrile Seizures  Occurs when body temperature is over 100.4 ° F  Signs and Symptoms  Skin hot to touch  Chills and body aches  Trouble sleeping  Lack of appetite  Children  Being fussy and crying  Becoming listless  Rapid breathing

6 Fever and Febrile Seizures  Febrile Seizures  Temperature over 103 ° F  Lasts less then 5 minutes  Not usually life threatening  Sudden rise in body temperature  Change in consciousness  Rhythmic jerking of head and limbs  Confusion  Drowsiness  Crying out  Becoming rigid  Holding their breathing  Upward rolling of eyes  Call 911  Signals of life-threatening condition  Unconsciousness  No breathing  First seizure  Last more than 5 min. followed by a quick rise in temperature  Infants under 3 months, or 2 years with a fever >100° F requires evaluation by doctor  Caring for Fever and Febrile Seizures in Infants  Ensure they are comfortable  Encourage rest  Have them drink clear fluids  Slowly cool down  Do not give aspirin –ryies syndrome

7 Stroke  Stroke-Brain attack  Blood flow is blocked from reaching a part of the brain  Can cause permanent damage  Victims need immediate medical care  Signs and Symptoms  Experiencing weakness or numbness in the face, arms or legs  Sever unexplained headache  Facial droop or drooling  Difficult speaking or comprehending  Vision lost in one or both eyes  Dizziness, confusion or any change in mental status  Loss of balance or coordination  Trouble walking  Incontinences  Caring for a Stroke  follow FAST  F-Face  A-Arm  S-Speech  T-Time  Call 911  Care for any conditions until EMS arrive  Do not give them anything to eat or drink  v=ryIGnzodxDs

8 Allergic Reactions  Allergic reactions are often mild  May become sever as time passes  People are often allergic to:  Various foods  Nuts  Shellfish  Eggs  Insect bits  Bees or wasps  Medications  Penicillin  Materials  Latex  Animals, plants etc.  Signs and Symptoms  Mild  Stuffy nose  Itching around eyes  Itching of the skin  Hives  Severe  Trouble breathing  Swelling of the tongue and face  Signs of Shock  Providing Care  Call 911 if reaction is severe  Assist victim with epinephrine pen if available  Monitor the victim for life- threatening conditions

9 Shock  Life threatening condition that occurs when the body is can not meet the demands for oxygen or blood supply  Organs can begin to shut down and can cause death  8 types of shock  Cardiogenic- heart stops pumping due to heart disease  Hypovolemic- sever fluid loss  Anaphylactic-sever allergic reaction  Septic-sever bacterial infection  Psychogenic- anxiety, fears, altered adaptation in traumatic experience  Neurogenic-  spinal fracture or dislocation  Vasovagal syncope  Metabolic-loss of body fluids  Respiratory-airway obstruction and hyperventilation  Signs and Symptoms  Early  Apprehensive  Rapid breathing  Low body temperature  Cold, ashen and pale skin  Increase in pulse  Later  Listless, confused, unable to speak  Even lower body temperature  Colder, paler, and clammy skin  Pulse is rapid, weak, and irregular  Call 911 immediately  Providing Care  Call 911  Have person lay down  Control any breathing  Maintain normal body temp  Reassure person until EMS arrive  Do not give them anything to eat or drink

10 Diabetic Emergencies  Those with diabetes can become suddenly ill due to  Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia)  High blood sugar (hyperglycemia)  Signs and Symptoms  Tired  Extreme weakness  Irritable of confrontational  Pale or clammy skin  Trouble walking or loss of balance  Confused or disoriented  Providing Care  Give sugar  Glucose tablets or paste  Fruit juice  Non-diet soft drink  Sugar dissolved in water  Call 911  Victim becomes unconscious  Victim can not swallow  Victim does not feel better with in 5 minutes  You are unable to find a source of sugar

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