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Physical Development in Infancy Lecture Prepared by Dr. M. Sawhney.

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Presentation on theme: "Physical Development in Infancy Lecture Prepared by Dr. M. Sawhney."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical Development in Infancy Lecture Prepared by Dr. M. Sawhney

2 Physical Growth Patterns Cephalocaudal pattern Proximodistal pattern Height & Weight Growth

3 Brain’s Four Lobes Frontal Lobe Parietal Lobe Occipital Lobe Temporal Lobe Brain Lateralization

4 Brain Development: Neuron Dendrites: of neuron that receives inputs from other neurons Axon: part of neuron that transmits electrical signals to other neurons Synapses: point where connections between neurons are made UGuWh2UeMk

5 Myelination It is growth of the myelin around the axons.

6 Blooming and Pruning Blooming is when neurons form connection with other neurons Pruning: connections that are unused wither away

7 Synaptic Density

8 The Neuroconstructivist View Biological processes and environmental conditions influence the brain’s development Brain has plasticity and is context dependent om/watch?v=i9JPkUE2 IJw om/watch?v=i9JPkUE2 IJw

9 Sleep Newborns sleep approximately 18hrs a day Cultural variations influence sleep patterns 50 percent of the time is spent in rapid eye movement sleep

10 Sudden Infant Death Syndrome 90 percent of SIDS death occur between 2-4 months Seen more often in premature and low birth weight babies Causes: Low birth weight Sleeping on stomach Co-sleeping Soft bedding

11 Nutrition Nutrition: Infants should consume 50calories per day for each pound they weigh Malnutrition in infancy: Marasmus Kwashioror

12 Motor Development Dynamic Systems View Motor skills are a result of solutions to complex systems of actions Each skill is acquired through: Central nervous system Body’s physical properties Child’s goals Environmental support for the skill

13 Motor Development Reflexes Sucking reflex Rooting reflex Moro reflex Grasping reflex

14 Gross Motor Skills Is Gross motor development genetic or environmental

15 Fine Motor Skills Reaching Grasping Palmer grasp Pincer grasp

16 Sensory & Perceptual Development Sensation Perception Visual Perception: Newborn can focus till 20ft Color vision

17 Depth Perception Visual Cliff Experiment atch?v=1VPaBcT1KdY

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