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Mental Illness Chapter 15. Anxiety Disorder A mental illness characterized by extreme or unrealistic worries about daily events, experiences, or objects.

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Presentation on theme: "Mental Illness Chapter 15. Anxiety Disorder A mental illness characterized by extreme or unrealistic worries about daily events, experiences, or objects."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mental Illness Chapter 15

2 Anxiety Disorder A mental illness characterized by extreme or unrealistic worries about daily events, experiences, or objects. Almost everyone experiences anxiety in some situations.

3 Anxiety Disorder Panic Disorder Generalized Anxiety Disorder Phobias Obsessive-Compulsive disorder Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

4 Anxiety Disorder Physical signs such as: chest pain, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, nausea, muscle aches and pains Feeling on edge, confusion or anger Unrealistic or excessive fear and worry Increased alcohol and other drugs Types of this disorder are: generalized, panic, phobic, posttraumatic stress, OCD

5 Anxiety Disorder PHYSIOLOGICALPHYSICAL TensionFear of going crazy TremblingMuscle Tension WorryFear of dyingSweatingNausea PanicFear of losing control Heart poundingBreathlessness Feelings of not in reality Light headednessNumbness DizzinessStomach pains Disruptive to work, family, or social life

6 Depression A mental illness characterized by intense and ongoing negative feelings such as hopelessness, sadness, or loneliness that lasts for 2 or more weeks. Also known as clinical depression

7 Depression Loss of enjoyment and interest in activities that they previously enjoyed Lack of energy and feeling tired Sleeping too much or difficulties sleeping Feeling of worthlessness or guilt when they haven’t done anything wrong Fail to engage in classroom discussions or lack of communication Decline in school grades Use of alcohol or other drugs to deal with emotions

8 Bipolar A mental illness characterized by intense periods of depression closely followed by extreme positive, or manic feelings.

9 Bipolar Extreme mood swings Manic highs and depressive lows Irritability during “mixed mania” Rapid thinking and speech

10 Eating Disorders A mental illness characterized by a serious disturbance in a person’s eating behavior.

11 Eating Disorder Anorexia Nervosa Bulimia Nervosa Binge-eating Disorder

12 Eating Disorder Avoiding social situations where food is there Distorted body image Preoccupied with exercise Sensitively to comments about exercise, food, body shape, or weight

13 Psychosis-Schizophrenia A mental illness characterized by delusions, hallucinations, and irregular thought patterns.

14 Psychosis-Schizophrenia Types: schizophrenia, substance induced psychosis, psychotic depression Expressing strange ideas, sudden outbursts, becoming secretive Have inappropriate or no reactions to others Appear suspicious or accuse friends of acting against them

15 ADD - ADHD Attention deficit disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are the most commonly diagnosed mental disorders in children and adolescents. Symptoms include… Hard time concentrating on school work but does well with video games or instant rewards Interrupt or intrude on others, in constant motion Do not finish tasks and have trouble concentrating

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