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MODULE 2: Signals / Rhett Board SUMMER CHALLENGE Electrical Engineering: Smart Lighting Michael Rahaim, PhD Candidate Multimedia Communications Lab Smart.

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Presentation on theme: "MODULE 2: Signals / Rhett Board SUMMER CHALLENGE Electrical Engineering: Smart Lighting Michael Rahaim, PhD Candidate Multimedia Communications Lab Smart."— Presentation transcript:

1 MODULE 2: Signals / Rhett Board SUMMER CHALLENGE Electrical Engineering: Smart Lighting Michael Rahaim, PhD Candidate Multimedia Communications Lab Smart Lighting Engineering Research Center Boston University

2 Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here Module 2: Signals / The Rhett Board Overview  Smart Lighting Kit  Voltage and Current  What is a signal?  Generating & observing signals  The Rhett Board and Mobile Studio  Experiments  Time Domain - Digital Signals  Time Domain - Analog Signals  Frequency Domain 2 07/08/2014

3 Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here Module 2: Signals / The Rhett Board Teams  Team 1: Konstantinos & Alexis  Team 2: Andrea & Aris  Team 3: Jaun Pablo & Arjun & Ignacio  Team 4: Christy & Alexandra  Team 5: Kaileigh & Elena  Team 6: Nithin & Simon  Team 7: Adam & Andrew  Team 8: Greg & Iraj  Team 9: Jeff & Eric  Team 10: Kento & Chandler 3 07/08/2014

4 Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here Module 2: Signals / The Rhett Board Smart Lighting Kit 4 Course website: Mobile Studio Project: Smart Lighting Lab kit contents: 2 Rhett Boards 2 USB to micro-USB cables 2 Breadboards 2 Wiring kits 2 Alligator Clips Resistors and capacitors Red, green and white LEDs Photodiode(PD) Operational amplifier (Op-Amp) Exclusive-OR (XOR) gate Lens Flashlight Tape measure Protractor Speaker Headphones Transceiver printed circuit board (PCB) o Board Components o 2 USB to serial cables (FTDI) 07/08/2014

5 Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here Module 2: Signals / The Rhett Board Static Electricity  Atoms vs Ions  Atoms consist of neutrons, protons, and electrons  Neutrons are neutral, protons are positive, electrons are negative  Ions are electrically charged atoms (more or less electrons than protons!)  Charge  Measure of the difference in protons and electrons  Typically measured in Coulombs [C]  Charge causes objects to experience an attractive or repulsive force 5 07/08/2014 P P P P P N P N N N NN e e e e e e P P P P P N P N N N NN e e e e e

6 Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here Module 2: Signals / The Rhett Board  Insulators and Conductors  Electrons in insulators have little freedom to move  Electrons in conductors easily move from atom to atom  Insulators: Rubber, Cotton, Wood, etc.  Conductors: Silver, Copper, aluminum, etc.  Electric Current  Electric force tends to disperse charge if possible  Current is the rate of flow of charge (opposite the flow of electrons)  Current is measured in Amperes [A] or [C/s] “Dynamic” Electricity 6 07/08/2014

7 Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here Module 2: Signals / The Rhett Board Circuits  Continuous flow requires an “infinite” source of electrons  What is another “circuit” you’ve heard of? 7 07/08/2014 Source Sink Source Sink What is flow rate of marbles in this scenario? What is missing?

8 Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here Module 2: Signals / The Rhett Board Voltage  Another Analogy: Water Slide  Pump moves water back to the top  Pumping water to the top requires energy  This increases the Potential Energy of the water  As water flows down the slide, it releases stored energy  Water at the top of higher slides has more PE relative to ground  Relation to electric circuits  Batteries act as the “pump” in an electric circuit  Electric Potential, or Voltage [V], is the Electric PE per unit charge 8 07/08/2014 Electrons flow from the negative terminal to the positive terminal Buildup of charge at the battery terminal forces electrons to move through the circuit

9 Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here Module 2: Signals / The Rhett Board Voltage 07/08/2014 9  Differential  Potential energy is related to the “drop” from one level to another  Voltage is the electric potential difference between two points  Ground  In the water slide analogy, the ground can be a common reference  Similarly, electrical “ground” can be a common reference  Ground isn’t always exactly the same across devices!  Polarity  Some devices only allow current to flow in one direction  LEDs are polarized components.

10 Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here Module 2: Signals / The Rhett Board Signal Generator Signal Measurement System Signal Analysis  What is “Time Domain”  Types of Signals  As EE’s, we want to convert to ELECTRICAL signals!  Digital vs Analog (Discrete vs Continuous)  Input vs Output 10 07/08/2014 Output Input

11 Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here Module 2: Signals / The Rhett Board Signal Analysis  Waveform  Signals repeated indefinitely  Amplitude  Instantaneous vs Average  Period and Frequency  Period: Duration of repeating component of the signal [s]  Frequency: Number of repetitions per second [Hz]  Phase  Ranges from 0 to 360 degrees  Single Ended (SE) vs Differential (DIF)  SE: Voltage difference between a point and “ground”  DIF: Voltage difference between point A and point B  AC vs DC coupling 11 07/08/2014 t … period Phase Shift Amplitude

12 Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here Module 2: Signals / The Rhett Board Digital Signal  Discrete level signals  Consider 2-level (binary) signals that are “on” or “off”  How many states do a car’s tail lights have?  Variations in time send information!  Pulse Width and Duty Cycle 12 07/08/2014 Pulse Width t period Amplitude Pulse Width t period Amplitude Duty Cycle: 50%Duty Cycle: 25%

13 Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here Module 2: Signals / The Rhett Board Signal Generation / Observation 13 07/08/2014 Function GeneratorOscilloscope

14 Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here Module 2: Signals / The Rhett Board Rhett Board Pinout 14 Digital I/O 1 - 16 : Digital Input/Output Pins PWM1 : Pulse Width Modulation, Channel 1 PWM2 : Pulse Width Modulation, Channel 2 3.3V : +3.3V DC DGND : Digital ground Horizontal Connector (left to right) 07/08/2014

15 Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here Module 2: Signals / The Rhett Board Experiment I  Mobile Studio Introduction  Digital I/O  Function Generator  Oscilloscope 15 07/08/2014

16 Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here Module 2: Signals / The Rhett Board Analog Signals 16 07/08/2014

17 Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here Module 2: Signals / The Rhett Board Analog Signals 17 07/08/2014

18 Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here Module 2: Signals / The Rhett Board Rhett Board Pinout 18 -V: -4V DC (capable of providing ~ 50mA) +V: +4V DC (capable of providing ~ 50mA) Impedance Analyzer (not released) GND : Analog ground Speaker - : Audio Out Speaker + : Audio Out GND : Analog ground Phones R : Audio, Out Right Channel Phones L : Audio, Out Left Channel GND : Analog ground AWG2 : Arbitrary Waveform Generator, Channel 2 GND : Analog ground AWG1 : Arbitrary Waveform Generator, Channel 1 A2- : Analog, Channel 2 Input GND : analog ground A2+ : Analog, Channel 2 Input A1- : Analog, Channel 1 Input GND : Analog ground A1+ : Analog, Channel 1 Input Vertical Connector (top to bottom) 07/08/2014

19 Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here Module 2: Signals / The Rhett Board Experiment II  Mobile Studio – Analog Signal Generation  Oscilloscope for reading input 19 07/08/2014

20 Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here Module 2: Signals / The Rhett Board Frequency Domain Analysis  Sine waves generate a “pure” frequency  Time domain signals have a frequency domain representation and can be generated with a combination of sine waves  Harmonics are integer multiples of a signals fundamental frequency 20 07/08/2014

21 Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here Module 2: Signals / The Rhett Board Experiment III  Spectrum Analyzer  Arbitrary Waveform Generator (AWG)  Function generator output is a subset of potential AWG signals! 21 07/08/2014

22 Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here Module 2: Signals / The Rhett Board Recap  References:    What did you today? 22 07/08/2014

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